Adam Gerber Eliminated in 39th Place ($17,500)
Sep 16, '08
Adam Gerber was all in with Q
against Mark Seif's K
The board came out A
and Gerber was eliminated.
Player Tags: Mark Seif, Adam Gerber
Ryan Young Pulls A Huge Bluff
Sep 16, '08
On a board of K
, Adam Gerber bet 20,000 from the big blind. Ryan Young then raised to 100,000. After deliberating for a minute, Gerber reraised to 220,000.
Young made the call fairly quickly and the river was the 4
. Gerber checked and Young instantly moved all in for 410,000. Gerber went deep into the tank, at one point picking up his stuffed dog to mull over his decision.
He counts out his stack and sees that if he is wrong, he will be crippled down to about 45,000 in chips. He states that he can beat a lot of hands, but can't beat 6-5, which is the nuts. He asks Young if he will show and Young doesn't say a word.
After a bit more thought, Gerber lays it down and Young shows his 10
for a busted open ended straight draw.
Player Tags: Ryan Young, Adam Gerber