Brian Green Knocks Out A Player
Apr 21, '18
We caught up with the action with one player all in on a board reading J
, and Brian Green was in there with A
and he held the larger of the two stacks. Green was in bad shape against his opponent who held pocket queens. However, the J
on the turn put Green far out in front with trip jacks. His opponent looked dismayed at the turn of events. The 9
on the river was of no help to the pocket queens and Green raked in his opponent’s roughly 25,000-chip stack. Green was up to around 60,000 thanks to the hand.
Player Tags: Brian Green
Brian Green Knocked Out In 20th ($8,596)
Apr 22, '18

Brian Green
Brian Green is our 20th place finisher after he moved all in preflop with A


from middle position and was looked up by Stefan Williams in the big blind with J


. The board ran out 10





, giving Williams the pot and a stack of roughly 3 million chips.
Player Tags: Brian Green, Stefan Williams
Pej Premo Moves All In Against Brian Green For Heaps
Apr 22, '18
Pej Premo was in the small blind, and Brian Green was in the big blind. We caught up with the action after Green had three-bet an open from Premo. Premo decided to move all in for about two million in chips over Green’s 62,000-chip raise. Green went into the tank, deciding whether or not he wanted to risk his last 1.1 million in chips.
Green eventually mucked, and Premo tabled 5
. Green was surprised that his opponent was willing to risk so many chips in that spot, but Premo was the one raking in the pot. Despite the setback, Green was still among the leaders.
Player Tags: Brian Green
Brian Green Picks Off Huge James Henson Bluff
Apr 22, '18
After betting a flop of A
and getting called by Brian Green, James Henson fired another 35,000 on the 4
Green once again called, and the river was the 6
. This time, Henson moved all-in for 137,000. Green went into the tank, but eventually found a call with A
Henson could only show 9
for a missed flush draw, and he was eliminated before the bubble. Green now has 425,000.
Player Tags: Brian Green