Final Table Update: Mike Zulker Eliminated in 9th Place ($77,778)
Jun 15, '09
Blinds: 25,000-50,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 8 out of 2,641
Chip Counts:
1. Rico Ramirez — 4,650,000
2. Mike Eise — 2,135,000
3. Avi Braz — 2,050,000
4. Jason Potter — 1,600,000
5. Jose Luis Franco — 620,000
6. Jeff Chang — 490,000
7. Barry Berger — 445,000
8. Zach Fritz — 220,000
Average Chip Count: 1,485,562
Notable Eliminations:
9. Mike Zulker — $77,778
Big Hands
Mike Zulker Eliminated in 9th Place ($77,778)
Jason Potter raises to 100,000 from the hijack and Mike Zulker moves all in from the button. Potter calls and has him covered.
Zulker: K
Potter: K
Board: K
Zulker gets it in ahead as both players flop two pair, Zulker’s kicker plays. Potter spikes a jack on the river to make a better two-pair, eliminating Mike Zulker in 9th place ($77,778).
Player Tags: Jason Potter, Michael Zulker