One More Table To Go
Jun 05, '07
The field has gone from 910 all the way down to 16. There was a brief break in the action as tournament officials condensed the players down to two tables when there were 18 remaining. Following the re-draw Jesse Martin, David Sklansky and Hansu Chu (second in chips) are all seated at the same table. Our current chip leader is Brandon Wong with $370,000 and following in a close second is Hansu Chu with $330,000. The average chip stack at this point is $170,437.
Play has tightened since the last level as the idea of making a
World Series of Poker final table is starting to become more realistic. David Sklansky was in the small blind and gave Hansu Chu a walk, to which Chu said to the table, "this is the hand I'm supposed to double up with!". Chu folded aces face up and Sklansky nodded his head in understanding.
Chu may actually be the only player who isn't tightening up, he has been involved in a majority of the pots at his table. Casey Peters was all in after the flop and the money was right for Chu who made the call with A


. Peters had 6


and was amazed when they held up. As he collected his chips after doubling up Peters asked Chu, "Can we do that again? That really wasn't that much." Peters battled from $18,000 all the way up to $110,000 this level before taking a few hits and dropping back down to $30,000. A few hands later Peters and Chu continued to battle but this time the big stack reigned supreme. Peters raised and Chu re-raised, putting Peters all in. Peters made the call and turned over A


. Chu was holding J


. The flop came K



, giving Peters a little hope. Turn card was the J

taking all the mystery out of the river card (3

) and Peters was eliminated in 15th place, good for $10,310.
Level 17 is set to begin following an hour dinner break. The players will return at 10 p.m. and the limits are going up to $10,000-$20,000 so there should quite a few eliminations in this level. Play will continue tonight until the final table, consisting of only nine players.
Player Tags: David Sklansky, Casey Peters, Brandon Wong, Jesse Martin, Hansu Chu