The player in the cutoff raised to 16,000 and Rafael Abrahamyan, with only 15,900, called for his tournament life from the small blind. Abrahamyan tabled 88 and the cutoff showed 55. Abrahamyan’s eight’s held on a K102Q9 board and he doubled his stack.
Tommie Janssen opened to 7,000 from early position and Rafael Abrahamyan shoved his short stack into the middle. Janssen called and the hands were tabled.
The player in the cutoff raised to 16,000 and Rafael Abrahamyan, with only 15,900, called for his tournament life from the small blind. Abrahamyan tabled 88 and the cutoff showed 55. Abrahamyan’s eight’s held on a K102Q9 board and he doubled his stack.
Tommie Janssen opened to 7,000 from early position and Rafael Abrahamyan shoved his short stack into the middle. Janssen called and the hands were tabled.