$1,500 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 2 - Level 15 Recap
Jun 30, '08
Hold’em/Omaha: 1,300-2,500 blinds
Stud/Razz/Stud8: 500 ante, 700 bring in, 2,500-5,000 stakes
Players Left: 45 of 803
Chip Leaders:
Phillip Penn Sr. - 125,000
Steven Diano - 103,000
Arash Ghaneian - 100,000
Joe Bolnick - 87,400
Jason Dollinger - 83,000
Jens Voertmann - 82,000
Randall Holland - 81,500
Allen Cunningham - 78,000
Cliff Pappas – 75,000
Average Stack: 53,525
David Gee
Greg Jamison
Michael Binger
Big Hands and Storylines:
Michael Binger vs. Phillip Penn Sr. - Part I
Phillip Penn Sr. raised to 5,000 from middle position and was re-raised by Michael Binger on his left. Penn made the call and they saw a flop of 6
. Penn checked and Binger bet. Penn called. The turn was the J
, and again Penn checked. Binger bet 5,000 and Penn check-raised him. Binger called, and then called another bet on the K
river. Penn Sr. turned over 6
for a flopped full house. Binger showed his A
and, infuriated with the recent development, stormed away from the table, hitting a chair in the process. Binger was down to only 10,000 after that hand.
Michael Binger vs. Phillip Penn Sr. – Part II: The Reckoning
A few hands later, with the game having switched to Omaha/8b, William Penn Sr. opened with a raised from middle position which was again re-raised by Binger, who had less than a big bet behind. The flop came 10
and Penn check-called. Penn check-called a bet of Binger’s final 200 chips on the turn (K
) and the two showed their cards:
Binger: A
Penn: A
Binger, in good shape, stood up and awaited the river card. The dealer laid out an 8 and Binger stared at the board for a moment to make sure what he saw was accurate: Penn hit one of his few outs to make a straight. As could be predicted, Binger was not happy, and he stormed from the table once again, this time for good.
Those two hands have propelled Penn to the chip lead with 125,000.
“Let’s Go”
Action folded around to Esther Rossi in the small blind who completed the bet and Jan Suchanek told the dealer, “Let’s go.” The dealer scooped in the two players’ blinds... and then Suchanek threw in a raise. Apparently, Suchanek’s declaration of “Let’s go” was intended as the precursor to a raise and not an indication of a check. After some squabbling between Rossi and Suchanek with the dealer serving as a slightly biased arbiter (after all, nobody likes admitting to a mistake) the floor was called over. After what seemed like hours of explanation to the dealer of what had transpired, it was ruled that uttering the phrase “Let’s go” alone does not indicate a check and that the raise would stand.
After all of that was settled, there was some poker to be played. The dealer put out a flop of A
and Rossi check-called a bet from Suchanek. Action went check-call again on the K
turn, and then both players checked the 10
on the river. Suchanek showed A
for a pair of aces and that was good enough to take down the pot. Rossi, with 48,000, still has a bit more chips than Suchanek, who has 30,000.
Player Tags: Randy Holland, Phillip "JB" Penn Sr., Allen Cunningham, Greg Jamison, Arash Ghaneian, David Gee, Esther Rossi, Cliff Pappas, Steven Diano, Michael Binger, Jan Suchanek, Jens Voertmann, Joseph Bolnick, Jason Dollinger
$1,500 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 2 - Level 14 Recap
Jun 30, '08
Note: The players are now on a 20 minute break
Hold’em/Omaha: 1,000-2,000 blinds
Stud/Razz/Stud8: 500 ante, 500 bring in, 2,000-4,000 stakes
Players Left: 54 of 803
Chip Leaders:
Arash Ghaneian - 102,000
David Gee - 97,000
James Schaaf - 91,000
Chad Brown - 86,000
Phillip Penn Sr. - 82,000
Joe Bolnick -82,000
Jason Dollinger - 81,300
Steven Diano - 78,000
Ed Tonnellier - 76,000
Cliff Pappas – 76,000
Average Stack: 44,600
Mike Matusow
Big Hands and Storylines:
The Unsinkable Chad Brown
Tommy Hang raised from the cutoff and Chad Brown re-raised from the small blind. Hang called and the two of them saw a flop. The flop came down Q
. Brown bet, Hang raised, and Brown called. The turn was the Q
and Brown checked to Hang. Hang bet and was quickly raised by Brown. Hang called, and then again called on the 9
river. Brown triumphantly showed A
and Hang mucked his hand.
Ramdin Raises River, Reaps Rewards
Victor Ramdin raised pre-flop and was called by James Schaaf in late position. Both players checked the 10
flop. Ramdin then check-called a bet on the K
turn. On the river (9
), Ramdin checked for the third time, eliciting a bet from Schaaf. On this street, however, Ramdin raised. Schaaf glowered, knowing that he was beat, and slid his cards into the muck. The hand brings Ramdin up to 33,000.
Mike Matusow Eliminated
On a flop of J
, Mike Matusow moved his final 6,000 chips in from the big blind. David Gee and Steven Diano both called. The turn was the 9
and Gee bet, Diano raised, Gee 3-bet, and Diano called. While this was going on, Mike Matusow was announcing to Phil Hellmuth at an adjacent table that he was about to be knocked out. On the river (6
) Gee bet and Diano called. Diano asked, “Do you have J-9?” Gee turned over two of his cards: a jack and a nine. Diano angrily threw his J-7 toward the middle of the table. Mike Matusow, meanwhile, was busy showing everyone within view his A
, saying that if he was going out, that at least he was going out getting most of his chips in pre-flop with that hand. With Matusow’s exit, the room will be a little more subdued, but much less interesting.
Player Tags: Phillip "JB" Penn Sr., Ed Tonnellier, Victor Ramdin, Arash Ghaneian, David Gee, Cliff Pappas, Steven Diano, James Schaaf, Joe Bolnick, Jason Dollinger
$1,500 H.O.R.S.E. - Day 2 - Level 13 Recap
Jun 30, '08
Hold’em/Omaha: 800-1,500 blinds
Stud/Razz/Stud8: 300 ante, 500 bring in, 1,500-3,000 stakes
Players Left: 75 of 803
Chip Leaders:
James Schaaf - 91,000
Chad Brown - 86,000
Arash Ghaneian - 76,000
Mike Baxley - 65,000
Ed Tonnellier - 64,000
John Cutter - 61,500
David Gee - 56,000
Phil Hellmuth Jr. - 55,000
Art Young - 52,000
Allen Enciso - 51,000
Average Stack: 32,120
Eugene Katchalov
Jan Sjavik
Big Hands and Storylines:
Eugene Katchalov Eliminated
Eugene Katchalov was all-in pre-flop against three opponents. Two players made it to showdown and they showed K
and A
; the former had a pair of kings for high and the latter had the nut low. Katchalov, who had stood up and shook his neighbor’s hand before the river had even been dealt, was, predictably, eliminated.
Phil Hellmuth Eliminates Jan Sjavik
Jan Sjavik was all-in preflop for about 6,000 against Phil Hellmuth. The two turned over their cards before the flop:
Sjavik: A
Hellmuth: A
The flop was A
, the turn was the 10
, at which point Hellmuth notified the table (and, judging by the volume of his voice, several nearby tables) that he had already clinched the high. The river was the 2
, which did not deliver Sjavik a low, and he was eliminated. Hellmuth is now up to 60,000.
Michael Binger, Meet Razz
Binger: 4
Opponent: 3
The player in the 6 seat completed showing the 3
and Michael Binger called in the 1 seat with the 4
. The 6 seat, drawing a 4
on fourth street, bet into the Binger, who had paired his four. Binger called. His opponent then bet fifth street. Binger angrily fired his up cards face-down onto the table and conceded the hand. Binger is now down to 20,000.
Player Tags: Art Young, Ed Tonnellier, Phil Hellmuth, Arash Ghaneian, Jan Sjavik, David Gee, Eugene Katchalov, Michael Binger, Allen Enciso, Mike Baxley, John Cutter, James Schaaf