Suer Finishes Massman Off
Oct 14, '17
Bobby Suer was once again all-in blind, and Alex Massman called him a second time. Suer had shoved for 8,400. He turned out to have the 8
for two live cards against Massman’s A
The board ran out 7
and Suer paired his six to secure the pot, sending Massman to the rail.
Incredibly, Massman re-entered the event and drew the exact same seat just a few minutes later.
Player Tags: Bobby Suer, Alex Massman
Bobby Suer Doubles Blind
Oct 14, '17
A player limped in from under the gun and Alex Massman raised behind him to 1,600. Bobby Suer then moved all-in for his last 4,825, telling the table he didn’t look at his cards.
The big blind was tempted, but ultimately folded. The original limper then took his time, alternating stares at Massman and Suer before letting his hand go. Massman quickly called, and turned over K
True to his word, Suer showed turned over two random cards in the 8
and the 2
The board rolled out 6
and Suer made a straight on the river to double up.
Although he’s now got over 35 big blinds, Suer is still looking to double up or re-enter, threatening the table to move in blind once again.
Player Tags: Bobby Suer, Alex Massman
Nika Futterman Crippled By Alex Massman
Oct 17, '17
With the deadline to re-enter rapidly approaching, Alex Massman moved all-in from the cutoff for his last 62,200, and Nika Futterman moved in behind him on the button.
The blinds folded and the two players revealed a race situation with Massman holding pocket sixes and Futterman holding A
Futterman was looking good to secure the pot as the board rolled out A
, but the 6
on the river saw the pot go to Massman. Futterman was left crippled with just 6,000 or so.
Player Tags: Nika Futterman, Alex Massman