Michael Trimby's Trips Terror
Apr 12, '08
Northern Irish man Michael Trimby who final tabled a World Series of Poker tournament last year was spotted at the rail
looking extraordinarily glum. A few expletives later we get to the bottom of the story.
"I ran into trips four hands in a row," he groaned. "Absolutely unbelievable. The first time i had A-K on a K-Q-4 flop and the guy had queens. The very next hand i got A-K again and the flop was K-J-6 and the guy had jacks. Then about 10 minutes later, blind on blind, with 33 Vs 66 and the flop was 10-6-3 then the hand that did me was trip quees. Its hard to believe except is...." he trailed off, shaking his head.
Some other chip counts:
- Thomas Fougeron 31,400
- Barry Greenstein 6,850
- Peter Gould 12,400
- Josh Gould 31,500
- Andreas Krause 4,750
- Jeff Lisandro 6,525
- Rolf Slotboom 14,400
Player Tags: Barry Greenstein, Thomas Fougeron, Peter Gould, Rolf Slotboom, Michael Trimby, Josh Gould