Adam Tencza Finds Needed Double Up
Jun 24, '16
Adam Tencza open shoved for 12,700 with the AJ, and it was folded to a player in middle position who re-raised with JJ. It was folded around and the players exposed their cards.
The board ran out 843A5, which gave Tencza the pair of aces he was looking for. He was back up to around the starting stack thanks to the double up.
Player Tags: Adam Tencza
Marvin McCord Gets Paid On River Raise
Jun 24, '16
With about 1,600 in the pot and a board reading AKQ2Q, Adam Tencza fired in a bet of 600.
After a few moments of thought, his opponent Marvin McCord opted to raise to 1,200. Tencza didn’t like it, but made the call. McCord showed Q9 for rivered trip queens and dragged the early pot.
Player Tags: Marvin McCord, Adam Tencza