Oct 24, '08 |
2008 Festa Al Lago Classic (WPT) |
No-Limit Hold'em Championship (WPT) - Event 16 |
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John Roveto Eliminated in 27th Place ($31,975)
Oct 24, '08
A short stacked John Roveto has been eliminated from the tournament shortly after the redraw.
Player Tags: John Roveto
Jun 23, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 40 - Limit 2-7 Triple Draw Low Ball |
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$2,500 Deuce-to-Seven Triple Draw Lowball - Day 2 - Level 11 Recap
Jun 23, '08
Blinds: 600-1,200
Players Left: 27 of 238
Chip Leaders:
Shun Uchida - 79,200
Gioi Luong - 74,100
Ray Davis - 67,700
Robert Mizrachi – 65,000
Greg Raymer - 64,600
James Copeland - 62,700
Richard Chase - 59,200
Michael Wattel - 57,200
Chris Vitch - 54,500
Jose Luis Velador - 49,400
Average Stack: 44,100
Antony Lellouche
John Roveto
Big Hands and Storylines:
“Advertise Now, Steal Later”
Those words uttered by Chris Vitch after raising from the small blind and forcing Bill Chen to lay down his hand. Vitch showed a made 8-6. Of course, one wonders if Vitch’s cunning gambit will pay off after letting Chen in on it.
The Table of Death
It appears that one table stands out above all others as one to watch during today’s early preceding. Greg Raymer is seated at a table along with Steve Sung, John Phan, Ralph Perry, David Sklansky, and Jose Luis Velador. Action started off fast as Raymer took a big pot off of Phan early in the first level of the day:
Raymer raised from the hijack and was called by Phan in the big blind. Both players drew 2 cards and Phan checked. Raymer bet and “The Razor” called. Phan drew one card and Raymer stood pat. Phan check-raised Raymer on the next betting round and Raymer called. Both players stood pat on the final draw and Phan check-called Raymer’s bet. Raymer’s no. 3 – 7-6-5-3-2 – was better than Phan’s eight low, and “Fossilman” raked in a sizeable pot. He’s now up to 65,000.
Billy Baxter Doubles Up
Lowball specialist Billy Baxter just doubled through Ray Henson to get back to more respectable 20,000 in chips. This is bad news for the rest of the players at the table. Baxter owns 5 deuce-to-seven bracelets and will be looking to add a 6th to his collection.
Robert Mizrachi Racing To The Top
Gioi Luong, first to act, raised to 1,200, Mizrachi called in the small blind, James Copeland 3-bet from the big blind, and the other two players called. Mizrachi drew two and the others drew one card. Copeland bet and Mizarachi and Luong called. On the 2nd draw each player took one card. On this round of betting Mizrachi and Copeland checked to Luong who bet and both players called. On the final draw Mizrachi drew one and the other players stood pat. Mizrachi led out into the two pat players, who both folded. Mizrachi claimed he had a 7-6 and raked in a large pot, taking him to 65,000.
Player Tags: John Phan, Gioi Luong, Robert Mizrachi, Raymond Davis, Michael Wattel, Shunjiro Uchida, Greg Raymer, Richard Chase, James Copeland, John Roveto, Billy Baxter, Luis Velador
Apr 26, '08 |
2008 Five-Star World Poker Classic (WPT) |
WPT No-Limit Hold'em Championship Event 15 |
7 |
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Vadim Trincher Eliminated in 28th Place ($79,145)
Apr 23, '08
Vadim Trincher and John Roveto get it all in with a preflop raising war. Trincher shows K J but is up against Roveto's A A .
The board comes 4 3 2 2 J and Trincher is crippled down to 19,000. Roveto now has 795,000.
After the hand, Tom Dwan wants action that Trincher will somehow survive to win the tournament. Dwan gets 1,000-1 from David Grey on $100. Dwan throws the bill towards Grey, but on the very next hand, his hopes for a $100,000 pay day are gone.
Trincher is all in against Amir Vahedi. Vahedi shows K K and Trincher shows 9 2 . The board comes 4 3 3 2 9 and Trincher is eliminated in 28th place.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Vadim Trincher, John Roveto
Men "The Master" Doubles Through John Roveto
Apr 23, '08
John Roveto raises to 55,000 before the flop and Men "The Master" Nguyen re-raises to 165,000. Roveto calls. The flop comes Q 7 6 , and Nguyen moves all in. Roveto tanks for a few minutes and ultimately makes the call.
Nguyen: A A
Roveto: 10 10
The turn and river bring the K and the A , giving Nguyen top set and the win. After this hand Nguyen doubles up to 810,000 while Roveto is left with just 195,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Men Nguyen, John Roveto
Hands #56-58: Karga Holt Eliminated in 8th Place ($211,050)
Apr 24, '08
There are about 28 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #56 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, and John Roveto raises from the cutoff to 420,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #57 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Gus Hansen raises from the small blind to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #58 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, Karga Holt raises from late position to 450,000, Hansen reraises from the button to 1,065,000, Holt moves all in, and Hansen calls with A K . Holt shows J J , and he'll need his pocket pair to hold up to stay alive.
The flop comes A 7 4 , and Hansen pairs his ace to take a dominating lead. Holt needs a jack to survive.
The turn is the 9 , the river is the K , and Gus Hansen wins the pot with two pair, aces and kings.
Karga Holt is eliminated in eighth place, earning $211,050.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #53-55
Apr 24, '08
The blinds are still at 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante.
Hand #53 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Karga Holt raises under the gun to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #54 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, and Gus Hansen raises from early position to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #55 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, and he raises to 420,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #51-52: John Roveto Doubles Through Amir Vahedi
Apr 24, '08
There are about 35 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #51 - David Chiu has the button in seat 5, and Gus Hansen raises from the cutoff to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #52 - Tommy Le has the button in seat 6, John Roveto raises under the gun to 665,000, Amir Vahedi moves all in from middle position for 2,265,000, and Roveto calls all in with A K . Vahedi shows A Q , and he'll need to improve to bust Roveto here.
The board comes 9 6 4 A 6 , and John Roveto wins the pot with his ace kicker, doubling up to about 2.34 million. Amir Vahedi drops down to about 1.11 million.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Tommy Le, John Roveto
Hands #48-50: Amir Vahedi Doubles Through John Roveto
Apr 24, '08
There are about 48 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #48 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, and Amir Vahedi moves all in for about 800,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #49 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Gus Hansen raises from the small blind to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #50 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, John Roveto raises from middle position to 400,000, Amir Vahedi moves all in from the cutoff to 1.01 million, and Roveto calls with A 9 . Vahedi shows 8 8 , and he needs his pocket pair to hold to stay alive.
The board comes K 6 2 10 5 , and Amir Vahedi doubles up to 2.28 million in chips.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #26-30
Apr 24, '08
There are about 35 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #26 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Jeff King moves all in under the gun for 755,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #27 - Kenny Tran has the button in seat 8, and Gus Hansen raises from middle position for 255,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #28 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, Tommy Le raises from middle position to 230,000, and John Roveto calls from the big blind. The flop comes 7 4 3, Roveto checks, Le bets 220,000, Roveto raises to 620,000, and Le folds. John Roveto takes the pot.
Hand #29 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Kenny Tran raises from late position to 240,000, King moves all in from the button for 905,000, and Tran folds. Jeff King takes the pot, building his stack to about 1.06 million. Kenny Tran drops down to about 695,000.
Hand #30 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen raises under the gun to 220,000, David Chiu reraises from early position to 820,000, and Hansen calls. The flop comes Q 9 3 , Hansen checks, Chiu bets 1.3 million, and Hansen folds.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, John Roveto
Hands #21-25: All 10 Players Refuse to Bust
Apr 24, '08
There are about 48 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #21 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, Tom Dwan raises from middle position to 210,000, John Roveto reraises from the cutoff to 810,000, and Dwan folds. John Roveto takes the pot.
Hand #22 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Cory Carroll raises from early position to 250,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #23 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, and Jeff King moves all in from middle position for 435,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #24 - David Chiu has the button in seat 5, Karga Holt raises from middle position to 250,000, Gus Hansen reraises from the cutoff to 775,000, Holt moves all in for about 2.675 million, and Hansen folds. Karga Holt takes the pot.
Hand #25 - Tommy Le has the button in seat 6, and Tom Dwan raises under the gun to 200,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Jeff King, Tommy Le, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #16-20: Cory Carroll vs. Gus Hansen
Apr 24, '08
There are about 67 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #16 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Amir Vahedi raises from middle position to 230,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #17 - Kenny Tran has the button in seat 8, and Amir Vahedi raises from middle position to 235,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #18 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, and Kenny Tran raises from the cutoff to 250,000, winning the blinds and antes. Tran shows A-K as he collects the chips.
Hand #19 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Kenny Tran raises from late position to 240,000, Karga Holt tanks for a couple minutes before raising to 550,000, and Tran calls. The flop comes 9 3 2 , Holt moves all in, and Tran folds. Karga Holt takes the pot.
Hand #20 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen limps under the gun for 80,000, Cory Carroll limps from middle position, and Amir Vahedi checks his option in the big blind. The flop comes A 5 2 , Vahedi checks, Hansen bets 180,000, Carroll calls, and Vahedi folds.
The turn card is the K , and both players check. The river card is the 6 , Hansen bets 525,000, and Carroll calls with A 7 for a pair of aces. Hansen shows 7 5 for a pair of fives. Cory Carroll wins the pot.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #8-10
Apr 24, '08
The blinds have increased to 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante.
Hand #8 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, and Gus Hansen raises from middle position to 260,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #9 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Amir Vahedi raises under the gun to 250,000, Kenny Tran moves all in from late position for 985,000, and Vahedi tanks for several minutes before he folds. Kenny Tran takes the pot.
Hand #10 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen raises under the gun to 265,000, Cory Carroll reraises from middle position to 800,000 (with another 1.2 million behind), and Hansen folds. Cory Carroll takes the pot.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, John Roveto
Apr 24, '08 |
2008 Five-Star World Poker Classic (WPT) |
WPT No-Limit Hold'em Championship Event 15 |
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Vadim Trincher Eliminated in 28th Place ($79,145)
Apr 23, '08
Vadim Trincher and John Roveto get it all in with a preflop raising war. Trincher shows K J but is up against Roveto's A A .
The board comes 4 3 2 2 J and Trincher is crippled down to 19,000. Roveto now has 795,000.
After the hand, Tom Dwan wants action that Trincher will somehow survive to win the tournament. Dwan gets 1,000-1 from David Grey on $100. Dwan throws the bill towards Grey, but on the very next hand, his hopes for a $100,000 pay day are gone.
Trincher is all in against Amir Vahedi. Vahedi shows K K and Trincher shows 9 2 . The board comes 4 3 3 2 9 and Trincher is eliminated in 28th place.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Vadim Trincher, John Roveto
Men "The Master" Doubles Through John Roveto
Apr 23, '08
John Roveto raises to 55,000 before the flop and Men "The Master" Nguyen re-raises to 165,000. Roveto calls. The flop comes Q 7 6 , and Nguyen moves all in. Roveto tanks for a few minutes and ultimately makes the call.
Nguyen: A A
Roveto: 10 10
The turn and river bring the K and the A , giving Nguyen top set and the win. After this hand Nguyen doubles up to 810,000 while Roveto is left with just 195,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Men Nguyen, John Roveto
Hands #56-58: Karga Holt Eliminated in 8th Place ($211,050)
Apr 24, '08
There are about 28 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #56 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, and John Roveto raises from the cutoff to 420,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #57 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Gus Hansen raises from the small blind to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #58 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, Karga Holt raises from late position to 450,000, Hansen reraises from the button to 1,065,000, Holt moves all in, and Hansen calls with A K . Holt shows J J , and he'll need his pocket pair to hold up to stay alive.
The flop comes A 7 4 , and Hansen pairs his ace to take a dominating lead. Holt needs a jack to survive.
The turn is the 9 , the river is the K , and Gus Hansen wins the pot with two pair, aces and kings.
Karga Holt is eliminated in eighth place, earning $211,050.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #53-55
Apr 24, '08
The blinds are still at 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante.
Hand #53 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Karga Holt raises under the gun to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #54 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, and Gus Hansen raises from early position to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #55 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, and he raises to 420,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #51-52: John Roveto Doubles Through Amir Vahedi
Apr 24, '08
There are about 35 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #51 - David Chiu has the button in seat 5, and Gus Hansen raises from the cutoff to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #52 - Tommy Le has the button in seat 6, John Roveto raises under the gun to 665,000, Amir Vahedi moves all in from middle position for 2,265,000, and Roveto calls all in with A K . Vahedi shows A Q , and he'll need to improve to bust Roveto here.
The board comes 9 6 4 A 6 , and John Roveto wins the pot with his ace kicker, doubling up to about 2.34 million. Amir Vahedi drops down to about 1.11 million.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Tommy Le, John Roveto
Hands #48-50: Amir Vahedi Doubles Through John Roveto
Apr 24, '08
There are about 48 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #48 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, and Amir Vahedi moves all in for about 800,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #49 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Gus Hansen raises from the small blind to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #50 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, John Roveto raises from middle position to 400,000, Amir Vahedi moves all in from the cutoff to 1.01 million, and Roveto calls with A 9 . Vahedi shows 8 8 , and he needs his pocket pair to hold to stay alive.
The board comes K 6 2 10 5 , and Amir Vahedi doubles up to 2.28 million in chips.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #26-30
Apr 24, '08
There are about 35 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #26 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Jeff King moves all in under the gun for 755,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #27 - Kenny Tran has the button in seat 8, and Gus Hansen raises from middle position for 255,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #28 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, Tommy Le raises from middle position to 230,000, and John Roveto calls from the big blind. The flop comes 7 4 3, Roveto checks, Le bets 220,000, Roveto raises to 620,000, and Le folds. John Roveto takes the pot.
Hand #29 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Kenny Tran raises from late position to 240,000, King moves all in from the button for 905,000, and Tran folds. Jeff King takes the pot, building his stack to about 1.06 million. Kenny Tran drops down to about 695,000.
Hand #30 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen raises under the gun to 220,000, David Chiu reraises from early position to 820,000, and Hansen calls. The flop comes Q 9 3 , Hansen checks, Chiu bets 1.3 million, and Hansen folds.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, John Roveto
Hands #21-25: All 10 Players Refuse to Bust
Apr 24, '08
There are about 48 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #21 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, Tom Dwan raises from middle position to 210,000, John Roveto reraises from the cutoff to 810,000, and Dwan folds. John Roveto takes the pot.
Hand #22 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Cory Carroll raises from early position to 250,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #23 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, and Jeff King moves all in from middle position for 435,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #24 - David Chiu has the button in seat 5, Karga Holt raises from middle position to 250,000, Gus Hansen reraises from the cutoff to 775,000, Holt moves all in for about 2.675 million, and Hansen folds. Karga Holt takes the pot.
Hand #25 - Tommy Le has the button in seat 6, and Tom Dwan raises under the gun to 200,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Jeff King, Tommy Le, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #16-20: Cory Carroll vs. Gus Hansen
Apr 24, '08
There are about 67 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #16 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Amir Vahedi raises from middle position to 230,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #17 - Kenny Tran has the button in seat 8, and Amir Vahedi raises from middle position to 235,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #18 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, and Kenny Tran raises from the cutoff to 250,000, winning the blinds and antes. Tran shows A-K as he collects the chips.
Hand #19 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Kenny Tran raises from late position to 240,000, Karga Holt tanks for a couple minutes before raising to 550,000, and Tran calls. The flop comes 9 3 2 , Holt moves all in, and Tran folds. Karga Holt takes the pot.
Hand #20 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen limps under the gun for 80,000, Cory Carroll limps from middle position, and Amir Vahedi checks his option in the big blind. The flop comes A 5 2 , Vahedi checks, Hansen bets 180,000, Carroll calls, and Vahedi folds.
The turn card is the K , and both players check. The river card is the 6 , Hansen bets 525,000, and Carroll calls with A 7 for a pair of aces. Hansen shows 7 5 for a pair of fives. Cory Carroll wins the pot.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #8-10
Apr 24, '08
The blinds have increased to 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante.
Hand #8 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, and Gus Hansen raises from middle position to 260,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #9 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Amir Vahedi raises under the gun to 250,000, Kenny Tran moves all in from late position for 985,000, and Vahedi tanks for several minutes before he folds. Kenny Tran takes the pot.
Hand #10 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen raises under the gun to 265,000, Cory Carroll reraises from middle position to 800,000 (with another 1.2 million behind), and Hansen folds. Cory Carroll takes the pot.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, John Roveto
Apr 23, '08 |
2008 Five-Star World Poker Classic (WPT) |
WPT No-Limit Hold'em Championship Event 15 |
5 |
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Vadim Trincher Eliminated in 28th Place ($79,145)
Apr 23, '08
Vadim Trincher and John Roveto get it all in with a preflop raising war. Trincher shows K J but is up against Roveto's A A .
The board comes 4 3 2 2 J and Trincher is crippled down to 19,000. Roveto now has 795,000.
After the hand, Tom Dwan wants action that Trincher will somehow survive to win the tournament. Dwan gets 1,000-1 from David Grey on $100. Dwan throws the bill towards Grey, but on the very next hand, his hopes for a $100,000 pay day are gone.
Trincher is all in against Amir Vahedi. Vahedi shows K K and Trincher shows 9 2 . The board comes 4 3 3 2 9 and Trincher is eliminated in 28th place.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Vadim Trincher, John Roveto
Men "The Master" Doubles Through John Roveto
Apr 23, '08
John Roveto raises to 55,000 before the flop and Men "The Master" Nguyen re-raises to 165,000. Roveto calls. The flop comes Q 7 6 , and Nguyen moves all in. Roveto tanks for a few minutes and ultimately makes the call.
Nguyen: A A
Roveto: 10 10
The turn and river bring the K and the A , giving Nguyen top set and the win. After this hand Nguyen doubles up to 810,000 while Roveto is left with just 195,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Men Nguyen, John Roveto
Hands #56-58: Karga Holt Eliminated in 8th Place ($211,050)
Apr 24, '08
There are about 28 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #56 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, and John Roveto raises from the cutoff to 420,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #57 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Gus Hansen raises from the small blind to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #58 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, Karga Holt raises from late position to 450,000, Hansen reraises from the button to 1,065,000, Holt moves all in, and Hansen calls with A K . Holt shows J J , and he'll need his pocket pair to hold up to stay alive.
The flop comes A 7 4 , and Hansen pairs his ace to take a dominating lead. Holt needs a jack to survive.
The turn is the 9 , the river is the K , and Gus Hansen wins the pot with two pair, aces and kings.
Karga Holt is eliminated in eighth place, earning $211,050.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #53-55
Apr 24, '08
The blinds are still at 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante.
Hand #53 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Karga Holt raises under the gun to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #54 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, and Gus Hansen raises from early position to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #55 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, and he raises to 420,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #51-52: John Roveto Doubles Through Amir Vahedi
Apr 24, '08
There are about 35 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #51 - David Chiu has the button in seat 5, and Gus Hansen raises from the cutoff to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #52 - Tommy Le has the button in seat 6, John Roveto raises under the gun to 665,000, Amir Vahedi moves all in from middle position for 2,265,000, and Roveto calls all in with A K . Vahedi shows A Q , and he'll need to improve to bust Roveto here.
The board comes 9 6 4 A 6 , and John Roveto wins the pot with his ace kicker, doubling up to about 2.34 million. Amir Vahedi drops down to about 1.11 million.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Tommy Le, John Roveto
Hands #48-50: Amir Vahedi Doubles Through John Roveto
Apr 24, '08
There are about 48 minutes left in Level 24, with blinds at 60,000-120,000 and a 15,000 ante.
Hand #48 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, and Amir Vahedi moves all in for about 800,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #49 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Gus Hansen raises from the small blind to 360,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #50 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, John Roveto raises from middle position to 400,000, Amir Vahedi moves all in from the cutoff to 1.01 million, and Roveto calls with A 9 . Vahedi shows 8 8 , and he needs his pocket pair to hold to stay alive.
The board comes K 6 2 10 5 , and Amir Vahedi doubles up to 2.28 million in chips.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #26-30
Apr 24, '08
There are about 35 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #26 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Jeff King moves all in under the gun for 755,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #27 - Kenny Tran has the button in seat 8, and Gus Hansen raises from middle position for 255,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #28 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, Tommy Le raises from middle position to 230,000, and John Roveto calls from the big blind. The flop comes 7 4 3, Roveto checks, Le bets 220,000, Roveto raises to 620,000, and Le folds. John Roveto takes the pot.
Hand #29 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Kenny Tran raises from late position to 240,000, King moves all in from the button for 905,000, and Tran folds. Jeff King takes the pot, building his stack to about 1.06 million. Kenny Tran drops down to about 695,000.
Hand #30 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen raises under the gun to 220,000, David Chiu reraises from early position to 820,000, and Hansen calls. The flop comes Q 9 3 , Hansen checks, Chiu bets 1.3 million, and Hansen folds.
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, John Roveto
Hands #21-25: All 10 Players Refuse to Bust
Apr 24, '08
There are about 48 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #21 - Karga Holt has the button in seat 2, Tom Dwan raises from middle position to 210,000, John Roveto reraises from the cutoff to 810,000, and Dwan folds. John Roveto takes the pot.
Hand #22 - Amir Vahedi has the button in seat 3, and Cory Carroll raises from early position to 250,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #23 - Gus Hansen has the button in seat 4, and Jeff King moves all in from middle position for 435,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #24 - David Chiu has the button in seat 5, Karga Holt raises from middle position to 250,000, Gus Hansen reraises from the cutoff to 775,000, Holt moves all in for about 2.675 million, and Hansen folds. Karga Holt takes the pot.
Hand #25 - Tommy Le has the button in seat 6, and Tom Dwan raises under the gun to 200,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, David Chiu, Jeff King, Tommy Le, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #16-20: Cory Carroll vs. Gus Hansen
Apr 24, '08
There are about 67 minutes left in Level 23, with blinds at 40,000-80,000 and a 10,000 ante.
Hand #16 - Cory Carroll has the button in seat 7, and Amir Vahedi raises from middle position to 230,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #17 - Kenny Tran has the button in seat 8, and Amir Vahedi raises from middle position to 235,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #18 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, and Kenny Tran raises from the cutoff to 250,000, winning the blinds and antes. Tran shows A-K as he collects the chips.
Hand #19 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Kenny Tran raises from late position to 240,000, Karga Holt tanks for a couple minutes before raising to 550,000, and Tran calls. The flop comes 9 3 2 , Holt moves all in, and Tran folds. Karga Holt takes the pot.
Hand #20 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen limps under the gun for 80,000, Cory Carroll limps from middle position, and Amir Vahedi checks his option in the big blind. The flop comes A 5 2 , Vahedi checks, Hansen bets 180,000, Carroll calls, and Vahedi folds.
The turn card is the K , and both players check. The river card is the 6 , Hansen bets 525,000, and Carroll calls with A 7 for a pair of aces. Hansen shows 7 5 for a pair of fives. Cory Carroll wins the pot.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, Karga Holt, John Roveto
Hands #8-10
Apr 24, '08
The blinds have increased to 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante.
Hand #8 - Tom "Durrrr" Dwan has the button in seat 9, and Gus Hansen raises from middle position to 260,000, winning the blinds and antes.
Hand #9 - Jeff King has the button in seat 10, Amir Vahedi raises under the gun to 250,000, Kenny Tran moves all in from late position for 985,000, and Vahedi tanks for several minutes before he folds. Kenny Tran takes the pot.
Hand #10 - John Roveto has the button in seat 1, Gus Hansen raises under the gun to 265,000, Cory Carroll reraises from middle position to 800,000 (with another 1.2 million behind), and Hansen folds. Cory Carroll takes the pot.
Player Tags: Amir Vahedi, Gus Hansen, Kenny Tran, Jeff King, Cory Carroll, Tom Dwan, John Roveto
Jun 14, '07 |
2007 Bellagio Cup III Tournament (WPT) |
No-Limit Hold'em Event 3 |
2 |
+ |