Level 30 Update: Armstrong Leads Gathy Heads-Up; Vaillancourt 3rd ($193,089)
Jun 13, '12
Level: 30
Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining: 3 out of 2,799
Average Chip Count: 4,198,500
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 6 — Jamie Armstrong — 5,000,000
Seat no. 10 — Michael Gathy — 3,480,000
Players Eliminated:
Noah Vaillancourt — 3rd Place ($193,089)
Live Updates:
Noah Vaillancourt Eliminated in 3rd Place ($193,089)

Noah Vaillancourt
Jamie Armstrong min-raised from the button 200,000, Noah Vaillancourt moved all in for about 800,000 from the big blind and Armstrong called.
Vaillancourt was all in for his tournament life before the flop with Q
against Armstrong’s A
The board came K
, offering no help to Noah Vaillancourt who was eliminated in 3rd place ($193,089). Jamie Armstrong took a slight chip lead that hand going into heads-up play against Michael Gathy.
With the elimination of Noah Vaillancourt in 3rd place ($193,089), Jamie Armstrong took the chip lead going into heads-up play with about 4.6 million to Michael Gathy’s 3.7 million.
Michael cathy Doubles Through Jamie Armstrong
Michael Gathy got it all in before the flop for about 1.7 million with K
against Jamie Armstrong’s K
The board came 6
, offering ho help to Armstrong as Gathy doubled up to about 3.5 million after the hand.
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: Jamie Armstrong, Michael Gathy, Noah Vaillancourt
Level 27 Update: Armstrong Leads Final Four at the Dinner Break
Jun 12, '12
Level: 27
Blinds: 25,000-50,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 4 out of 2,799
Average Chip Count: 2,099,250
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 2 — Noah Vaillancourt — 2,600,000
Seat no. 6 — Jamie Armstrong — 3,300,000
Seat no. 7 — John Esposito — 1,100,000
Seat no. 10 — Michael Gathy — 1,800,000
Live Updates:
Armstrong Leads at Dinner Break

Jamie Armstrong
Although they didn’t lose a player in the last level, there was plenty of action and some big chip movement. Michael Gathy came into the level as the short stack but managed to chip up early through then chipleader Jamie Armstrong after winning a 600,000 showdown with a flopped pair of nines against Amrstrong’s A
. That hand knocked Armstrong down to about 1.8 million and moved Gathy up to 1.4 million.
Armstrong began the level as the chip leader and despite losing some chips to Michael Gathy early on, Armstrong regained the lead once gain after winning a nearly 2 million showdown with aces-up against Noah Vaillancourt’s A
on an unpaired, ace-high board. That hand put Armstrong way out in front with about 3.3 million as Vaillancourt dropped down to about 1.1 million in chips.
Noah Vaillancourt Doubles Through John Esposito

Noah Vaillancourt
Vaillancourt managed to battle back at the end of the level and doubled through John Esposito to regain his spot on the leader board in second place. Vaillaincourt got it all in before the flop with A
against Esposito’s Q
. The board came A
, giving Vaillancourt top pair on the flop win the pot and double up. That hand put Vaillancourt at about 2.6 million heading into the dinner break while Esposito slipped down to about 1.1 million.
The final four players took an extended seventy-five minute dinner break at the conclusion of Level 27 and will return at approximately 9:45pm local to resume play.
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: John Esposito Jr., Jamie Armstrong, Michael Gathy, Noah Vaillancourt
Level 26 Update: Eric Baldwin Eliminated in 5th Place ($101,948)
Jun 12, '12
Level: 26
Blinds: 20,000-40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 4 out of 2,799
Average Chip Count: 2,099,250
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 2 — Noah Vaillancourt — 2,400,000
Seat no. 6 — Jamie Armstrong — 2,800,000
Seat no. 7 — John Esposito — 2,150,000
Seat no. 10 — Michael Gathy — 1,380,000
Players Eliminated:
Eric Baldwin — 5th Place ($101,948)
Live Updates:
Eric Baldwin Eliminated in 5th Place ($101,948)

Eric Baldwin
Jamie Armstrong opened the pot for a raise, Noah Vaillancourt reraised to 175,000 from the small blind, Eric Baldwin moved all in for 710,000 from the big blind, Armstrong folded and Vaillancourt called.
Baldwin was all in for his tournament life and ahead with Q
against Vaillancourt’s A
The board came A
, giving Vaillancourt top pair on the flop and trips on the river to win the pot and eliminate Eric Baldwin in 5th place ($101,948).
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: Eric Baldwin, Noah Vaillancourt