Mike Harvey Up To 56,000
Mar 28, '14

Mike Harvey
Ivin Arquiza raised to 1,100 from under the gun, Mike Harvey called from under the gun +1, Steve Freidlander called from the cutoff, Daniel Schneider called from the button, Zak Gilbert let go from the small blind and Ravi Shanmugam called from the big blind.
With five players in the hand, the dealer spread 7
. Action checked around to Harvey to fired out a bet of 5,000, forcing a fold from all his opponents.
Harvey is now sitting with a healthy stack of around 56,000.
Player Tags: Zak Gilbert, Daniel Schneider, Mike Harvey, Ivin Arquiza, Ravi Shanmugam
Ivin Arquiza vs Trish Potter
Mar 28, '14

Ivin Arquiza
Ivin Arquiza raised to 1,050 from the button and Trish Potter called from the big blind to see a flop of 9



. Both players checked to see the 9

on the turn. Potter checked again and Arquiza bet 900. Potter folded and Arquiza took the pot.
Player Tags: Trish Potter, Ivin Arquiza
Ivin Arquiza Busts Dustin Fox
Mar 28, '14
With the re-entry period coming to an end, Ivin Arquiza busted Dustin Fox.
Fox raised to 500 from the hijack and Arquiza called from the big blind to see a flop of 5
and Arquiza check-called Fox’s bet of 600 to see the 2
on the turn. Arquiza then check-raised Fox’s 1,900 bet to 5,800 and Fox moved all-in for about 8,000. Arquiza called and the hands were tabled.
Fox showed A
but Arquiza was ahead with 6
for a turned straight. The river was the 9
and Fox headed to the re-buy booth.
Player Tags: Dustin Fox, Ivin Arquiza
CPPT Atlantis Twitter Chatter
Mar 28, '14
Ivin Arquiza took his seat here on day 1A of the 2014 Card Player Poker Tour Atlantis main event and took to twitter to share his excitement. Arquiza won a WSOP Circuit Lake Tahoe prelim event last year and will be looking to add to his success in the Reno / Tahoe area in this event.
Player Tags: Ivin Arquiza
Ivin Arquiza Has About 70 Big Blinds
Mar 29, '14
Ivin Arquiza looked good to make Day 2 during the late evening hours of day 1A, but unfortunately a few thing went wrong and he was eliminated before the night was over.
Arquiza is back on day 1B and post dinner break has about 70 big blinds.
Player Tags: Ivin Arquiza
Trish Potter and Ivin Arquiza Out
Mar 30, '14
Trish Potter and Ivin Arquiza have been eliminated from the tournament. There are now 33 players remaining.
Player Tags: Trish Potter, Ivin Arquiza