$1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha w/ Rebuys - Day 2 - Level 16 Recap
Jun 19, '08
Note: The players are now on a 20-minute break
Blinds: 5,000-10,000
Players Left: 12 of 320
Chip Leaders:
Kyle Kloeckner - 865,000
Michael Guzzardi - 810,000
Jacobo Fernandez - 450,000
Frank Vizza - 395,000
Ted Forrest - 380,000
Dario Alioto - 375,000
Tim West - 340,000
Kevin O'Donnell - 300,000
Daniel Makowsky - 274,000
Layne Flack - 265,000
Average Stack: 417,500
13th – Francisco Azares
14th – Thomas Wahlroos
15th – Tino Lechich
16th – Nathan Doudney
17th – Jerrod Ankenman
18th – Steve Saris
Big Hands and Storylines:
Kyle Kloeckner Eliminates Nathan Doudney
Tim West Raised to 35,000 pre-flop and was called by Kyle Kloeckner, Nathan Hagens, and Nathan Doudney. On a flop of 6
, West checked, Kloeckner checked, and Hagens checked. When action came around to Doudney, he didn’t think for too long before betting 100,000. West quickly folded, but Klockner, perhaps suspecting Doudney of a steal, raised to 300,000. Hagens folded and Doudney quickly moved all-in for his final 60,000. Kloeckner, priced in, made the call with K
. Doudney turned over a full house: 6
. Kloeckner, drawing to only a jack, had scarcely asked his tablemates if any of them had folded a jack when the dealer flipped up the turn: J
! Things had turned upside-down for Doudney and now he was looking for the last trey in the deck to win the pot. Not only was the river not the case trey to save Doudney, but it was the case jack.
I guess that answers Kloeckner’s question.
After raking in the pot and stacking his chips, it appears that Kloeckner is our new chip leader with 865,000.
Thomas Wahlroos Eliminates Tino Lechich
Thomas Wahlroos raised to 35,000 pre-flop and Francisco Azares made it 110,000. Tino Lechich said, “Alright. You’ve got one.” Before moving his final 50,000 all-in. Wahlroos chimed in, “You’ve got two,” and, covered by Azares’s bet, moved all-in. The three revealed their hands:
Azares: K
Lechich: A
Wahlroos: A
The flop was a very safe one for Wahlroos: 9
. The turn 6
was nearly as innocuous, though it gave Azares a gutshot straight-draw. When the river blanked, Wahlroos was jolted up to 190,000 while Azares was left with only 90,000; Azares would be eliminated only a short time later.
Michael Guzzardi Eliminates Thomas Wahlroos
Michael Guzzardi raised to 25,000 from early position and was called by three players: Thomas Wahlroos in late position, and Layne Flack and Kevin O’Donnell in the blinds. The flop came Q
and the blinds checked. Guzzardi bet 65,000 and Wahlroos almost instantly moved his stack of 163,000 into the pot. Flack insta-folded but O’Donnell had a much tougher decision to make. “I wish I knew the math like you guys. I should have gone to school,” said O’Donnell. Eventually O’Donnell folded, and that decision turned out to be the right one as Guzzardi called and showed A
for the nut flush. Wahlroos showed Q
for top set, and was hoping to fill up on a later street. Unfortunately for Wahlroos the turn and river came 8
and 2
and, not long after his double-up, he was eliminated. Guzzardi now has 810,000 in chips.
Player Tags: Tino Lechich, Ted Forrest, Layne Flack, Kevin O'Donnell, Thomas Wahlroos, Nathan Doudney, Dario Alioto, Tim West, Jacobo Fernandez, Daniel Makowsky, Jerrod Ankenman, Kyle Kloeckner, Steven Saris, Michael Guzzardi, Francisco Azares