Jun 20, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 34 - Pot-Limit Omaha with Rebuys |
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$1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha w/ Rebuys - Day 2 - Level 16 Recap
Jun 19, '08
Note: The players are now on a 20-minute break
Blinds: 5,000-10,000
Players Left: 12 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Kyle Kloeckner - 865,000
Michael Guzzardi - 810,000
Jacobo Fernandez - 450,000
Frank Vizza - 395,000
Ted Forrest - 380,000
Dario Alioto - 375,000
Tim West - 340,000
Kevin O'Donnell - 300,000
Daniel Makowsky - 274,000
Layne Flack - 265,000
Average Stack: 417,500
13th – Francisco Azares
14th – Thomas Wahlroos
15th – Tino Lechich
16th – Nathan Doudney
17th – Jerrod Ankenman
18th – Steve Saris
Big Hands and Storylines:
Kyle Kloeckner Eliminates Nathan Doudney
Tim West Raised to 35,000 pre-flop and was called by Kyle Kloeckner, Nathan Hagens, and Nathan Doudney. On a flop of 6 3 3 , West checked, Kloeckner checked, and Hagens checked. When action came around to Doudney, he didn’t think for too long before betting 100,000. West quickly folded, but Klockner, perhaps suspecting Doudney of a steal, raised to 300,000. Hagens folded and Doudney quickly moved all-in for his final 60,000. Kloeckner, priced in, made the call with K J J 9 . Doudney turned over a full house: 6 3 7 5 . Kloeckner, drawing to only a jack, had scarcely asked his tablemates if any of them had folded a jack when the dealer flipped up the turn: J ! Things had turned upside-down for Doudney and now he was looking for the last trey in the deck to win the pot. Not only was the river not the case trey to save Doudney, but it was the case jack.
I guess that answers Kloeckner’s question.
After raking in the pot and stacking his chips, it appears that Kloeckner is our new chip leader with 865,000.
Thomas Wahlroos Eliminates Tino Lechich
Thomas Wahlroos raised to 35,000 pre-flop and Francisco Azares made it 110,000. Tino Lechich said, “Alright. You’ve got one.” Before moving his final 50,000 all-in. Wahlroos chimed in, “You’ve got two,” and, covered by Azares’s bet, moved all-in. The three revealed their hands:
Azares: K K 5 2
Lechich: A K J J
Wahlroos: A A 10 2
The flop was a very safe one for Wahlroos: 9 9 3 . The turn 6 was nearly as innocuous, though it gave Azares a gutshot straight-draw. When the river blanked, Wahlroos was jolted up to 190,000 while Azares was left with only 90,000; Azares would be eliminated only a short time later.
Michael Guzzardi Eliminates Thomas Wahlroos
Michael Guzzardi raised to 25,000 from early position and was called by three players: Thomas Wahlroos in late position, and Layne Flack and Kevin O’Donnell in the blinds. The flop came Q 10 6 and the blinds checked. Guzzardi bet 65,000 and Wahlroos almost instantly moved his stack of 163,000 into the pot. Flack insta-folded but O’Donnell had a much tougher decision to make. “I wish I knew the math like you guys. I should have gone to school,” said O’Donnell. Eventually O’Donnell folded, and that decision turned out to be the right one as Guzzardi called and showed A J 8 7 for the nut flush. Wahlroos showed Q Q 7 7 for top set, and was hoping to fill up on a later street. Unfortunately for Wahlroos the turn and river came 8 and 2 and, not long after his double-up, he was eliminated. Guzzardi now has 810,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Tino Lechich, Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Kevin O'Donnell, Thomas Wahlroos, Nathan Doudney, Dario Alioto, Tim West, Jacobo Fernandez, Daniel Makowsky, Jerrod Ankenman, Kyle Kloeckner, Steven Saris, Michael Guzzardi, Francisco Azares
$1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha w/ Rebuys - Day 2 - Level 15 Recap
Jun 19, '08
Blinds: 4,000-8,000
Players Left: 19 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Michael Guzzardi - 500,000
Kyle Kloeckner - 460,000
Jacobo Fernandez - 450,000
Frank Vizza - 410,000
Ted Forrest - 380,000
Tim "tmay420" West - 375,000
Layne Flack - 280,000
Kevin O'Donnell - 275,000
Thomas Wahlroos - 270,000
Nathan Doudney - 222,000
Average Stack: 260,000
Erik Seidel
Jeff Williams
Johannes Strassman
Julian Powell
Loren Klein
Big Hands and Storylines:
Jacobo Moving Toward Final Table Number Three
Jacobo Fernandez just brushed aside another pesky impediment standing in the way of his third final table at this year’s World Series. This time the impediment came in the form of Loren Klein. Fernandez and Klein got their chips all in on a flop of K 7 3 . Fernandez showed K K J 4 for top set while Klein tabled A A Q 6 for a pair of aces. The turn and river were the 3 and 6 and just like that Jacobo made another addition to his growing stack of chips. He currently has 450,000.
Forrest on Fire
Ted Forrest just added to his growing stack in a hand against Frank Vizza. Forrest raised to 25,000 from late position and Vizza called from the button. The flop came A Q J and Forrest checked. Vizza bet 45,000 and Forrest called him. Both players checked the T turn and Forrest bet out big – a pot-sized bet – on the river 2 . Vizza tanked, focusing on the newly dealt river card, but eventually laid his hand down. That pot takes Forrest up to a commanding 380,000.
Azares Does in the Powell
Ted Forrest limped in late position and Julian Powell and Francisco Azares in the blinds joined him in seeing a 7 6 4 flop. Powell bet 20,000, leaving himself only about 5,000 behind. Azares, short stacked himself, made a pot-sized raise that put him all-in. Forrest mucked his hand and the two showed their cards:
Powell: A J 8 7
Azares: A K 5 4
Powell had top pair and a jack-high flush draw along with 3 outs to a straight. Azares though had the nut flush draw along with an open-ended straight-draw. The turn was the 6 and Powell was still ahead with two-pair, but a 2 on the river sent the Aussie packing. By adding Powell’s few chips to his collection, Azares is now up to 120,000 on the day.
Player Tags: Erik Seidel, Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Loren Klein, Thomas Wahlroos, Nathan Doudney, Tim West, Johannes Strassmann, Julian Powell, Jacobo Fernandez, Jeff Williams, Kyle Kloeckner, Michael Guzzardi, Francisco Azares
More Action From Omaha
Jun 19, '08
Note: Players are now on a 20 minute break.
Blinds: 1,500-3,000
Players Left: 38 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Kyle Kloeckner: 395,000
Daniel Makowsky: 370,000
Loren Klein: 290,000
Frank Vizza: 265,000
Jerrod Ankenman: 250,000
Ted Forrest: 240,000
Nathan Doudney: 220,000
Layne Flack: 200,000
Kevin O'Donnell: 185,000
Average Stack: 128,462
Eliminations: Jeff Shulman
Big Hands:
Kloeckner Takes a Hit
On a flop of Q 4 6 , Kyle Kloeckner pushed 21,000 into the pot. Django Young raised all in and Kloeckner made the call. Both players then turned up their hands.
Kloeckner: A A 7 10
Young: Q Q A 6
Young flopped a set of ladies, turning Kloeckner's bullets. Young also had one of Kloeckner's outs in the A . The turn was the 6 and the river brought the case 6 , doubling up Young with his queens full house. Kloeckner was down to 280,000.
Ankenmann Sends One Packing
Jerrod Ankenman called Varahram Vardjavand's all in bet and the players turned over their hands.
Ankenman: A A 9 8
Vardjavand: A A 6 2
Both players showed aces, so their other cards would likely decide the pot. The flop came J 8 7 , giving Ankenman a gutshot straight draw. The turn made his straight when the 10 showed up. The river was the 8 and Akenman knocked out a player and improved his stack to 270,000.
Fernandez Takes a Pot
The player in seat 5 raised to 10,000 and Jacobo Fernandez made the call. The flop came down A 7 3 . Seat 5 checked and Fernandez bet 5,000. His opponent called and the turn was the Q . Both players checked and the river brought the 6 . Both players checked again and then they turned their hands.
Fernandez: Q Q 8 8
Seat 5: 10 10 A J
Fernandez turned a set of queens and took down the pot.
Player Tags: Jacobo Fernandez, Jerrod Ankenman, Kyle Kloeckner
The Forrest is on Fire
Jun 19, '08
Blinds: 1,000-2,000
Players Left: 42 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Frank Vizza: 408,000
Daniel Makowsky: 397,500
Kyle Kloeckner: 343,500
Kevin O'Donnell: 300,000
Ted Forrest: 240,000
Thomas Wahlroos: 237,000
Jerrod Ankenman: 215,000
Layne Flack: 189,500
Steven Saris: 183,00
Nathan Doudney: 181,000
Average Stack: 119,286
Eliminations: Jared Hamby, Dan Adams, Mats Rahmn, Marc Goodwin
Big Hands:
Full House, Sir?
"Do you have a full house," whispered Jared Hamby to his opponent, Layne Flack. Hamby had just led out on the river on a board of K J 10 A A for 8,000, and Flack had raised him to 30,000, almost the rest of his remaining stack. Flack threw back his head and laughed. "That's a question I'd never thought I'd get asked right there," said Flack. Hamby finally elected to call, and Flack showed the bad news: A J for aces full. After the hand Flack was up to close to 190,000, while Hamby had just about 6,500. He was eliminated a short while later.
Battle of the Surnames
Kyle Bowker moved all in for his last 9,000 and was called by Kyle Kloeckner. It was pretty much a race, with Bowker holding A K Q 10 versus Koecker's 9 8 7 7 . The flop was bad for Bowker, as Kloeckner hit his set on a board of 8 7 2 , although it did give him outs to a flush. But the 8 had him drawing pretty well dead. Kloeckner, meanwhile, is second in the tournament in chips with about 345,000 in chips.
Adams Can't See the Forrest for the Trees
Ted Forrest raised to 5,000 preflop. The player in seat 1 called, as did Dan Adams. The flop came A 8 3 and all players checked. The turn was the 7 and Adams checked to Forrest. He proceeded to fire 15,000. Seat 1 made the call and Adams came over the top for his entire stack. Forrest made the quick call and seat 1 got out of the way. The hands were then turned up.
Forrest: A A J 3
Adams: K J 10 9
Forrest had top set while Adams had possibilities galore. He had an open ended straight draw to go with his gutshot straight flush draw. But the river was the 8 , breaking the lead of Adams' drawing pencil and putting Forrest on a boat with the eight's doing the paddling with the rest of Adams' chips as passengers.
Wahlroos Forces Out Fernandez
Jacobo Fernandez made it 5,000 to go preflop. Thomas Wahlroos made the call and the flop came 10 3 5 . Both players checked and the turn brought the 3 . Wahlroos took the initiative and fired 15,000 into the pot and Fernandez mucked. Wahlroos moved up to 237,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Kyle Bowker, Jared Hamby, Kyle Kloeckner, European Report
PLO w/Rebuys - Final Table - Ted Forrest Eliminated
Jun 20, '08
Blinds: 25,000-50,000
Players Remaining: 4 of 320
Chip Counts:
Layne Flack: 1,975,000
Dario Alioto: 1,320,000
Jacobo Fernandez: 985,000
Daniel Makowsky: 830,000
Kyle Kloeckner: 6th Place ($114,338)
Ted Forrest: 5th Place ($144,428)
Big Hands/Storylines:
Kyle Kloeckner Eliminated in Sixth Place ($114,338)
A flop of 6 2 2 sat on the table when Kyle Koeckner, Layne Flack, and Daniel Makowsky all checked. The turn brought the K and Kloeckner checked, Flack bet 80,000, Makowsky mucked, and Kloeckner raised all in. Flack made the call and they exposed their cards:
Kloeckner: K 8 5 2
Flack: 7 6 6 5
River: A
Kloeckner was eliminated on the hand, and he took home $114,338 in prize money.
Ted Forrest Eliminated in Fifth Place ($144,428)
Ted Forrest raised to 130,000 preflop and Makowsky made the call. Jacobo Fernandez also called and the flop was dealt J 7 4 . Makowsky bet the pot (390,000) and Fernandez mucked. Forrest called all in and they turned up their hands:
Forrest: A K 9 8
Makowsky: J J 5 5
Turn and River: 5 8
Forrest was eliminated in fifth place, and he took home $144,428 in prize money.
Player Tags: Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Jacobo Fernandez, Daniel Makowsky, Kyle Kloeckner, European Report
PLO w/Rebuys - Final Table - Michael Guzzardi Eliminated in 7th Place
Jun 20, '08
Blinds: 12,000-24,000
Players Remaining: 6 of 320
Chip Counts:
Dario Alioto: 1,403,000
Layne Flack: 1,388,000
Daniel Makowsky: 688,000
Ted Forrest: 597,000
Jacobo Fernandez: 570,000
Kyle Kloeckner: 370,000
Michael Guzzardi: 7th Place ($90,267)
Big Hands/Storylines:
Daniel Makowsky Doubles Up
Daniel Makowsky moved all in preflop for 284,000 and Kyle Kloeckner reraised all in for 756,000. Everyone else folded and the two opponents flipped up their cards:
Makowsky: A Q 7 3
Kloeckner: A Q Q 7
Board: 7 6 3 9 4 
Makowsky overcame a monster hand for Kloeckner and doubled up to survive.
Michael Guzzardi Eliminated in Seventh Place ($90,267)
Michael Guzzardi got it all in on a flop of 7 5 2 against Layne Flack and they turned up their hands:
Guzzardi: Q J 9 8
Flack: K Q 6 4
Turn and River: 6 A
Guzzardi was eliminated in seventh place, and he took home $90,267 in prize money.
Player Tags: Layne Flack, Daniel Makowsky, Kyle Kloeckner, European Report, Michael Guzzardi
Jun 19, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 34 - Pot-Limit Omaha with Rebuys |
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$1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha w/ Rebuys - Day 2 - Level 16 Recap
Jun 19, '08
Note: The players are now on a 20-minute break
Blinds: 5,000-10,000
Players Left: 12 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Kyle Kloeckner - 865,000
Michael Guzzardi - 810,000
Jacobo Fernandez - 450,000
Frank Vizza - 395,000
Ted Forrest - 380,000
Dario Alioto - 375,000
Tim West - 340,000
Kevin O'Donnell - 300,000
Daniel Makowsky - 274,000
Layne Flack - 265,000
Average Stack: 417,500
13th – Francisco Azares
14th – Thomas Wahlroos
15th – Tino Lechich
16th – Nathan Doudney
17th – Jerrod Ankenman
18th – Steve Saris
Big Hands and Storylines:
Kyle Kloeckner Eliminates Nathan Doudney
Tim West Raised to 35,000 pre-flop and was called by Kyle Kloeckner, Nathan Hagens, and Nathan Doudney. On a flop of 6 3 3 , West checked, Kloeckner checked, and Hagens checked. When action came around to Doudney, he didn’t think for too long before betting 100,000. West quickly folded, but Klockner, perhaps suspecting Doudney of a steal, raised to 300,000. Hagens folded and Doudney quickly moved all-in for his final 60,000. Kloeckner, priced in, made the call with K J J 9 . Doudney turned over a full house: 6 3 7 5 . Kloeckner, drawing to only a jack, had scarcely asked his tablemates if any of them had folded a jack when the dealer flipped up the turn: J ! Things had turned upside-down for Doudney and now he was looking for the last trey in the deck to win the pot. Not only was the river not the case trey to save Doudney, but it was the case jack.
I guess that answers Kloeckner’s question.
After raking in the pot and stacking his chips, it appears that Kloeckner is our new chip leader with 865,000.
Thomas Wahlroos Eliminates Tino Lechich
Thomas Wahlroos raised to 35,000 pre-flop and Francisco Azares made it 110,000. Tino Lechich said, “Alright. You’ve got one.” Before moving his final 50,000 all-in. Wahlroos chimed in, “You’ve got two,” and, covered by Azares’s bet, moved all-in. The three revealed their hands:
Azares: K K 5 2
Lechich: A K J J
Wahlroos: A A 10 2
The flop was a very safe one for Wahlroos: 9 9 3 . The turn 6 was nearly as innocuous, though it gave Azares a gutshot straight-draw. When the river blanked, Wahlroos was jolted up to 190,000 while Azares was left with only 90,000; Azares would be eliminated only a short time later.
Michael Guzzardi Eliminates Thomas Wahlroos
Michael Guzzardi raised to 25,000 from early position and was called by three players: Thomas Wahlroos in late position, and Layne Flack and Kevin O’Donnell in the blinds. The flop came Q 10 6 and the blinds checked. Guzzardi bet 65,000 and Wahlroos almost instantly moved his stack of 163,000 into the pot. Flack insta-folded but O’Donnell had a much tougher decision to make. “I wish I knew the math like you guys. I should have gone to school,” said O’Donnell. Eventually O’Donnell folded, and that decision turned out to be the right one as Guzzardi called and showed A J 8 7 for the nut flush. Wahlroos showed Q Q 7 7 for top set, and was hoping to fill up on a later street. Unfortunately for Wahlroos the turn and river came 8 and 2 and, not long after his double-up, he was eliminated. Guzzardi now has 810,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Tino Lechich, Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Kevin O'Donnell, Thomas Wahlroos, Nathan Doudney, Dario Alioto, Tim West, Jacobo Fernandez, Daniel Makowsky, Jerrod Ankenman, Kyle Kloeckner, Steven Saris, Michael Guzzardi, Francisco Azares
$1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha w/ Rebuys - Day 2 - Level 15 Recap
Jun 19, '08
Blinds: 4,000-8,000
Players Left: 19 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Michael Guzzardi - 500,000
Kyle Kloeckner - 460,000
Jacobo Fernandez - 450,000
Frank Vizza - 410,000
Ted Forrest - 380,000
Tim "tmay420" West - 375,000
Layne Flack - 280,000
Kevin O'Donnell - 275,000
Thomas Wahlroos - 270,000
Nathan Doudney - 222,000
Average Stack: 260,000
Erik Seidel
Jeff Williams
Johannes Strassman
Julian Powell
Loren Klein
Big Hands and Storylines:
Jacobo Moving Toward Final Table Number Three
Jacobo Fernandez just brushed aside another pesky impediment standing in the way of his third final table at this year’s World Series. This time the impediment came in the form of Loren Klein. Fernandez and Klein got their chips all in on a flop of K 7 3 . Fernandez showed K K J 4 for top set while Klein tabled A A Q 6 for a pair of aces. The turn and river were the 3 and 6 and just like that Jacobo made another addition to his growing stack of chips. He currently has 450,000.
Forrest on Fire
Ted Forrest just added to his growing stack in a hand against Frank Vizza. Forrest raised to 25,000 from late position and Vizza called from the button. The flop came A Q J and Forrest checked. Vizza bet 45,000 and Forrest called him. Both players checked the T turn and Forrest bet out big – a pot-sized bet – on the river 2 . Vizza tanked, focusing on the newly dealt river card, but eventually laid his hand down. That pot takes Forrest up to a commanding 380,000.
Azares Does in the Powell
Ted Forrest limped in late position and Julian Powell and Francisco Azares in the blinds joined him in seeing a 7 6 4 flop. Powell bet 20,000, leaving himself only about 5,000 behind. Azares, short stacked himself, made a pot-sized raise that put him all-in. Forrest mucked his hand and the two showed their cards:
Powell: A J 8 7
Azares: A K 5 4
Powell had top pair and a jack-high flush draw along with 3 outs to a straight. Azares though had the nut flush draw along with an open-ended straight-draw. The turn was the 6 and Powell was still ahead with two-pair, but a 2 on the river sent the Aussie packing. By adding Powell’s few chips to his collection, Azares is now up to 120,000 on the day.
Player Tags: Erik Seidel, Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Loren Klein, Thomas Wahlroos, Nathan Doudney, Tim West, Johannes Strassmann, Julian Powell, Jacobo Fernandez, Jeff Williams, Kyle Kloeckner, Michael Guzzardi, Francisco Azares
More Action From Omaha
Jun 19, '08
Note: Players are now on a 20 minute break.
Blinds: 1,500-3,000
Players Left: 38 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Kyle Kloeckner: 395,000
Daniel Makowsky: 370,000
Loren Klein: 290,000
Frank Vizza: 265,000
Jerrod Ankenman: 250,000
Ted Forrest: 240,000
Nathan Doudney: 220,000
Layne Flack: 200,000
Kevin O'Donnell: 185,000
Average Stack: 128,462
Eliminations: Jeff Shulman
Big Hands:
Kloeckner Takes a Hit
On a flop of Q 4 6 , Kyle Kloeckner pushed 21,000 into the pot. Django Young raised all in and Kloeckner made the call. Both players then turned up their hands.
Kloeckner: A A 7 10
Young: Q Q A 6
Young flopped a set of ladies, turning Kloeckner's bullets. Young also had one of Kloeckner's outs in the A . The turn was the 6 and the river brought the case 6 , doubling up Young with his queens full house. Kloeckner was down to 280,000.
Ankenmann Sends One Packing
Jerrod Ankenman called Varahram Vardjavand's all in bet and the players turned over their hands.
Ankenman: A A 9 8
Vardjavand: A A 6 2
Both players showed aces, so their other cards would likely decide the pot. The flop came J 8 7 , giving Ankenman a gutshot straight draw. The turn made his straight when the 10 showed up. The river was the 8 and Akenman knocked out a player and improved his stack to 270,000.
Fernandez Takes a Pot
The player in seat 5 raised to 10,000 and Jacobo Fernandez made the call. The flop came down A 7 3 . Seat 5 checked and Fernandez bet 5,000. His opponent called and the turn was the Q . Both players checked and the river brought the 6 . Both players checked again and then they turned their hands.
Fernandez: Q Q 8 8
Seat 5: 10 10 A J
Fernandez turned a set of queens and took down the pot.
Player Tags: Jacobo Fernandez, Jerrod Ankenman, Kyle Kloeckner
The Forrest is on Fire
Jun 19, '08
Blinds: 1,000-2,000
Players Left: 42 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Frank Vizza: 408,000
Daniel Makowsky: 397,500
Kyle Kloeckner: 343,500
Kevin O'Donnell: 300,000
Ted Forrest: 240,000
Thomas Wahlroos: 237,000
Jerrod Ankenman: 215,000
Layne Flack: 189,500
Steven Saris: 183,00
Nathan Doudney: 181,000
Average Stack: 119,286
Eliminations: Jared Hamby, Dan Adams, Mats Rahmn, Marc Goodwin
Big Hands:
Full House, Sir?
"Do you have a full house," whispered Jared Hamby to his opponent, Layne Flack. Hamby had just led out on the river on a board of K J 10 A A for 8,000, and Flack had raised him to 30,000, almost the rest of his remaining stack. Flack threw back his head and laughed. "That's a question I'd never thought I'd get asked right there," said Flack. Hamby finally elected to call, and Flack showed the bad news: A J for aces full. After the hand Flack was up to close to 190,000, while Hamby had just about 6,500. He was eliminated a short while later.
Battle of the Surnames
Kyle Bowker moved all in for his last 9,000 and was called by Kyle Kloeckner. It was pretty much a race, with Bowker holding A K Q 10 versus Koecker's 9 8 7 7 . The flop was bad for Bowker, as Kloeckner hit his set on a board of 8 7 2 , although it did give him outs to a flush. But the 8 had him drawing pretty well dead. Kloeckner, meanwhile, is second in the tournament in chips with about 345,000 in chips.
Adams Can't See the Forrest for the Trees
Ted Forrest raised to 5,000 preflop. The player in seat 1 called, as did Dan Adams. The flop came A 8 3 and all players checked. The turn was the 7 and Adams checked to Forrest. He proceeded to fire 15,000. Seat 1 made the call and Adams came over the top for his entire stack. Forrest made the quick call and seat 1 got out of the way. The hands were then turned up.
Forrest: A A J 3
Adams: K J 10 9
Forrest had top set while Adams had possibilities galore. He had an open ended straight draw to go with his gutshot straight flush draw. But the river was the 8 , breaking the lead of Adams' drawing pencil and putting Forrest on a boat with the eight's doing the paddling with the rest of Adams' chips as passengers.
Wahlroos Forces Out Fernandez
Jacobo Fernandez made it 5,000 to go preflop. Thomas Wahlroos made the call and the flop came 10 3 5 . Both players checked and the turn brought the 3 . Wahlroos took the initiative and fired 15,000 into the pot and Fernandez mucked. Wahlroos moved up to 237,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Kyle Bowker, Jared Hamby, Kyle Kloeckner, European Report
PLO w/Rebuys - Final Table - Ted Forrest Eliminated
Jun 20, '08
Blinds: 25,000-50,000
Players Remaining: 4 of 320
Chip Counts:
Layne Flack: 1,975,000
Dario Alioto: 1,320,000
Jacobo Fernandez: 985,000
Daniel Makowsky: 830,000
Kyle Kloeckner: 6th Place ($114,338)
Ted Forrest: 5th Place ($144,428)
Big Hands/Storylines:
Kyle Kloeckner Eliminated in Sixth Place ($114,338)
A flop of 6 2 2 sat on the table when Kyle Koeckner, Layne Flack, and Daniel Makowsky all checked. The turn brought the K and Kloeckner checked, Flack bet 80,000, Makowsky mucked, and Kloeckner raised all in. Flack made the call and they exposed their cards:
Kloeckner: K 8 5 2
Flack: 7 6 6 5
River: A
Kloeckner was eliminated on the hand, and he took home $114,338 in prize money.
Ted Forrest Eliminated in Fifth Place ($144,428)
Ted Forrest raised to 130,000 preflop and Makowsky made the call. Jacobo Fernandez also called and the flop was dealt J 7 4 . Makowsky bet the pot (390,000) and Fernandez mucked. Forrest called all in and they turned up their hands:
Forrest: A K 9 8
Makowsky: J J 5 5
Turn and River: 5 8
Forrest was eliminated in fifth place, and he took home $144,428 in prize money.
Player Tags: Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Jacobo Fernandez, Daniel Makowsky, Kyle Kloeckner, European Report
PLO w/Rebuys - Final Table - Michael Guzzardi Eliminated in 7th Place
Jun 20, '08
Blinds: 12,000-24,000
Players Remaining: 6 of 320
Chip Counts:
Dario Alioto: 1,403,000
Layne Flack: 1,388,000
Daniel Makowsky: 688,000
Ted Forrest: 597,000
Jacobo Fernandez: 570,000
Kyle Kloeckner: 370,000
Michael Guzzardi: 7th Place ($90,267)
Big Hands/Storylines:
Daniel Makowsky Doubles Up
Daniel Makowsky moved all in preflop for 284,000 and Kyle Kloeckner reraised all in for 756,000. Everyone else folded and the two opponents flipped up their cards:
Makowsky: A Q 7 3
Kloeckner: A Q Q 7
Board: 7 6 3 9 4 
Makowsky overcame a monster hand for Kloeckner and doubled up to survive.
Michael Guzzardi Eliminated in Seventh Place ($90,267)
Michael Guzzardi got it all in on a flop of 7 5 2 against Layne Flack and they turned up their hands:
Guzzardi: Q J 9 8
Flack: K Q 6 4
Turn and River: 6 A
Guzzardi was eliminated in seventh place, and he took home $90,267 in prize money.
Player Tags: Layne Flack, Daniel Makowsky, Kyle Kloeckner, European Report, Michael Guzzardi
Jun 14, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 24 - Pot-Limit Hold'em / Omaha |
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+ |
Event 24 - $2,500 Pot-Limit Hold 'em/Omaha - 17 Remain
Jun 13, '08
Blinds: 2,000-4,000 hold 'em, 1,500-3,000 Omaha
Players Remaining: 17
Chip Leaders:
Max Pescatori: 342,000
Allen Cunningham: 196,000
Lennart Holtkamp: 186,000
Dustin Sitar: 185,000
Kyle Kloeckner: 150,000
Kyle Hegeman: 131,000
John-Paul Kelly: 126,500
Greg Hurst: 114,000
Jonathan Depa: 110,000
Kory Mitchell: 108,000
Eliminations: Henning Granstad, Steve Hudak
Notable Hands:
The Pirate and The Professor
Max Pescatori opened for a raise to 14,000, but was faced with a reraise from Howard Lederer for an additional 21,000. Although Pescatori was sitting behind a sizable stack of chips, he respected Lederer's three-bet and let the hand go. Perhaps Lederer is receiving some luck from his sister Annie Duke, who has come to watch her brother after busting out of the Razz tournament.
Kloeckner Cleans Granstad's Clock
Kyle Kloeckner and Henning Granstad were all in before the flop.
Kloeckner: K K Q 8
Granstad: A A J 8
The hold 'em-esque match up of aces versus kings saw a flop of 2 3 5 2 3 , Kloeckner's aces held up, and Granstad went home in 18th place.
Player Tags: Max Pescatori, Howard Lederer, Henning Granstad, Kyle Kloeckner, European Report
Max Pescatori Wins Event No. 24 ($246,471)
Jun 14, '08
Max Pescatori Takes Commanding Chip Lead
Starting heads-up play virtually even in chips, Max Pescatori took a big chip lead over Kyle Kloeckner. Pescatori raised to 65,000 from the button and Kyle Kloeckner called from the big blind. The flop came Q 10 5 , and Pescatori bet 100,000. Kloeckner raised to 350,000 and after a few minutes in the tank, Pescatori moved all in. Kloeckner folded and Pescatori took a commanding chip lead of 1.5 million to just under 700,000.
Max Pescatori Wins Event No. 24 ($246,471)
On the final hand of the night, Max Pescatori raised to 72,000 and Kyle Kloekner made the call. The flop came K J 3 , and Pescatori bet 110,000, Kloeckner called. the turn was the 2 , and Pescatori bet the pot (364,000). Kloeckner tanked for a few minutes before moving all in. Pescatori called and had him covered. When they revealed their hands, Kloeckner showed jacks and threes for two pair, but he was drawing dead to one card when Pescatori showed kings and jacks with a flush draw. Kloeckner needed the last black three in the deck, but the river was the 2 , giving Pescatori his second bracelet and the victory.
Player Tags: Max Pescatori, Kyle Kloeckner
$2,500 HA - Dinner Time
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 3
Chip Counts:
Kyle Kloeckner - 1,100,000
Max Pescatori - 690,000
Greg Hurst - 500,000
Eliminations: Kyle Hegeman (5th Place), Allen Cunningham (4th Place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Kyle Hegeman Eliminated in Fifth Place ($62,015) - Omaha
Max Pescatori limped on the button and Kyle Hegeman raised to 80,000 from the small blind. Both Kyle Kloeckner and Pescatori called and the flop came J 5 4 . Hegeman moved all in for 125,000 and Kloeckner quickly called. Pescatori folded and the players turned over their hands. Hegeman had top pair, top kicker and a back door nut flush draw, and Kloeckner showed an open-ended straight draw and back door flush draw. The turn gave Kloeckner his straight, and Hegeman was drawing dead. He finished in fifth place.
Allen Cunningham Eliminated in Fourth Place ($76,205) - Omaha
After losing half of his stack on the previous hand, Allen Cunningham found himself all in against Kyle Kloeckner. Cunningham connected with the flop, but Kloeckner made a set of aces to send him to the rail in fourth place.
NOTE: The players then took a one-hour dinner break. Play will resume at 10:00 P.M.
Player Tags: Allen Cunningham, Max Pescatori, Kyle Kloeckner, Kyle Hegeman
$2,500 HA - Depa Eliminated
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 6
Chip Counts:
Max Pescatori - 600,000
Kyle Kloeckner - 350,000
Greg Hurst - 472,000
Kyle Hegeman - 254,000
Allen Cunningham - 455,000
Eliminations: Jonathan Depa (6th Place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Allen Cunningham Doubles Up - Hold'em
Allen Cunningham raised on the button to 70,000 and Jonathan Depa put him all in from the big blind. Cunningham eventually made the call turning over A 6 , but was dominated by Depa's A Q . The flop came 5 4 2 , giving Cunningham some more outs. The turn was the 8 making him doubled gutted, and the river was the miracle 7 to give him the straight and a double up to 590,000. Depa was crippled after the hand, and left with just 11,000.
Jonathan Depa Eliminated in Sixth Place ($48,876) - Hold'em
Depa was all in with less than a big blind against Max Pescatori. Depa failed to catch anything to help his hand and was eliminated in sixth place.
Cunningham Gives It Back
After doubling up both Kyle Kloeckner and Kyle Hegeman, Cunningham was back near the felt with just over 100,000. A few hands later, however, he had doubled up twice to put himself back in the middle of the pack.
Player Tags: Allen Cunningham, Max Pescatori, Jonathan Depa, Kyle Kloeckner, Kyle Hegeman
$2,500 HA - Holtkamp Eliminated
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 6
Chip Counts:
Jonathan Depa - 290,000
Max Pescatori - 670,000
Allen Cunningham - 280,000
Greg Hurst - 250,000
Kyle Hegeman - 180,000
Kyle Kloeckner - 600,000
Eliminations: Lennart Holtkamp (7th Place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Kyle Kloeckner Doubles Up - Omaha
Lennart Holtkamp raised and Kyle Kloeckner called in the big blind. The flop came A 8 6 and Kloeckner led out at the pot. Holtkamp raised the pot and Kloeckner moved in. Holtkamp made the call with a flush draw and a pair of aces and Kloeckner showed his 10 10 9 7 . The turn was the 9 givig Kloeckner a straight flush and he doubled up to over 400,000.
Lennart Holtkamp Eliminated in Seventh Place ($38,365) - Omaha
Max Pescatori limped and both Greg Hurst and Lennart Holtkamp came along in the blinds. The flop came down K 8 2 and Hurst checked to Holtkamp, who bet 21,000. Pescatori called and Hurst got out of the way. The turn was the A and Pescatori bet 75,000 when it was checked to him. Holtkamp moved all in and was instantly called by Pescatori's top set of kings. Holtkamp need a non-board pairing spade to stay alive, but the river was the 2 sending him to the rail in seventh place.
NOTE: The players then took a 20-minute break.
Player Tags: Max Pescatori, Greg Hurst, Kyle Kloeckner, Lennart Holtkamp
$2,500 HA - Action Slow Down
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 7
Chip Counts:
Kyle Kloeckner - 585,000
Allen Cunningham - 470,000
Jonathan Depa - 390,000
Max Pescatori - 350,000
Kyle Hegeman - 250,000
Greg Hurst - 220,000
Lennart Holtkamp - 147,000
Eliminations: None
Big Hands and Storylines:
Greg Hurst Doubles Up - Hold'em
Kyle Kloeckner raised to 30,000 and Greg Hurst moved all in for 100,000. Max Pescatori called in the big blind and Kloeckner reluctantly folded, claiming he had pocket queens. Hurst showed J J and Pescatori turned over A K . The board ran out 8 3 2 7 J and Hurst doubled up.
Max Pescatori Chips Up - Omaha
Greg Hurst raised to 27,000 and Max Pescatori called on the button. Jonathan Depa also called in the small blind. All three players checked the flop of K 10 5 and the 8 hit the turn. Depa bet 74,000 and Hurst folded. Pescatori made the call and the river was the 2 . Depa checked, Pescatori bet 74,000 and Depa thought it over being folding.
NOTE: The players then took a 20-minute break.
Player Tags: Max Pescatori, Greg Hurst, Jonathan Depa, Kyle Kloeckner
$2,500 HA - Two Quickly Gone
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 7
Chip Counts:
Kyle Kloeckner - 443,000
Allen Cunningham - 440,000
Jonathan Depa - 367,000
Max Pescatori - 367,000
Lennart Holtkamp - 238,000
Kyle Hegeman - 222,000
Greg Hurst - 115,000
Eliminations: John-Paul Kelly (9th Place), Minh Ly (8th Place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
John-Paul Kelly Eliminated in 9th Place ($22,599) - Hold'em
Kyle Kloeckner raised to 25,000 and John-Paul Kelly moved all in for 64,000 on the short stack. Kloeckner called and showed A 10 . Kelly needed help with his K J , but the board ran out A 6 5 8 Q to eliminate Kelly in ninth place.
Minh Ly Eliminated in 8th Place ($30,482) - Hold'em
Jonathan Depa raised to 25,000 and Minh Ly raised the pot behind him. The action folded around and Depa moved all in. Ly made the call and showed pocket jacks, and he was racing against Depa's A K . The board ran out K 5 5 5 2 and Ly was crippled down to his last 4,000. The next hand he was all in blind and couldn't catch up to Kyle Hegeman's K-Q.
Player Tags: Minh Ly, Jonathan Depa, Kyle Kloeckner, Kyle Hegeman, European Report
Jun 13, '08 |
2008 39th Annual World Series of Poker |
Event 24 - Pot-Limit Hold'em / Omaha |
2 |
+ |
Event 24 - $2,500 Pot-Limit Hold 'em/Omaha - 17 Remain
Jun 13, '08
Blinds: 2,000-4,000 hold 'em, 1,500-3,000 Omaha
Players Remaining: 17
Chip Leaders:
Max Pescatori: 342,000
Allen Cunningham: 196,000
Lennart Holtkamp: 186,000
Dustin Sitar: 185,000
Kyle Kloeckner: 150,000
Kyle Hegeman: 131,000
John-Paul Kelly: 126,500
Greg Hurst: 114,000
Jonathan Depa: 110,000
Kory Mitchell: 108,000
Eliminations: Henning Granstad, Steve Hudak
Notable Hands:
The Pirate and The Professor
Max Pescatori opened for a raise to 14,000, but was faced with a reraise from Howard Lederer for an additional 21,000. Although Pescatori was sitting behind a sizable stack of chips, he respected Lederer's three-bet and let the hand go. Perhaps Lederer is receiving some luck from his sister Annie Duke, who has come to watch her brother after busting out of the Razz tournament.
Kloeckner Cleans Granstad's Clock
Kyle Kloeckner and Henning Granstad were all in before the flop.
Kloeckner: K K Q 8
Granstad: A A J 8
The hold 'em-esque match up of aces versus kings saw a flop of 2 3 5 2 3 , Kloeckner's aces held up, and Granstad went home in 18th place.
Player Tags: Max Pescatori, Howard Lederer, Henning Granstad, Kyle Kloeckner, European Report
Max Pescatori Wins Event No. 24 ($246,471)
Jun 14, '08
Max Pescatori Takes Commanding Chip Lead
Starting heads-up play virtually even in chips, Max Pescatori took a big chip lead over Kyle Kloeckner. Pescatori raised to 65,000 from the button and Kyle Kloeckner called from the big blind. The flop came Q 10 5 , and Pescatori bet 100,000. Kloeckner raised to 350,000 and after a few minutes in the tank, Pescatori moved all in. Kloeckner folded and Pescatori took a commanding chip lead of 1.5 million to just under 700,000.
Max Pescatori Wins Event No. 24 ($246,471)
On the final hand of the night, Max Pescatori raised to 72,000 and Kyle Kloekner made the call. The flop came K J 3 , and Pescatori bet 110,000, Kloeckner called. the turn was the 2 , and Pescatori bet the pot (364,000). Kloeckner tanked for a few minutes before moving all in. Pescatori called and had him covered. When they revealed their hands, Kloeckner showed jacks and threes for two pair, but he was drawing dead to one card when Pescatori showed kings and jacks with a flush draw. Kloeckner needed the last black three in the deck, but the river was the 2 , giving Pescatori his second bracelet and the victory.
Player Tags: Max Pescatori, Kyle Kloeckner
$2,500 HA - Dinner Time
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 3
Chip Counts:
Kyle Kloeckner - 1,100,000
Max Pescatori - 690,000
Greg Hurst - 500,000
Eliminations: Kyle Hegeman (5th Place), Allen Cunningham (4th Place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Kyle Hegeman Eliminated in Fifth Place ($62,015) - Omaha
Max Pescatori limped on the button and Kyle Hegeman raised to 80,000 from the small blind. Both Kyle Kloeckner and Pescatori called and the flop came J 5 4 . Hegeman moved all in for 125,000 and Kloeckner quickly called. Pescatori folded and the players turned over their hands. Hegeman had top pair, top kicker and a back door nut flush draw, and Kloeckner showed an open-ended straight draw and back door flush draw. The turn gave Kloeckner his straight, and Hegeman was drawing dead. He finished in fifth place.
Allen Cunningham Eliminated in Fourth Place ($76,205) - Omaha
After losing half of his stack on the previous hand, Allen Cunningham found himself all in against Kyle Kloeckner. Cunningham connected with the flop, but Kloeckner made a set of aces to send him to the rail in fourth place.
NOTE: The players then took a one-hour dinner break. Play will resume at 10:00 P.M.
Player Tags: Allen Cunningham, Max Pescatori, Kyle Kloeckner, Kyle Hegeman
$2,500 HA - Depa Eliminated
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 6
Chip Counts:
Max Pescatori - 600,000
Kyle Kloeckner - 350,000
Greg Hurst - 472,000
Kyle Hegeman - 254,000
Allen Cunningham - 455,000
Eliminations: Jonathan Depa (6th Place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Allen Cunningham Doubles Up - Hold'em
Allen Cunningham raised on the button to 70,000 and Jonathan Depa put him all in from the big blind. Cunningham eventually made the call turning over A 6 , but was dominated by Depa's A Q . The flop came 5 4 2 , giving Cunningham some more outs. The turn was the 8 making him doubled gutted, and the river was the miracle 7 to give him the straight and a double up to 590,000. Depa was crippled after the hand, and left with just 11,000.
Jonathan Depa Eliminated in Sixth Place ($48,876) - Hold'em
Depa was all in with less than a big blind against Max Pescatori. Depa failed to catch anything to help his hand and was eliminated in sixth place.
Cunningham Gives It Back
After doubling up both Kyle Kloeckner and Kyle Hegeman, Cunningham was back near the felt with just over 100,000. A few hands later, however, he had doubled up twice to put himself back in the middle of the pack.
Player Tags: Allen Cunningham, Max Pescatori, Jonathan Depa, Kyle Kloeckner, Kyle Hegeman
$2,500 HA - Holtkamp Eliminated
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 6
Chip Counts:
Jonathan Depa - 290,000
Max Pescatori - 670,000
Allen Cunningham - 280,000
Greg Hurst - 250,000
Kyle Hegeman - 180,000
Kyle Kloeckner - 600,000
Eliminations: Lennart Holtkamp (7th Place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
Kyle Kloeckner Doubles Up - Omaha
Lennart Holtkamp raised and Kyle Kloeckner called in the big blind. The flop came A 8 6 and Kloeckner led out at the pot. Holtkamp raised the pot and Kloeckner moved in. Holtkamp made the call with a flush draw and a pair of aces and Kloeckner showed his 10 10 9 7 . The turn was the 9 givig Kloeckner a straight flush and he doubled up to over 400,000.
Lennart Holtkamp Eliminated in Seventh Place ($38,365) - Omaha
Max Pescatori limped and both Greg Hurst and Lennart Holtkamp came along in the blinds. The flop came down K 8 2 and Hurst checked to Holtkamp, who bet 21,000. Pescatori called and Hurst got out of the way. The turn was the A and Pescatori bet 75,000 when it was checked to him. Holtkamp moved all in and was instantly called by Pescatori's top set of kings. Holtkamp need a non-board pairing spade to stay alive, but the river was the 2 sending him to the rail in seventh place.
NOTE: The players then took a 20-minute break.
Player Tags: Max Pescatori, Greg Hurst, Kyle Kloeckner, Lennart Holtkamp
$2,500 HA - Action Slow Down
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 7
Chip Counts:
Kyle Kloeckner - 585,000
Allen Cunningham - 470,000
Jonathan Depa - 390,000
Max Pescatori - 350,000
Kyle Hegeman - 250,000
Greg Hurst - 220,000
Lennart Holtkamp - 147,000
Eliminations: None
Big Hands and Storylines:
Greg Hurst Doubles Up - Hold'em
Kyle Kloeckner raised to 30,000 and Greg Hurst moved all in for 100,000. Max Pescatori called in the big blind and Kloeckner reluctantly folded, claiming he had pocket queens. Hurst showed J J and Pescatori turned over A K . The board ran out 8 3 2 7 J and Hurst doubled up.
Max Pescatori Chips Up - Omaha
Greg Hurst raised to 27,000 and Max Pescatori called on the button. Jonathan Depa also called in the small blind. All three players checked the flop of K 10 5 and the 8 hit the turn. Depa bet 74,000 and Hurst folded. Pescatori made the call and the river was the 2 . Depa checked, Pescatori bet 74,000 and Depa thought it over being folding.
NOTE: The players then took a 20-minute break.
Player Tags: Max Pescatori, Greg Hurst, Jonathan Depa, Kyle Kloeckner
$2,500 HA - Two Quickly Gone
Jun 14, '08
Players Remaining: 7
Chip Counts:
Kyle Kloeckner - 443,000
Allen Cunningham - 440,000
Jonathan Depa - 367,000
Max Pescatori - 367,000
Lennart Holtkamp - 238,000
Kyle Hegeman - 222,000
Greg Hurst - 115,000
Eliminations: John-Paul Kelly (9th Place), Minh Ly (8th Place)
Big Hands and Storylines:
John-Paul Kelly Eliminated in 9th Place ($22,599) - Hold'em
Kyle Kloeckner raised to 25,000 and John-Paul Kelly moved all in for 64,000 on the short stack. Kloeckner called and showed A 10 . Kelly needed help with his K J , but the board ran out A 6 5 8 Q to eliminate Kelly in ninth place.
Minh Ly Eliminated in 8th Place ($30,482) - Hold'em
Jonathan Depa raised to 25,000 and Minh Ly raised the pot behind him. The action folded around and Depa moved all in. Ly made the call and showed pocket jacks, and he was racing against Depa's A K . The board ran out K 5 5 5 2 and Ly was crippled down to his last 4,000. The next hand he was all in blind and couldn't catch up to Kyle Hegeman's K-Q.
Player Tags: Minh Ly, Jonathan Depa, Kyle Kloeckner, Kyle Hegeman, European Report