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Date | Series | Event | Day | |
Jun 03, '09 | 2009 40th Annual World Series of Poker | Event 6 - $10,000 World Championship Seven Card Stud | 3 | + |
Level 15 Update: Sexton Out, So Is KravchenkoJun 02, '09 Ante: 1,000 Players Remaining: 23 out of 142 Chip Counts: 1. Max Pescatori – 427,000 Average Chip Count: 152,143 Notable Eliminations: Keith Sexton Big Hands:
Brian Goddard: X-X-4 Frangos completed the bet to 5,000 and Sexton raised it to 10,000. Goddard made the call and Frangos did the same. Brian Goddard: X-X-4 Frangos fired 5,000 and Sexton raised again to 10,000. Goddard and Frangos called. Brian Goddard: X-X-4 Frangos led out again with 10,000 and both of his opponents called. Brian Goddard: X-X-4 Frangos bet out another 10,000 and his opponents called again. On the river, Frangos bet another 10,000 and Sexton called for his last 2,500. Goddard then raised it to 20,000 much to Frangos’ surprise. He looked both confused and disgusted with the turn of events and mucked his hand. Goddard then showed his hole cards, A
Seat 8: X-X-K Kravchenko completed to 5,000 and seat 8 raised to 10,000. Kravchenko called. Seat 8: X-X-K Seat 8 bet 5,000 and Kravchenko came along for the ride. Seat 8: X-X-K Seat 8 fired another shot, this one 10,000. Kravchenko had enough and mucked his hand. He was down to 80,000 after the hand but lost that a short time later and he was eliminated.
Daniel Negreanu: X-X-5 Wong bet 10,000 on the river and Brown made the call. Negreanu then raised it to 20,000 and Wong went into the tank. After some moments of thought, he mucked his hand and Brown followed suit. Negreanu raked in the pot and his stack was at 260,000. Brown’s stack was at 134,000 while Wong was at 160,000. Ben Lin Ousted By Hasan Habib Lin was all in against Habib and Eric Drache. Habib and Drache were contesting a side pot and when Habib showed down his hand, Drache could not beat it and mucked his hand. Matt Glantz then asked Lin if he could contest the side pot. Lin nodded and threw his hand in the muck, exiting the tournament area. Habib was up to 100,000 while Drache was at 122,000. Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Daniel Negreanu, Keith Sexton, Brian Goddard, Nikolaos Frangos, Alexander Kravchenko, Fu Wong, Eric Drache Freddie Ellis Wins Event No. 6 ($373,744)Jun 04, '09 Eric Drache had bet out on every single street and Freddie Ellis called with the following boards for each player: Drache: X-X-4 Drache decided to check on seventh and Ellis bet 200,000. Drache raised for his last 20,000 on top of Ellis’ bet. Ellis called and turned up 8 Player Tags: Freddie Ellis, Eric Drache Final Table Update: Eric Drache Takes the LeadJun 04, '09 Ante: 15,000 Players Remaining: 2 out of 142 Chip Counts: 1. Eric Drache — 3,200,000 Average Chip Count: 2,205,000 Notable Eliminations: None Big Hands: Eric Drache Takes the Lead Eric Drache: X-X-7 Eric Drache brought it in for 20,000 and Freddie Ellis made the call. Eric Drache: X-X-7 Ellis bet 60,000 and Drache raised to 120,000. Ellis called. Eric Drache: X-X-7 Ellis bet 120,000 and Drache made the call. Eric Drache: X-X-7 Ellis bet 120,000 and Crache called again on sixth street. After each player received his last down card Ellis bet 120,000 again and this time Drache raised to 240,000. Ellis made the call and turned over Q Player Tags: Freddie Ellis, Eric Drache Final Table Update: Hasan Habib (5th) and Max Pescatori (4th) EliminatedJun 03, '09 Ante: 7,000 Players Remaining: 3 out of 142 Chip Counts: 1. Freddie Ellis — 2,345,000 Average Chip Count: 1,420,000 Notable Eliminations: 5. Hasan Habib – $80,969 Big Hands: Hasan Habib Eliminated in Fifth Place ($80,969) Hasan Habib: X-X-J Ville Wahlbeck brought it in for 10,000 and Hasan Habib completed for 30,000. Eric Drache made the call and Wahlbeckk mucked. Hasan Habib: X-X-J Habib bet 30,000 and Drache called. Hasan Habib: X-X-J Habib bet 60,000 and Drache called. Hasan Habib: X-X-J Habib bet 60,000 and Drache raised to put Habib all in. Habib made the call and he flipped over A Max Pescatori Eliminated in Fourth Place ($107,959) Max Pescaotri: X-X-10 Max Pescatori moved all in for 93,000 on third street after facing a raise from Ville Wahlbeck. Wahlbeck called him down and they flipped up their hole cards: Max Pescaotri: (Q Pescatori was able to make jacks and sixes on sixth street, but Wahlbeck did him one better by making queens and eights on seventh street. Pescatori was eliminated in fourth place and he took home $107,959 in prize money. Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Max Pescatori, Ville Wahlbeck, Eric Drache Final Table Update: Greg Mueller (7th) and Ivan Scherzer (6th) EliminatedJun 03, '09 Ante: 5,000 Players Remaining: 5 out of 142 Chip Counts: 1. Freddie Ellis — 1,700,000 Average Chip Count: 473,333 Notable Eliminations: 7. Greg Mueller – $53,886 Big Hands: Greg Mueller Eliminated in Seventh Place ($53,886) Greg Mueller was severely short stacked when he was forced to recently move all in with buried deuces. Unfortunately for FBT Hasan Habib held split kings, which held up to win the pot and eliminate Mueller in seventh place ($53,886). Ivan Scherzer Eliminated in Sixth Place ($64,297) Action from fourth street: Ivan Schertzer: X-X-J Ivan Schertzer bet 20,000 and Eric Drache made the call. Ivan Schertzer: X-X-J Schertzer bet 40,000 and Drache raised to 80,000. Schertzer called all in for 20,000 and both players flipped up their hole cards. Schertzer was solid with K Ivan Schertzer: Drache won the hand with aces up to grow his stack to 600,000 while Schertzer was eliminated in sixth place ($64,207). Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Greg Mueller, Ivan Schertzer, Eric Drache |
Jun 02, '09 | 2009 40th Annual World Series of Poker | Event 6 - $10,000 World Championship Seven Card Stud | 2 | + |
Level 15 Update: Sexton Out, So Is KravchenkoJun 02, '09 Ante: 1,000 Players Remaining: 23 out of 142 Chip Counts: 1. Max Pescatori – 427,000 Average Chip Count: 152,143 Notable Eliminations: Keith Sexton Big Hands:
Brian Goddard: X-X-4 Frangos completed the bet to 5,000 and Sexton raised it to 10,000. Goddard made the call and Frangos did the same. Brian Goddard: X-X-4 Frangos fired 5,000 and Sexton raised again to 10,000. Goddard and Frangos called. Brian Goddard: X-X-4 Frangos led out again with 10,000 and both of his opponents called. Brian Goddard: X-X-4 Frangos bet out another 10,000 and his opponents called again. On the river, Frangos bet another 10,000 and Sexton called for his last 2,500. Goddard then raised it to 20,000 much to Frangos’ surprise. He looked both confused and disgusted with the turn of events and mucked his hand. Goddard then showed his hole cards, A
Seat 8: X-X-K Kravchenko completed to 5,000 and seat 8 raised to 10,000. Kravchenko called. Seat 8: X-X-K Seat 8 bet 5,000 and Kravchenko came along for the ride. Seat 8: X-X-K Seat 8 fired another shot, this one 10,000. Kravchenko had enough and mucked his hand. He was down to 80,000 after the hand but lost that a short time later and he was eliminated.
Daniel Negreanu: X-X-5 Wong bet 10,000 on the river and Brown made the call. Negreanu then raised it to 20,000 and Wong went into the tank. After some moments of thought, he mucked his hand and Brown followed suit. Negreanu raked in the pot and his stack was at 260,000. Brown’s stack was at 134,000 while Wong was at 160,000. Ben Lin Ousted By Hasan Habib Lin was all in against Habib and Eric Drache. Habib and Drache were contesting a side pot and when Habib showed down his hand, Drache could not beat it and mucked his hand. Matt Glantz then asked Lin if he could contest the side pot. Lin nodded and threw his hand in the muck, exiting the tournament area. Habib was up to 100,000 while Drache was at 122,000. Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Daniel Negreanu, Keith Sexton, Brian Goddard, Nikolaos Frangos, Alexander Kravchenko, Fu Wong, Eric Drache Freddie Ellis Wins Event No. 6 ($373,744)Jun 04, '09 Eric Drache had bet out on every single street and Freddie Ellis called with the following boards for each player: Drache: X-X-4 Drache decided to check on seventh and Ellis bet 200,000. Drache raised for his last 20,000 on top of Ellis’ bet. Ellis called and turned up 8 Player Tags: Freddie Ellis, Eric Drache Final Table Update: Eric Drache Takes the LeadJun 04, '09 Ante: 15,000 Players Remaining: 2 out of 142 Chip Counts: 1. Eric Drache — 3,200,000 Average Chip Count: 2,205,000 Notable Eliminations: None Big Hands: Eric Drache Takes the Lead Eric Drache: X-X-7 Eric Drache brought it in for 20,000 and Freddie Ellis made the call. Eric Drache: X-X-7 Ellis bet 60,000 and Drache raised to 120,000. Ellis called. Eric Drache: X-X-7 Ellis bet 120,000 and Drache made the call. Eric Drache: X-X-7 Ellis bet 120,000 and Crache called again on sixth street. After each player received his last down card Ellis bet 120,000 again and this time Drache raised to 240,000. Ellis made the call and turned over Q Player Tags: Freddie Ellis, Eric Drache Final Table Update: Hasan Habib (5th) and Max Pescatori (4th) EliminatedJun 03, '09 Ante: 7,000 Players Remaining: 3 out of 142 Chip Counts: 1. Freddie Ellis — 2,345,000 Average Chip Count: 1,420,000 Notable Eliminations: 5. Hasan Habib – $80,969 Big Hands: Hasan Habib Eliminated in Fifth Place ($80,969) Hasan Habib: X-X-J Ville Wahlbeck brought it in for 10,000 and Hasan Habib completed for 30,000. Eric Drache made the call and Wahlbeckk mucked. Hasan Habib: X-X-J Habib bet 30,000 and Drache called. Hasan Habib: X-X-J Habib bet 60,000 and Drache called. Hasan Habib: X-X-J Habib bet 60,000 and Drache raised to put Habib all in. Habib made the call and he flipped over A Max Pescatori Eliminated in Fourth Place ($107,959) Max Pescaotri: X-X-10 Max Pescatori moved all in for 93,000 on third street after facing a raise from Ville Wahlbeck. Wahlbeck called him down and they flipped up their hole cards: Max Pescaotri: (Q Pescatori was able to make jacks and sixes on sixth street, but Wahlbeck did him one better by making queens and eights on seventh street. Pescatori was eliminated in fourth place and he took home $107,959 in prize money. Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Max Pescatori, Ville Wahlbeck, Eric Drache Final Table Update: Greg Mueller (7th) and Ivan Scherzer (6th) EliminatedJun 03, '09 Ante: 5,000 Players Remaining: 5 out of 142 Chip Counts: 1. Freddie Ellis — 1,700,000 Average Chip Count: 473,333 Notable Eliminations: 7. Greg Mueller – $53,886 Big Hands: Greg Mueller Eliminated in Seventh Place ($53,886) Greg Mueller was severely short stacked when he was forced to recently move all in with buried deuces. Unfortunately for FBT Hasan Habib held split kings, which held up to win the pot and eliminate Mueller in seventh place ($53,886). Ivan Scherzer Eliminated in Sixth Place ($64,297) Action from fourth street: Ivan Schertzer: X-X-J Ivan Schertzer bet 20,000 and Eric Drache made the call. Ivan Schertzer: X-X-J Schertzer bet 40,000 and Drache raised to 80,000. Schertzer called all in for 20,000 and both players flipped up their hole cards. Schertzer was solid with K Ivan Schertzer: Drache won the hand with aces up to grow his stack to 600,000 while Schertzer was eliminated in sixth place ($64,207). Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Greg Mueller, Ivan Schertzer, Eric Drache |
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