Fall of the Walthaus
Mar 10, '09
Jorn Walthaus has played pretty steadily and strongly throughout the day, but the last few hands he has been involved in have shown that anything can happen in poker.
He opens for 1,150 and the big blind makes it 3,100. Walthaus pushes all in and the big blind snap-calls with pocket queens. Walthaus is behind with jacks, and the board bricks out.
Next, Jan Hlobil pushes all in for 7,700 and Walthaus gets involved once more. He calls from the button with A-Q, and then the big blind goes all in also for 21,500. Walthaus calls and the big blind shows pocket kings. Hlobil has K
and is way behind.
The board falls: Q
and Hlobil is out. Walthaus is left on tilt with 10,000 and only minutes left in the tournament.
Player Tags: Jorn Walthaus, Jan Hlobil