Ian Cordts Eliminated In 37th Place (€3,300)
Apr 20, '14
Ian Cordts was all-in preflop with the A
against the K
of Robert Murphy.
The board ran out 7
and Murphy paired his king to win the pot and send Cordts to the rail in 37th place with €3,300.
Player Tags: Ian Cordts
A Few Hands From Table 41
Apr 20, '14
Hand #1 -
Kissous raised to 15,000 from the small blind and found no action.
Hand #2 -
Chandler raised to 12,000 from the button and Ian Cordts shoved for about 100,000 from the big blind. Chandler quickly folded.
Hand #3 -
Yoni Kissous raised to 15,000 from the button and Liam Chandler three-bet to 40,000 from the small blind. Robert Murphy moved-all in for about 205,000 from the big blind and Kissous and Chandler let go.
Player Tags: Ian Cordts
Donovan Bests Cordts
Apr 20, '14

Barry Donovan
Ian Cordts raises to 12,000 from under-the-gun and Barry Donovan three-bets to 28,000 from the cutoff. Cordts calls and they see a flop of J



Cordts check-calls 33,000 from Donovan and the dealer burns and turns the 6
on the turn. Cordts checks again and Donovan thinks for a few moments before moving all in for effectively Cordts’ last 130,000.
Cordts double checks his hole cards a few times, glances up at the clock and then mucks his hand. Cordts is sitting with 130,000 while Donovan climbs to 235,000.
Player Tags: Barry Donovan, Ian Cordts