Andy Pokrivnak Forces a Fold
May 11, '19
A player in early position raised to 1,700 and Andy Pokrivnak called from middle position. The player in the cutoff called, Eddy Mrockzkowski called out of the small blind and the player in the big blind called as well.
Five players took a flop of 10
. Mroczkowski checked, the big blind checked and the original raiser checked. Pokrivnak bet 3,400 and the cutoff called. Everybody else folded.
The turn was the K
and Pokrivnak bet about 20,000, which was more than enough to put the cutoff all in for his last 8,000. The cutoff quickly folded and Pokrivnak took the pot. He’s one of the bigger stacks in the field and approaching a six-figure chip count.
Andy Pokrivnak – 93,000
Player Tags: Andy Pokrivnak
Andy Pokrivnak Eliminated In 39th Place ($1,640)
May 12, '19
It folded to Jose De La Cruz in the small blind and he raised enough to put Andy Pokrivnak all-in. Pokrivnak called with the K
. De la Cruz held the A
The board ran out J
and ace high secured the pot for De La Cruz. Pokrivnak was eliminated in 39th place, earning $1,640.
Player Tags: Andy Pokrivnak