Will Chao vs Ken Robinson
Mar 29, '14
Will Chao raised to 1,200 from middle position and Ken Robinson called from his left. The flop was 9
and Chao bet 1,600. Robinson shuffled a few chips, took a look at his cards and tossed his hand to the middle of the table.
Player Tags: William Chao
Will Chao Eliminated in 12th Place ($3,441)
Mar 30, '14
Action folded to Erkut Yilmaz in the small blind, who moved all in for effectively Will Chao’s last 42,000. Chao goes into the tank for over a minute and asks if Yilmaz will show his hand.
Yilmaz doesn’t respond and after a few minutes, Chao called. Chao was in the lead with A
d against Yilmaz’s Q
. The flop put Chao way out in front as the dealer burned and turned a flop of A
The turn was the K
, which gave Yilmaz a straight draw and the river was the 10
, which filled Yilmaz’s straight and gave him the pot. Chao takes home $3,441 for his efforts.
Player Tags: William Chao, Erkut Yilmaz