Level 25 Update: Kaufman 7th ($65,377); Final Six on Dinner Break
May 30, '12
Level: 25
Blinds: 15,000-30,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 6 out of 2,101
Average Chip Count: 1,575,750
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 1 — Vanessa Selbst — 2,045,000
Seat no. 2 — Brent Hanks — 2,470,000
Seat no. 4 — Andrew Badecker — 1,360,000
Seat no. 5 — Abdyl Konjuhi — 455,000
Seat no. 6 — Ryan Schmidt — 1,080,000
Seat no. 7 — Jacob Bazely — 2,030,000
Players Eliminated:
Michael Kaufman — 7th Place ($65,377)
Live Updates:
Michael Kaufman Eliminated in 7th Place ($65,377)

Michael Kaufman
Michael Kaufman opened the pot for 65,000 from the cutoff, Vanessa Selbst reraised the button, Kaufman four-bet shoved and Selbst called. Selbst had Kaufman covered and he was all in for his tournament life.
Kaufman led before the flop with 10
against Selbst’s A
The board came A
, giving Kaufman middle set on the flop, but Selbst went runner-runner straight to win the pot and eliminate Michael Kaufman in 7th place ($65,377). Selbst broke the two million mark this hand, taking the chip lead for the first time tonight.
Six Remain Through Dinner; Selbst Battles For the Lead

Vanessa Selbst
Michael Kaufman (7th – $65,377) was the only casualty of the level as the remaining six players head to dinner. Vanessa Selbst took the chip lead after eliminating Kaufman early in the level, but lost a nearly 1.5 million chip pot to Brent Hanks after turning the nut straight against Hank’s rivered full house. Hanks took the chip lead for himself that hand with nearly 2.5 million.
Selbst quickly bounced back after winning a 600,000 pot after five-bet shoving over the top of Andrew Badecker. Badecker found a fold and Selbst climbed back up to roughly 1,750,000. Shortly after, she took more than a quarter million chips back from Brent Hanks after winning a 500,000 pot with king high. Selbst open-raised with K
and flopped a flush draw. Selbst called a raise on the flop and it was checked to the river. Both players missed, but Selbst’s king high was good enough to take the pot and put her back over 2 million to end the level in second place.
The remaining six players took a one hour dinner break at the conclusion of Level 25 and will return at approximately 7:00pm local time to resume play.
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: Vanessa Selbst, Brent Hanks, Michael Kaufman
Action Begins, Official Final Table Now Underway
May 30, '12
The final table of Event no. 2 (No-Limit Hold’em – $1,500) is now underway, and Card Player will be posting level-by-level updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
With the elimination of Kennii Nguyen in 10th Place ($29,932), the official, nine-handed final table is now set. Play will begin in Level 23 with blinds of 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante, and will continue until a winner is determined.
With cards now back in the air, here is a look at the final table and how these players match up:
Seat no. 1 — Vanessa Selbst — 1,327,000
Seat no. 2 — Brent Hanks — 1,558,000
Seat no. 3 — J.P. Kelly — 610,000
Seat no. 4 — Andrew Badecker — 1,153,000
Seat no. 5 — Abdyl Konjuhi — 388,000
Seat no. 6 — Ryan Schmidt — 1,200,000
Seat no. 7 — Jacob Bazeley — 1,960,000
Seat no. 8 — Richard Park — 383,000
Seat no. 9 — Michael Kaufman — 437,000
While only 9 remain, this event gathered 2,101 players, creating a total prize pool of $2,836,350. Here is a look at the final payouts:
1st Place — $517,725
2nd Place — $322,294
3rd Place — $224,029
4th Place — $161,345
5th Place — $117,921
6th Place — $87,231
7th Place — $65,377
8th Place — $49,621
9th Place — $38,106
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: Vanessa Selbst, Richard Park, Brent Hanks, Ryan Schmidt, J.P. Kelly, Jacob Bazeley, Andrew Badecker, Michael Kaufman