New Chip Leader: Ludovic Lacay
Dec 09, '08
The judges are out but it appears we have a new chip leader.
Two Frenchmen who have been battling it out all day are Ludovic Lacay and Otto Richard.
However, their ultimate battle just occurred:
With blinds at 300/600, an ante of 75, and 96 players remaining, Lacay bet around 1,700 preflop.
Richard raised it up to 5,500. Then Lacay reraised it to 20,000. Richard thought and then quietly said, "All-in."
Lacay snap-called and flipped over pocket aces much to Richard's dismay - he held pocket kings.
The board fell Q
and Otto hit the rail.
Sitting on around 34,500 before the hand, it is quite safe to say Lacay is now in his seventies - chipwise.
Player Tags: Otto Richard, Ludovic Lacay
Aces Aces Everywhere
Dec 08, '08
Johannes Strassmann was just involved in a pot worth the best part of 5,000 in chips. The board was A
and he happily turned over two rosey red aces to beat his opponent's 9
Moving across the room, the pocket rockets seem to come with us. With 2,200 in the pot the board was 7
and it looked like Ludovic Lacay was chipping down. He had about 3,800 left and bet 600 on the river. Otto Richard called him down and Lacay flipped over aces and smiled as he chipped up to over 7,000.
Two seconds later, Alain Roy and his opponent were in a raising war. Roy finally called his opponent' s all-in on a board showing 10-5-6-Q-5 but Roy's pocket kings were not enough to withstand his opponent's pocket aces. Despite losing more than 5,500, Roy still has quite a nice stack in front of him.
Player Tags: Johannes Strassmann, Otto Richard, Ludovic Lacay, Alain Roy