Dreyfuss WIns One
Apr 10, '15
With a flop of 10
and Jim Carroll checked. Rob Dreyfuss bet 7,500 from the button and Carroll made the call.
The 7
hit the turn and Carroll bet out 10,000.
Dreyfuss made it 30,000 to go and Carroll made the call.
The 9
completed the board and both players checked.
Dreyfuss flipped up the K
and it was good enough to win him the pot.
Player Tags: Robert Dreyfuss
Zachary Hammons Eliminated in 15th Place ($7,986)
Apr 12, '15
Robert Dreyfuss raised to 80,000 from middle position and Zachary Hammons moved all in from the cutoff for 290,000. Dreyfuss called and was in the lead with his 10
against Hammons’ 6
The board ran out A
and Dreyfuss chipped up to 1.2 million while Hammons headed off to collect his prize money.
Player Tags: Robert Dreyfuss
Final Two Tables
Apr 12, '15
Here is a look at the seating arrangements and chip counts for the final two tables.
Table 1
Seat 1: Austin Lewis – 1,600,000
Seat 2: Andrew Watson – 725,000
Seat 3: Herb Montalbano – 221,000
Seat 4: Lynn Samples – 330,000
Seat 5: Orlando Romero – 205,000
Seat 6: Chan Pelton – 2,100,000
Seat 7: Miguel Hernandez – 265,000
Seat 8: Mark Threadgill – 233,000
Seat 9: Fadi Massaad – 710,000
Table 2
Seat 1: Brant Hale – 850,000
Seat 2: Andrew Youngblood – 335,000
Seat 3: Master Lynch – 1,275,000
Seat 4: Abraham Araya – 220,000
Seat 5: Gary Luther – 1,000,000
Seat 6: Jonathan Bloyen – 221,000
Seat 7: Robert Dreyfuss – 875,000
Seat 8: Paul Phillips – 346,000
Seat 9: Zachary Hammons – 610,000
Player Tags: Robert Dreyfuss, Gary Luther
Robert Dreyfuss Flushes Daniel Hughes
Apr 12, '15
On a flop of K
, Robert Dreyfuss led out for 75,000 out of the small blind and Daniel Hughes moved all in out of the big blind. Dreyfuss went into the tank for a minute before calling off his 386,000 chip stack.
Hughes showed 9
, for bottom set and Dreyfuss had lots of outs with his J
, giving him an open-ended straight draw and a flush draw. The turn was the 2
and Dreyfuss took the lead. Hughes needed the board to pair on the river, but the dealer ripped off the 3
on the river to leave Hughes with 20,000 chips.
Dreyfuss doubled up to almost 900,000 and moved into the upper echelon of the chip counts. Hughes was eliminated on the next hand when his 5
couldn’t overcome Matt Newcombe’s 6
Player Tags: Robert Dreyfuss, Matt Newcombe