Early Riser
Apr 19, '09
An intense hand just broke out on a table in the far end of the hall. The player one from the hijack makes it 1,075 preflop, and Irishman Dave Callaghan on the small blind pushes it up to 1,950. Then, in an astounding run of action, the big blind reraises it to 6,000.
Play folds back around to the player in late position - he's wearing glasses and a Full Tilt hat. He leans on his hands, elbows on the felt, and goes into the tank. After three minutes, he takes off his glasses. He doesn't seem very committed but takes his time, perhaps wondering as to whether Callaghan will call or not. He checks his cards again and then slowly shrugs and passes.
Callaghan doesn't waste any time. He takes his entire stack and puts it in. The big blind quickly calls and they flip over their cards.
It's pocket aces for Callaghan and pocket kings for the big blind. The player who began this raising feast in late position declares that he had A-K. Good fold!
The anticipation is excruciating as the board is dealt:
Safe so far, for the Irish man. The turn is the 5
, and just to ensure victory and rub salt in wounds, the river is the A
. Callaghan doubles up to the 20,000 mark.
Player Tags: David Callaghan