Level 24 Update: Brian Brubaker Eliminated in 3rd Place
Jul 05, '13
Level: 24
Limits: 25,000-50,000
Players Remaining: 2 out of 282
Average Chip Count: 1,057,500
Chip Counts:
Seat 1: Daniel Negreanu – 1,270,000
Seat 3: Eli Elezra – 831,000
Players Eliminated
3rd: Brian Brubaker – $70,743
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Brian Brubaker
Brian Brubaker Eliminated in Third Place ($70,743)
Brian Brubaker raised and Daniel Negreanu reraised. Brubaker reraised and Negreanu called. Brubaker drew one and Negreanu took two. Brubaker bet, Negreanu raised, and Brubaker reraised all in. Negreanu called and both players drew one card. On the final draw they each drew one card again.
Brubaker settled with an unfortunate 5-4-3-2-2 and Negreanu won the hand with a 7-6-5-3-2. Brubaker was eliminated in third place and Negreanu won the hand to grow his stack to 1.27 million in advance of the heads-up final against Eli Elezra (831,000).
Player Tags: Daniel Negreanu, Brian Brubaker