Regina Hampton Still Flipping Coins
May 05, '17
Earlier, we wrote about a hand in which Regina Hampton called an all-in blind after flipping a coin.
That bullet didn’t end well for her, but her second attempt today has proven to be much more successful.
Jeff Trudeau raised to 3,000 and was called by Mike Massey and the cutoff behind him. Hampton then three-bet from the button to 13,000, and was called in all three spots.
The flop came down A
and Trudeau checked. Massey then bet 9,000.
The cutoff folded and as soon as it was her turn, Hampton flipped a coin. After seeing the result, she casually shrugged her shoulders and pushed in her entire stack, worth 58,500.
Trudeau folded, and Massey thought it over for a bit before folding. After the hand, Hampton revealed J
for just a flush draw. She now has over 110,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Regina Hampton
Regina Hampton Knocks Out A Player
May 05, '17
We caught up with the action on a board reading 10
, and Regina Hampton bet enough to put her opponent all in.
Her opponent went into the tank and eventually made the call with the A
. Hampton tabled 9
for a flopped set. She needed to dodge another spade to take the pot.
The river brought the 2
, giving Hampton the pot and a stack of about 75,000.
Player Tags: Regina Hampton
Henry Hull Hauls In A Pot
May 05, '17
Henry Hull was down to his last 6,000 (approximately) on a board reading 10
, and he decided to move all in. Regina Hampton decided to make the call, but she mucked after Hull tabled the A-7 for a rivered top pair.
Hull was up to about 20,000 after the hand.
Player Tags: Henry Hull, Regina Hampton
Regina Hampton Playing Aggressive Once Again
May 06, '17
Regina Hampton was pretty active yesterday during day 1a, and she appears to be picking up where she left off here on day 1b.
We caught up with the action on a flop reading K
, and Hampton checked. Two other players checked, and David Owens bet 1,500. Jermaine “Lion” Gerlin called from the button, and Hampton decided to check-raise to 4,500.
It was folded to Owens and he mucked as well, and it was on Gerlin, who contemplated his decision briefly before tossing in his cards. Hampton tabled a six and raked in the pot.
Any two pair could have been in her range here, given how LAG she was playing yesterday.
She was up to around 30,000 thanks to the hand.
Player Tags: Jermaine Gerlin, Regina Hampton