Home : Players : William Thorson : Live Updates
Hometown: Varberg
Country of Origin: Sweden
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Date | Series | Event | Day | |
Jan 24, '11 | 2011 Aussie Millions | Aussie Millions Main Event | 3 | + |
Thorson Doubles UpJan 25, '11 William Thorson raised to 1,600 UTG+1 preflop and middle position reraised to 4,100. The flop fell 5 Thorson: 6 Turn and River: J Thorson doubled up on the hand to survive and he holds close to a starting stack once again. Player Tags: William Thorson Thorson vs. BachJan 24, '11 David Bach ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thorson bet 2,700 and Bach made the call. The river brought the A Player Tags: David Bach, William Thorson William Thorson Getting ActiveJan 24, '11 William Thorson bet 1,600 from middle position and UTG+1 made the call. The flop fell J UTG+1 fired out 2,400 and Thorson made the call. UTG+1 flipped over pocket eights and they were good to win the hand when Thorson mucked. His stack fell to 32,000. Despite the setback he has rallied and his chip stack is now amongst the chip leader with 45,000. Player Tags: William Thorson |
Oct 01, '10 | 2010 PokerStars.com EPT London - Season VII | EPT London Main Event | 3 | + |
How Thorson Got his ChipsSep 29, '10 William Thorson Boatman raised to 300 under the gun and the button reraised 500. William Thorson and one other player called in the blinds. Boatman reraised to 2,100 and only Thorson joined him to see a K-J-3 flop. Thorson checked and Boatman bet 2,000. A 10 fell on the turn and Thorson checked again. Boatman bet 7,000 and Thorson called. The river brought a 4 and Boatman moved all in for 17,000. Thorson made the call and Boatman was caught bluffing with 8-5. Thorson showed down Q-J to win the hand and effectively double up at 57,000. Player Tags: Barny Boatman, William Thorson Barny Boatman Bluffs and BustsSep 29, '10 Barny Boatman bluffed off his stack during the first level of the day into William Thorson, who gladly called him down. Boatman held 8-5 diamond in the hand and he is now out of the tournament. Thorson is now the early chip leader with 60,000. Player Tags: Barny Boatman, William Thorson William Thorson Busted by Masaaki KagawaOct 01, '10 William Thorson Thorson: A Board: Q Kagawa won the hand and Thorson was eliminated. Player Tags: William Thorson, Masaaki Kagawa |
Sep 29, '10 | 2010 PokerStars.com EPT London - Season VII | EPT London Main Event | 1 | + |
How Thorson Got his ChipsSep 29, '10 William Thorson Boatman raised to 300 under the gun and the button reraised 500. William Thorson and one other player called in the blinds. Boatman reraised to 2,100 and only Thorson joined him to see a K-J-3 flop. Thorson checked and Boatman bet 2,000. A 10 fell on the turn and Thorson checked again. Boatman bet 7,000 and Thorson called. The river brought a 4 and Boatman moved all in for 17,000. Thorson made the call and Boatman was caught bluffing with 8-5. Thorson showed down Q-J to win the hand and effectively double up at 57,000. Player Tags: Barny Boatman, William Thorson Barny Boatman Bluffs and BustsSep 29, '10 Barny Boatman bluffed off his stack during the first level of the day into William Thorson, who gladly called him down. Boatman held 8-5 diamond in the hand and he is now out of the tournament. Thorson is now the early chip leader with 60,000. Player Tags: Barny Boatman, William Thorson William Thorson Busted by Masaaki KagawaOct 01, '10 William Thorson Thorson: A Board: Q Kagawa won the hand and Thorson was eliminated. Player Tags: William Thorson, Masaaki Kagawa |
Jul 17, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 12 | + |
Level Two Hour, One Update: Rousso Gets Some BackJul 08, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Count: 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Kara Scott – 71,000 Card Player Family Chip Counts Jeff Shulman — 19,600 Notable Eliminations: None Player Twitter Accounts Phil Ivey Big Hands:
Just before the 20-minute break after level one, with 1,200 in the pot with the board reading A Phil Ivey Chipping Up Right before Ivey was able to leave his seat for the 20-minute break after level one, six players saw a flop of K
Picking up the action after the flop fell Q Seat 7 made the call and the turn brought the J Rousso raked in the pot and took back some of the chips she lost to seat 7 before the break. She was at 33,000. A few hands later on a flop of 8 Rousso checked and seat 10 bet 2,300. Rousso made the call and the river was the 7 Rousso tabled 6 Lisandro Drops One Jeffrey Lisandro limped in preflop along with three other players. The four saw a flop of Q The big blind bet another 500 and Lisandro raised to 1,200. The call was made and the river was the 8 The big blind then tabled A
A player raised to 550 preflop and four players called, including Allen Bari and Hevad Khan. The flop then came down K The Q Action was checked to Bari and he fired 2,250. The big blind was the only caller and Bari tabled A William Thorson Moved In On A player in late position bet 700 and William Thorson called from the button. A payer in the small blind moved all in for 7,000 total and it was folded back to Thorson. He went deep into the tank before finally releasing his hand. He was at less than 20,000 afteward. Phil Ivey Yawns and Chips Get Sucked into His Mouth A player in the cutoff made it 550 and the button raised to 1,500. Ivey didn’t take long before four-betting to 4,500. The initial bettor folded and the button took some time before finally folding. Ivey is doing well here on day 1d. He was at over 50,000 after the hand.
On a board of A Player Tags: David Benyamine, Jeffrey Lisandro, Phil Ivey, Allen Bari, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Jason Mercier Level 10, Hour One: Lex Veldhuis EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 600-1,200 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 2,304 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 95,299 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 142,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Johnny Chan – 425,000 Notable Eliminations: Lex Veldhuis Big Hands:
Lex Veldhuis moved all in for about 40,000 preflop and one player called. Here were their hands: Veldhuis: J Veldhuis was racing with the lead but the flop came down A Cowboy Matt Graham Matt Graham was all in preflop and one opponent made the call. The two players then turned over their hands. Graham: K Graham was ahead and the flop cemented the double up when it came down K
Picking up the action after the flop, Kara Scott moved all in on a board of 6 Scott: A Scott’s aces were ahead and the board finished off Q The Bear Gets Fed Barry Greenstein and his opponent got all-in on a flop of K Greenstein needed to fade the board pairing to win the pot and eliminate a player. The turn was the 7
William Thorson was facing an all-in river bet of 19,000 with the final board reading 6 Thorson hemmed and hawed for quite some time before finally tossing in his call. Thorson mucked his hand when he was shown K Van Fleet Gets Coolered We got to the table as Jon Van Fleet and his opponent had just gotten all of his opponent’s 70,000 chips in the middle preflop and were turning up their hands. Van Fleet showed pocket kings, but his opponent had turned up pocket aces. The board didn’t bring any help to Van Fleet and he dropped to 205,000.
Sam Farha bet from early position and it was folded around to a player on the button. He shoved for 22,000 total and it was folded to Farha. He made the quick call with the 4 Billy Kopp Loses One On a flop of 10 Vanessa Rousso Doubles Up Vanessa Rousso was all in on a board of 9-5-4-2-3 for 37,000 into a 22,000 chip pot. Her opponent called and mucked when Rousso exposed the 8-6 for a straight. She was at about 85,000 after the hand. Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Barry Greenstein, Sam Farha, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Matt Graham, Billy Kopp, Lex Veldhuis, Kara Scott Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 29 Hour Two Update: Flurry of Bustouts in Final Four TablesJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 29 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 7,571,379 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Cuong Nguyen – 22,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 37. Dags Palovic – $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Michal Wywrot moved all-in for his 1,840,000 from the cutoff and Michiel Sijpkens woke up with a big hand in the big blind and made the call. Wywrot showed A Statz Adds to Stack After multiple raises preflop, Bryn Kenney (big blind) and Benjamin Statz (button) saw a fop of Q The turn brought the 8 Palovic Busto Dag Palovic shoved all-in with his short stack and John Dolan reshoved all-in to isolate. Everybody else folded and their hands were turned up. Palovic showed A
After being crippled last hour, Gabe Costner moved all-in for his last 1,175,000 and was called by Scott Clements. Costner tabled 10 Ochana Gone Edward Ochana raised to 240,000 from middle position and Jason Senti three-bet it to 615,000. When action got back to Ochana, he moved all-in for 2,500,000 and Senti called. Ochana showed A The turn was the A
We picked up the action on the turn with the board reading 3 Emery instantly moved all-in for 2,415,000 and Mizrachi beat him into the pot. Emery showed 6 Skender Sent to the Rail Michael Skender raised to 200,000 from middle position and Jason Senti made it 505,000. Action folded back to Skender and he pushed all-in and was called by Senti. Skender showed K The flop came Q Mizrachi Takes One Off Thorson William Thorson raised to 250,000 from the hijack and Michael Mizrachi made the call from the cutoff. The flop came A Thorson now led out for 875,000 and Mizrachi raised to 2,300,000. Thorson sat in the tank for over four minutes before folding A “Baby, why you bet so much?” yelled Mrs. Grinder from the audience.
Theo Jorgensen raised to 200,000 under-the-gun and John Racener and Duy Le made the call. The htree ofthem saw a flop of A Racener made it 2,000,000 to go and forced folds from Baker and Le before Jorgensen committed his last 2,220,000 and Racener made the call. Racener tabled A The river was the 9 Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Bryn Kenney, Dag Palovic, Jason Senti, Michael Skender Dinner BreakJul 16, '10 The players are currently on a 90-minute dinner break and will return at around 8:45 PDT. While you’re waiting, check out a recent interview with William Thorson on CardPlayer TV! Player Tags: William Thorson Level 28 Hour One Update: Tony Dunst EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 44 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,990,227 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 12,900,000 Player Twitter Accounts Notable Eliminations: 51. James Manning — $168,556 Big Hands:
William Thorson opened to 200,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Tony Dunst in the big blind. Dunst raised to 1,000,000, leaving himself just 75,000 behind. Thorson put Dunst all in and Dunst called. Dunst exposed the A Matt Affleck Wins One Matt Affleck opened and John Racener called from the big blind. The flop came A James Manning Eliminated James Manning was all in preflop for 700,000 with the A
Matthew Bucaric opened to 200,000 from the cutoff. Edward Ochana called on the button. Adam Levy moved all in for 1,885,000 from the small blind. Bucaric made the call. Ochana folded and Levy was at risk for his tournament life. Bucaric exposed the 9 Ace-King Chop Redmond Lee bet 225,000 from under the gun. Jakob Toestesen called from the small blind. The flop came K Jacobo Fernandez Eliminated Jacobo Fernandez moved all in for 650,000. Adam Levy moved all in over the top from the small blind with the K Jason Senti Doubles Up David Assouline and Jason Senti had all of the chips in preflop. Senti was all in for his tournament life for 1,800,000 with the K-K. Assouline exposed J-J and was behind. The flop was perfect for Senti as it came K-K-5, giving him quads. Assouline was drawing dead and was down to 4,100,000 after the hand. Senti was up to 3,750,000.
James Fennell got all his chips in the middle preflop with the 8 Sergey Rybachenko Eliminated Sergey Rybachenko was all in with the K
Joseph Cheong bet 195,000 from late position. Evan Lamprea raised all in for around 1,600,000. Action was folded back to Cheong. He made the call with pocket tens and was up against the A David Baker Doubles Up David Baker opened from late position. Evgeny Shnayder three-bet and Baker got his stack of 1,750,000 in the middle. Baker exposed the A Player Tags: David Baker, Cuong Nguyen, William Thorson, Sergey Rybachenko, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Matt Affleck, Joseph Cheong, Evgeny Shnayder, David Assouline Level 26 Hour One Update: Jean-Robert Bellande EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 25,000-50,000 with a 5,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 70 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 3,049,583 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Theo Jorgensen — 8,600,000 Player Twitter Accounts Josh Brikis Notable Eliminations: 78. Jean-Robert Bellande — $94,942 Big Hands: Scott Clements Doubles Up Scott Clements moved all in preflop for about 1,000,000 and was called by Brock Bourne. Clements tabled the the A
Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 680,000 and everyone folded. Bellande tabled the A A few hands later, Jeff Banghart opened to 130,000 from middle position and Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 815,000 from the button. Action was folded to Duy Le in the big blind. He reraised to 1,490,000. Banghart tanked before folding the J Matthew Jarvis Wins a Pot James Fennell bet 190,000 on a flop of A Jeff Banghart Moves All In, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Duy Le opened to 120,000 and Jeff Banghart made the call from the cutoff. The flop came 9 A couple hands later, Sergey Rybachenko opened to 120,000 from under the gun and Matt Harris moved all in for 1,060,000. Action was over to Jeff Banghart in the small blind. He moved all in for 880,000 and Rybachenko folded. Banghart tabled the Q
Jakob Toestesen opened to 125,000 from the cutoff position. Redmond Lee called in the small blind. William Thorson called in the big blind. The flop came 9 Theo Jorgensen Loses a Pot On a board of Q Gabe Costner Moves All In Gabe Costner bet 425,000 on a flop of A
Jacobo Fernandez was all in preflop against John Dolan. Fernandez was was all in for 425,000 with the Q William Thorson Wins Another William Thorson limped in preflop and called a 135,000 bet from Evan Lamprea. The flop came Q Player Tags: Jeff Banghart, Theo Jorgensen, Jean-Robert Bellande, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Duy Le, Jacobo Fernandez Level 31, Hour One: Thorson Busts in 22ndJul 17, '10 Blinds: 80,000-160,000 with a 20,000 ante Players Remaining: 21 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 10,455,714 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 25,130,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 23. Robert Pisano — $317,161 Big Hands:
A short-stacked Robert Pisano got all in preflop, Soi Nguyen raised and Pascal LeFrancois called. The flop came Q LeFrancois: Q Pisano was dead to a ten, but the J
John Dolan opened to 375,000 and was called by John Racener and Brandon Steven. William Thorson then moved all in for 5 million and Dolan and Steve folded, but Racener made the call. Their hands: Thorson: J The flop gave Thorson some more hope, running A Racener Takes One From The Grinder John Racener opened to 360,000 and was called by Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. The flop ran 10 On the 10 Affleck Doubles Through Jarvis Matt Affleck and Matthew Jarvis has collided in some big pots already, but Affleck just got the better of an all in exchange. Affleck held A The board ran A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, William Thorson, John Racener, Matt Affleck, Matt Jarvis, Robert Pisano Level 30, Hour Two: Down To 23 PlayersJul 17, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 23 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 9,563,913 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 24,400,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 26. Matthew Bucaric — $317,161 Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J Candio: 8 Candio flopped middle pair with a heart draw while Bucaric was ahead with his nines and gutshot straight draw. But the turn was the 3 Hasan Habib Doubles Up Hasan Habib moved all in for 1.13 million preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call from the button. Habib tabled 4 The board ran out J
William Thorson limped in from the small blind and Mads Wissing checked his option. The two then saw a flop of 10 Wissing: 10 Wissing was ahead but the turn was the J Affleck Takes One Down Matt Affleck raised to 270,000 preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call. The flop came down K The turn was the K Affleck took the pot and he was at 18 million.
Robert Pisano raised to 295,000 and Benjamin Statz made the call. Soi Nguyen also tagged along and the three saw the flop fall K Pisano bet 630,000 and Statz mucked. Nguyen made the call and the turn was the 9 Nguyen led out with 900,000 and Pisano made the call. Nguyen showed Q Pisano took it down and he was at 10.6 million. Nguyen was at 20.85 million. Clements Chipping Up Michiel Sijpkens raised to 310,000 and Scott Clements made the call. The two then saw the flop fall A Clements checked and Sijpkens fired 350,000. Clements then check-raised to 855,000 and Sijpkens mucked. Clements took down the pot and he was up to 7 million.
Ronnie Bardah moved all in preflop after Filippo Candio put in a raise. Candio made the call to put Bardah at risk. Bardah: A Bardah was up against Candio’s aces and the flop fell J Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Cuong Nguyen, Ronnie Bardah, William Thorson, Matthew Bucaric, Mads Wissing, Robert Pisano, Filippo Candio |
Jul 16, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 11 | + |
Level Two Hour, One Update: Rousso Gets Some BackJul 08, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Count: 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Kara Scott – 71,000 Card Player Family Chip Counts Jeff Shulman — 19,600 Notable Eliminations: None Player Twitter Accounts Phil Ivey Big Hands:
Just before the 20-minute break after level one, with 1,200 in the pot with the board reading A Phil Ivey Chipping Up Right before Ivey was able to leave his seat for the 20-minute break after level one, six players saw a flop of K
Picking up the action after the flop fell Q Seat 7 made the call and the turn brought the J Rousso raked in the pot and took back some of the chips she lost to seat 7 before the break. She was at 33,000. A few hands later on a flop of 8 Rousso checked and seat 10 bet 2,300. Rousso made the call and the river was the 7 Rousso tabled 6 Lisandro Drops One Jeffrey Lisandro limped in preflop along with three other players. The four saw a flop of Q The big blind bet another 500 and Lisandro raised to 1,200. The call was made and the river was the 8 The big blind then tabled A
A player raised to 550 preflop and four players called, including Allen Bari and Hevad Khan. The flop then came down K The Q Action was checked to Bari and he fired 2,250. The big blind was the only caller and Bari tabled A William Thorson Moved In On A player in late position bet 700 and William Thorson called from the button. A payer in the small blind moved all in for 7,000 total and it was folded back to Thorson. He went deep into the tank before finally releasing his hand. He was at less than 20,000 afteward. Phil Ivey Yawns and Chips Get Sucked into His Mouth A player in the cutoff made it 550 and the button raised to 1,500. Ivey didn’t take long before four-betting to 4,500. The initial bettor folded and the button took some time before finally folding. Ivey is doing well here on day 1d. He was at over 50,000 after the hand.
On a board of A Player Tags: David Benyamine, Jeffrey Lisandro, Phil Ivey, Allen Bari, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Jason Mercier Level 10, Hour One: Lex Veldhuis EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 600-1,200 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 2,304 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 95,299 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 142,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Johnny Chan – 425,000 Notable Eliminations: Lex Veldhuis Big Hands:
Lex Veldhuis moved all in for about 40,000 preflop and one player called. Here were their hands: Veldhuis: J Veldhuis was racing with the lead but the flop came down A Cowboy Matt Graham Matt Graham was all in preflop and one opponent made the call. The two players then turned over their hands. Graham: K Graham was ahead and the flop cemented the double up when it came down K
Picking up the action after the flop, Kara Scott moved all in on a board of 6 Scott: A Scott’s aces were ahead and the board finished off Q The Bear Gets Fed Barry Greenstein and his opponent got all-in on a flop of K Greenstein needed to fade the board pairing to win the pot and eliminate a player. The turn was the 7
William Thorson was facing an all-in river bet of 19,000 with the final board reading 6 Thorson hemmed and hawed for quite some time before finally tossing in his call. Thorson mucked his hand when he was shown K Van Fleet Gets Coolered We got to the table as Jon Van Fleet and his opponent had just gotten all of his opponent’s 70,000 chips in the middle preflop and were turning up their hands. Van Fleet showed pocket kings, but his opponent had turned up pocket aces. The board didn’t bring any help to Van Fleet and he dropped to 205,000.
Sam Farha bet from early position and it was folded around to a player on the button. He shoved for 22,000 total and it was folded to Farha. He made the quick call with the 4 Billy Kopp Loses One On a flop of 10 Vanessa Rousso Doubles Up Vanessa Rousso was all in on a board of 9-5-4-2-3 for 37,000 into a 22,000 chip pot. Her opponent called and mucked when Rousso exposed the 8-6 for a straight. She was at about 85,000 after the hand. Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Barry Greenstein, Sam Farha, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Matt Graham, Billy Kopp, Lex Veldhuis, Kara Scott Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 29 Hour Two Update: Flurry of Bustouts in Final Four TablesJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 29 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 7,571,379 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Cuong Nguyen – 22,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 37. Dags Palovic – $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Michal Wywrot moved all-in for his 1,840,000 from the cutoff and Michiel Sijpkens woke up with a big hand in the big blind and made the call. Wywrot showed A Statz Adds to Stack After multiple raises preflop, Bryn Kenney (big blind) and Benjamin Statz (button) saw a fop of Q The turn brought the 8 Palovic Busto Dag Palovic shoved all-in with his short stack and John Dolan reshoved all-in to isolate. Everybody else folded and their hands were turned up. Palovic showed A
After being crippled last hour, Gabe Costner moved all-in for his last 1,175,000 and was called by Scott Clements. Costner tabled 10 Ochana Gone Edward Ochana raised to 240,000 from middle position and Jason Senti three-bet it to 615,000. When action got back to Ochana, he moved all-in for 2,500,000 and Senti called. Ochana showed A The turn was the A
We picked up the action on the turn with the board reading 3 Emery instantly moved all-in for 2,415,000 and Mizrachi beat him into the pot. Emery showed 6 Skender Sent to the Rail Michael Skender raised to 200,000 from middle position and Jason Senti made it 505,000. Action folded back to Skender and he pushed all-in and was called by Senti. Skender showed K The flop came Q Mizrachi Takes One Off Thorson William Thorson raised to 250,000 from the hijack and Michael Mizrachi made the call from the cutoff. The flop came A Thorson now led out for 875,000 and Mizrachi raised to 2,300,000. Thorson sat in the tank for over four minutes before folding A “Baby, why you bet so much?” yelled Mrs. Grinder from the audience.
Theo Jorgensen raised to 200,000 under-the-gun and John Racener and Duy Le made the call. The htree ofthem saw a flop of A Racener made it 2,000,000 to go and forced folds from Baker and Le before Jorgensen committed his last 2,220,000 and Racener made the call. Racener tabled A The river was the 9 Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Bryn Kenney, Dag Palovic, Jason Senti, Michael Skender Dinner BreakJul 16, '10 The players are currently on a 90-minute dinner break and will return at around 8:45 PDT. While you’re waiting, check out a recent interview with William Thorson on CardPlayer TV! Player Tags: William Thorson Level 28 Hour One Update: Tony Dunst EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 44 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,990,227 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 12,900,000 Player Twitter Accounts Notable Eliminations: 51. James Manning — $168,556 Big Hands:
William Thorson opened to 200,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Tony Dunst in the big blind. Dunst raised to 1,000,000, leaving himself just 75,000 behind. Thorson put Dunst all in and Dunst called. Dunst exposed the A Matt Affleck Wins One Matt Affleck opened and John Racener called from the big blind. The flop came A James Manning Eliminated James Manning was all in preflop for 700,000 with the A
Matthew Bucaric opened to 200,000 from the cutoff. Edward Ochana called on the button. Adam Levy moved all in for 1,885,000 from the small blind. Bucaric made the call. Ochana folded and Levy was at risk for his tournament life. Bucaric exposed the 9 Ace-King Chop Redmond Lee bet 225,000 from under the gun. Jakob Toestesen called from the small blind. The flop came K Jacobo Fernandez Eliminated Jacobo Fernandez moved all in for 650,000. Adam Levy moved all in over the top from the small blind with the K Jason Senti Doubles Up David Assouline and Jason Senti had all of the chips in preflop. Senti was all in for his tournament life for 1,800,000 with the K-K. Assouline exposed J-J and was behind. The flop was perfect for Senti as it came K-K-5, giving him quads. Assouline was drawing dead and was down to 4,100,000 after the hand. Senti was up to 3,750,000.
James Fennell got all his chips in the middle preflop with the 8 Sergey Rybachenko Eliminated Sergey Rybachenko was all in with the K
Joseph Cheong bet 195,000 from late position. Evan Lamprea raised all in for around 1,600,000. Action was folded back to Cheong. He made the call with pocket tens and was up against the A David Baker Doubles Up David Baker opened from late position. Evgeny Shnayder three-bet and Baker got his stack of 1,750,000 in the middle. Baker exposed the A Player Tags: David Baker, Cuong Nguyen, William Thorson, Sergey Rybachenko, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Matt Affleck, Joseph Cheong, Evgeny Shnayder, David Assouline Level 26 Hour One Update: Jean-Robert Bellande EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 25,000-50,000 with a 5,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 70 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 3,049,583 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Theo Jorgensen — 8,600,000 Player Twitter Accounts Josh Brikis Notable Eliminations: 78. Jean-Robert Bellande — $94,942 Big Hands: Scott Clements Doubles Up Scott Clements moved all in preflop for about 1,000,000 and was called by Brock Bourne. Clements tabled the the A
Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 680,000 and everyone folded. Bellande tabled the A A few hands later, Jeff Banghart opened to 130,000 from middle position and Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 815,000 from the button. Action was folded to Duy Le in the big blind. He reraised to 1,490,000. Banghart tanked before folding the J Matthew Jarvis Wins a Pot James Fennell bet 190,000 on a flop of A Jeff Banghart Moves All In, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Duy Le opened to 120,000 and Jeff Banghart made the call from the cutoff. The flop came 9 A couple hands later, Sergey Rybachenko opened to 120,000 from under the gun and Matt Harris moved all in for 1,060,000. Action was over to Jeff Banghart in the small blind. He moved all in for 880,000 and Rybachenko folded. Banghart tabled the Q
Jakob Toestesen opened to 125,000 from the cutoff position. Redmond Lee called in the small blind. William Thorson called in the big blind. The flop came 9 Theo Jorgensen Loses a Pot On a board of Q Gabe Costner Moves All In Gabe Costner bet 425,000 on a flop of A
Jacobo Fernandez was all in preflop against John Dolan. Fernandez was was all in for 425,000 with the Q William Thorson Wins Another William Thorson limped in preflop and called a 135,000 bet from Evan Lamprea. The flop came Q Player Tags: Jeff Banghart, Theo Jorgensen, Jean-Robert Bellande, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Duy Le, Jacobo Fernandez Level 31, Hour One: Thorson Busts in 22ndJul 17, '10 Blinds: 80,000-160,000 with a 20,000 ante Players Remaining: 21 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 10,455,714 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 25,130,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 23. Robert Pisano — $317,161 Big Hands:
A short-stacked Robert Pisano got all in preflop, Soi Nguyen raised and Pascal LeFrancois called. The flop came Q LeFrancois: Q Pisano was dead to a ten, but the J
John Dolan opened to 375,000 and was called by John Racener and Brandon Steven. William Thorson then moved all in for 5 million and Dolan and Steve folded, but Racener made the call. Their hands: Thorson: J The flop gave Thorson some more hope, running A Racener Takes One From The Grinder John Racener opened to 360,000 and was called by Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. The flop ran 10 On the 10 Affleck Doubles Through Jarvis Matt Affleck and Matthew Jarvis has collided in some big pots already, but Affleck just got the better of an all in exchange. Affleck held A The board ran A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, William Thorson, John Racener, Matt Affleck, Matt Jarvis, Robert Pisano Level 30, Hour Two: Down To 23 PlayersJul 17, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 23 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 9,563,913 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 24,400,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 26. Matthew Bucaric — $317,161 Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J Candio: 8 Candio flopped middle pair with a heart draw while Bucaric was ahead with his nines and gutshot straight draw. But the turn was the 3 Hasan Habib Doubles Up Hasan Habib moved all in for 1.13 million preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call from the button. Habib tabled 4 The board ran out J
William Thorson limped in from the small blind and Mads Wissing checked his option. The two then saw a flop of 10 Wissing: 10 Wissing was ahead but the turn was the J Affleck Takes One Down Matt Affleck raised to 270,000 preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call. The flop came down K The turn was the K Affleck took the pot and he was at 18 million.
Robert Pisano raised to 295,000 and Benjamin Statz made the call. Soi Nguyen also tagged along and the three saw the flop fall K Pisano bet 630,000 and Statz mucked. Nguyen made the call and the turn was the 9 Nguyen led out with 900,000 and Pisano made the call. Nguyen showed Q Pisano took it down and he was at 10.6 million. Nguyen was at 20.85 million. Clements Chipping Up Michiel Sijpkens raised to 310,000 and Scott Clements made the call. The two then saw the flop fall A Clements checked and Sijpkens fired 350,000. Clements then check-raised to 855,000 and Sijpkens mucked. Clements took down the pot and he was up to 7 million.
Ronnie Bardah moved all in preflop after Filippo Candio put in a raise. Candio made the call to put Bardah at risk. Bardah: A Bardah was up against Candio’s aces and the flop fell J Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Cuong Nguyen, Ronnie Bardah, William Thorson, Matthew Bucaric, Mads Wissing, Robert Pisano, Filippo Candio |
Jul 14, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 9 | + |
Level Two Hour, One Update: Rousso Gets Some BackJul 08, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Count: 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Kara Scott – 71,000 Card Player Family Chip Counts Jeff Shulman — 19,600 Notable Eliminations: None Player Twitter Accounts Phil Ivey Big Hands:
Just before the 20-minute break after level one, with 1,200 in the pot with the board reading A Phil Ivey Chipping Up Right before Ivey was able to leave his seat for the 20-minute break after level one, six players saw a flop of K
Picking up the action after the flop fell Q Seat 7 made the call and the turn brought the J Rousso raked in the pot and took back some of the chips she lost to seat 7 before the break. She was at 33,000. A few hands later on a flop of 8 Rousso checked and seat 10 bet 2,300. Rousso made the call and the river was the 7 Rousso tabled 6 Lisandro Drops One Jeffrey Lisandro limped in preflop along with three other players. The four saw a flop of Q The big blind bet another 500 and Lisandro raised to 1,200. The call was made and the river was the 8 The big blind then tabled A
A player raised to 550 preflop and four players called, including Allen Bari and Hevad Khan. The flop then came down K The Q Action was checked to Bari and he fired 2,250. The big blind was the only caller and Bari tabled A William Thorson Moved In On A player in late position bet 700 and William Thorson called from the button. A payer in the small blind moved all in for 7,000 total and it was folded back to Thorson. He went deep into the tank before finally releasing his hand. He was at less than 20,000 afteward. Phil Ivey Yawns and Chips Get Sucked into His Mouth A player in the cutoff made it 550 and the button raised to 1,500. Ivey didn’t take long before four-betting to 4,500. The initial bettor folded and the button took some time before finally folding. Ivey is doing well here on day 1d. He was at over 50,000 after the hand.
On a board of A Player Tags: David Benyamine, Jeffrey Lisandro, Phil Ivey, Allen Bari, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Jason Mercier Level 10, Hour One: Lex Veldhuis EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 600-1,200 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 2,304 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 95,299 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 142,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Johnny Chan – 425,000 Notable Eliminations: Lex Veldhuis Big Hands:
Lex Veldhuis moved all in for about 40,000 preflop and one player called. Here were their hands: Veldhuis: J Veldhuis was racing with the lead but the flop came down A Cowboy Matt Graham Matt Graham was all in preflop and one opponent made the call. The two players then turned over their hands. Graham: K Graham was ahead and the flop cemented the double up when it came down K
Picking up the action after the flop, Kara Scott moved all in on a board of 6 Scott: A Scott’s aces were ahead and the board finished off Q The Bear Gets Fed Barry Greenstein and his opponent got all-in on a flop of K Greenstein needed to fade the board pairing to win the pot and eliminate a player. The turn was the 7
William Thorson was facing an all-in river bet of 19,000 with the final board reading 6 Thorson hemmed and hawed for quite some time before finally tossing in his call. Thorson mucked his hand when he was shown K Van Fleet Gets Coolered We got to the table as Jon Van Fleet and his opponent had just gotten all of his opponent’s 70,000 chips in the middle preflop and were turning up their hands. Van Fleet showed pocket kings, but his opponent had turned up pocket aces. The board didn’t bring any help to Van Fleet and he dropped to 205,000.
Sam Farha bet from early position and it was folded around to a player on the button. He shoved for 22,000 total and it was folded to Farha. He made the quick call with the 4 Billy Kopp Loses One On a flop of 10 Vanessa Rousso Doubles Up Vanessa Rousso was all in on a board of 9-5-4-2-3 for 37,000 into a 22,000 chip pot. Her opponent called and mucked when Rousso exposed the 8-6 for a straight. She was at about 85,000 after the hand. Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Barry Greenstein, Sam Farha, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Matt Graham, Billy Kopp, Lex Veldhuis, Kara Scott Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 29 Hour Two Update: Flurry of Bustouts in Final Four TablesJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 29 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 7,571,379 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Cuong Nguyen – 22,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 37. Dags Palovic – $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Michal Wywrot moved all-in for his 1,840,000 from the cutoff and Michiel Sijpkens woke up with a big hand in the big blind and made the call. Wywrot showed A Statz Adds to Stack After multiple raises preflop, Bryn Kenney (big blind) and Benjamin Statz (button) saw a fop of Q The turn brought the 8 Palovic Busto Dag Palovic shoved all-in with his short stack and John Dolan reshoved all-in to isolate. Everybody else folded and their hands were turned up. Palovic showed A
After being crippled last hour, Gabe Costner moved all-in for his last 1,175,000 and was called by Scott Clements. Costner tabled 10 Ochana Gone Edward Ochana raised to 240,000 from middle position and Jason Senti three-bet it to 615,000. When action got back to Ochana, he moved all-in for 2,500,000 and Senti called. Ochana showed A The turn was the A
We picked up the action on the turn with the board reading 3 Emery instantly moved all-in for 2,415,000 and Mizrachi beat him into the pot. Emery showed 6 Skender Sent to the Rail Michael Skender raised to 200,000 from middle position and Jason Senti made it 505,000. Action folded back to Skender and he pushed all-in and was called by Senti. Skender showed K The flop came Q Mizrachi Takes One Off Thorson William Thorson raised to 250,000 from the hijack and Michael Mizrachi made the call from the cutoff. The flop came A Thorson now led out for 875,000 and Mizrachi raised to 2,300,000. Thorson sat in the tank for over four minutes before folding A “Baby, why you bet so much?” yelled Mrs. Grinder from the audience.
Theo Jorgensen raised to 200,000 under-the-gun and John Racener and Duy Le made the call. The htree ofthem saw a flop of A Racener made it 2,000,000 to go and forced folds from Baker and Le before Jorgensen committed his last 2,220,000 and Racener made the call. Racener tabled A The river was the 9 Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Bryn Kenney, Dag Palovic, Jason Senti, Michael Skender Dinner BreakJul 16, '10 The players are currently on a 90-minute dinner break and will return at around 8:45 PDT. While you’re waiting, check out a recent interview with William Thorson on CardPlayer TV! Player Tags: William Thorson Level 28 Hour One Update: Tony Dunst EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 44 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,990,227 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 12,900,000 Player Twitter Accounts Notable Eliminations: 51. James Manning — $168,556 Big Hands:
William Thorson opened to 200,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Tony Dunst in the big blind. Dunst raised to 1,000,000, leaving himself just 75,000 behind. Thorson put Dunst all in and Dunst called. Dunst exposed the A Matt Affleck Wins One Matt Affleck opened and John Racener called from the big blind. The flop came A James Manning Eliminated James Manning was all in preflop for 700,000 with the A
Matthew Bucaric opened to 200,000 from the cutoff. Edward Ochana called on the button. Adam Levy moved all in for 1,885,000 from the small blind. Bucaric made the call. Ochana folded and Levy was at risk for his tournament life. Bucaric exposed the 9 Ace-King Chop Redmond Lee bet 225,000 from under the gun. Jakob Toestesen called from the small blind. The flop came K Jacobo Fernandez Eliminated Jacobo Fernandez moved all in for 650,000. Adam Levy moved all in over the top from the small blind with the K Jason Senti Doubles Up David Assouline and Jason Senti had all of the chips in preflop. Senti was all in for his tournament life for 1,800,000 with the K-K. Assouline exposed J-J and was behind. The flop was perfect for Senti as it came K-K-5, giving him quads. Assouline was drawing dead and was down to 4,100,000 after the hand. Senti was up to 3,750,000.
James Fennell got all his chips in the middle preflop with the 8 Sergey Rybachenko Eliminated Sergey Rybachenko was all in with the K
Joseph Cheong bet 195,000 from late position. Evan Lamprea raised all in for around 1,600,000. Action was folded back to Cheong. He made the call with pocket tens and was up against the A David Baker Doubles Up David Baker opened from late position. Evgeny Shnayder three-bet and Baker got his stack of 1,750,000 in the middle. Baker exposed the A Player Tags: David Baker, Cuong Nguyen, William Thorson, Sergey Rybachenko, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Matt Affleck, Joseph Cheong, Evgeny Shnayder, David Assouline Level 26 Hour One Update: Jean-Robert Bellande EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 25,000-50,000 with a 5,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 70 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 3,049,583 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Theo Jorgensen — 8,600,000 Player Twitter Accounts Josh Brikis Notable Eliminations: 78. Jean-Robert Bellande — $94,942 Big Hands: Scott Clements Doubles Up Scott Clements moved all in preflop for about 1,000,000 and was called by Brock Bourne. Clements tabled the the A
Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 680,000 and everyone folded. Bellande tabled the A A few hands later, Jeff Banghart opened to 130,000 from middle position and Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 815,000 from the button. Action was folded to Duy Le in the big blind. He reraised to 1,490,000. Banghart tanked before folding the J Matthew Jarvis Wins a Pot James Fennell bet 190,000 on a flop of A Jeff Banghart Moves All In, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Duy Le opened to 120,000 and Jeff Banghart made the call from the cutoff. The flop came 9 A couple hands later, Sergey Rybachenko opened to 120,000 from under the gun and Matt Harris moved all in for 1,060,000. Action was over to Jeff Banghart in the small blind. He moved all in for 880,000 and Rybachenko folded. Banghart tabled the Q
Jakob Toestesen opened to 125,000 from the cutoff position. Redmond Lee called in the small blind. William Thorson called in the big blind. The flop came 9 Theo Jorgensen Loses a Pot On a board of Q Gabe Costner Moves All In Gabe Costner bet 425,000 on a flop of A
Jacobo Fernandez was all in preflop against John Dolan. Fernandez was was all in for 425,000 with the Q William Thorson Wins Another William Thorson limped in preflop and called a 135,000 bet from Evan Lamprea. The flop came Q Player Tags: Jeff Banghart, Theo Jorgensen, Jean-Robert Bellande, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Duy Le, Jacobo Fernandez Level 31, Hour One: Thorson Busts in 22ndJul 17, '10 Blinds: 80,000-160,000 with a 20,000 ante Players Remaining: 21 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 10,455,714 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 25,130,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 23. Robert Pisano — $317,161 Big Hands:
A short-stacked Robert Pisano got all in preflop, Soi Nguyen raised and Pascal LeFrancois called. The flop came Q LeFrancois: Q Pisano was dead to a ten, but the J
John Dolan opened to 375,000 and was called by John Racener and Brandon Steven. William Thorson then moved all in for 5 million and Dolan and Steve folded, but Racener made the call. Their hands: Thorson: J The flop gave Thorson some more hope, running A Racener Takes One From The Grinder John Racener opened to 360,000 and was called by Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. The flop ran 10 On the 10 Affleck Doubles Through Jarvis Matt Affleck and Matthew Jarvis has collided in some big pots already, but Affleck just got the better of an all in exchange. Affleck held A The board ran A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, William Thorson, John Racener, Matt Affleck, Matt Jarvis, Robert Pisano Level 30, Hour Two: Down To 23 PlayersJul 17, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 23 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 9,563,913 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 24,400,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 26. Matthew Bucaric — $317,161 Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J Candio: 8 Candio flopped middle pair with a heart draw while Bucaric was ahead with his nines and gutshot straight draw. But the turn was the 3 Hasan Habib Doubles Up Hasan Habib moved all in for 1.13 million preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call from the button. Habib tabled 4 The board ran out J
William Thorson limped in from the small blind and Mads Wissing checked his option. The two then saw a flop of 10 Wissing: 10 Wissing was ahead but the turn was the J Affleck Takes One Down Matt Affleck raised to 270,000 preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call. The flop came down K The turn was the K Affleck took the pot and he was at 18 million.
Robert Pisano raised to 295,000 and Benjamin Statz made the call. Soi Nguyen also tagged along and the three saw the flop fall K Pisano bet 630,000 and Statz mucked. Nguyen made the call and the turn was the 9 Nguyen led out with 900,000 and Pisano made the call. Nguyen showed Q Pisano took it down and he was at 10.6 million. Nguyen was at 20.85 million. Clements Chipping Up Michiel Sijpkens raised to 310,000 and Scott Clements made the call. The two then saw the flop fall A Clements checked and Sijpkens fired 350,000. Clements then check-raised to 855,000 and Sijpkens mucked. Clements took down the pot and he was up to 7 million.
Ronnie Bardah moved all in preflop after Filippo Candio put in a raise. Candio made the call to put Bardah at risk. Bardah: A Bardah was up against Candio’s aces and the flop fell J Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Cuong Nguyen, Ronnie Bardah, William Thorson, Matthew Bucaric, Mads Wissing, Robert Pisano, Filippo Candio |
Jul 12, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 7 | + |
Level Two Hour, One Update: Rousso Gets Some BackJul 08, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Count: 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Kara Scott – 71,000 Card Player Family Chip Counts Jeff Shulman — 19,600 Notable Eliminations: None Player Twitter Accounts Phil Ivey Big Hands:
Just before the 20-minute break after level one, with 1,200 in the pot with the board reading A Phil Ivey Chipping Up Right before Ivey was able to leave his seat for the 20-minute break after level one, six players saw a flop of K
Picking up the action after the flop fell Q Seat 7 made the call and the turn brought the J Rousso raked in the pot and took back some of the chips she lost to seat 7 before the break. She was at 33,000. A few hands later on a flop of 8 Rousso checked and seat 10 bet 2,300. Rousso made the call and the river was the 7 Rousso tabled 6 Lisandro Drops One Jeffrey Lisandro limped in preflop along with three other players. The four saw a flop of Q The big blind bet another 500 and Lisandro raised to 1,200. The call was made and the river was the 8 The big blind then tabled A
A player raised to 550 preflop and four players called, including Allen Bari and Hevad Khan. The flop then came down K The Q Action was checked to Bari and he fired 2,250. The big blind was the only caller and Bari tabled A William Thorson Moved In On A player in late position bet 700 and William Thorson called from the button. A payer in the small blind moved all in for 7,000 total and it was folded back to Thorson. He went deep into the tank before finally releasing his hand. He was at less than 20,000 afteward. Phil Ivey Yawns and Chips Get Sucked into His Mouth A player in the cutoff made it 550 and the button raised to 1,500. Ivey didn’t take long before four-betting to 4,500. The initial bettor folded and the button took some time before finally folding. Ivey is doing well here on day 1d. He was at over 50,000 after the hand.
On a board of A Player Tags: David Benyamine, Jeffrey Lisandro, Phil Ivey, Allen Bari, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Jason Mercier Level 10, Hour One: Lex Veldhuis EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 600-1,200 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 2,304 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 95,299 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 142,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Johnny Chan – 425,000 Notable Eliminations: Lex Veldhuis Big Hands:
Lex Veldhuis moved all in for about 40,000 preflop and one player called. Here were their hands: Veldhuis: J Veldhuis was racing with the lead but the flop came down A Cowboy Matt Graham Matt Graham was all in preflop and one opponent made the call. The two players then turned over their hands. Graham: K Graham was ahead and the flop cemented the double up when it came down K
Picking up the action after the flop, Kara Scott moved all in on a board of 6 Scott: A Scott’s aces were ahead and the board finished off Q The Bear Gets Fed Barry Greenstein and his opponent got all-in on a flop of K Greenstein needed to fade the board pairing to win the pot and eliminate a player. The turn was the 7
William Thorson was facing an all-in river bet of 19,000 with the final board reading 6 Thorson hemmed and hawed for quite some time before finally tossing in his call. Thorson mucked his hand when he was shown K Van Fleet Gets Coolered We got to the table as Jon Van Fleet and his opponent had just gotten all of his opponent’s 70,000 chips in the middle preflop and were turning up their hands. Van Fleet showed pocket kings, but his opponent had turned up pocket aces. The board didn’t bring any help to Van Fleet and he dropped to 205,000.
Sam Farha bet from early position and it was folded around to a player on the button. He shoved for 22,000 total and it was folded to Farha. He made the quick call with the 4 Billy Kopp Loses One On a flop of 10 Vanessa Rousso Doubles Up Vanessa Rousso was all in on a board of 9-5-4-2-3 for 37,000 into a 22,000 chip pot. Her opponent called and mucked when Rousso exposed the 8-6 for a straight. She was at about 85,000 after the hand. Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Barry Greenstein, Sam Farha, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Matt Graham, Billy Kopp, Lex Veldhuis, Kara Scott Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 29 Hour Two Update: Flurry of Bustouts in Final Four TablesJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 29 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 7,571,379 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Cuong Nguyen – 22,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 37. Dags Palovic – $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Michal Wywrot moved all-in for his 1,840,000 from the cutoff and Michiel Sijpkens woke up with a big hand in the big blind and made the call. Wywrot showed A Statz Adds to Stack After multiple raises preflop, Bryn Kenney (big blind) and Benjamin Statz (button) saw a fop of Q The turn brought the 8 Palovic Busto Dag Palovic shoved all-in with his short stack and John Dolan reshoved all-in to isolate. Everybody else folded and their hands were turned up. Palovic showed A
After being crippled last hour, Gabe Costner moved all-in for his last 1,175,000 and was called by Scott Clements. Costner tabled 10 Ochana Gone Edward Ochana raised to 240,000 from middle position and Jason Senti three-bet it to 615,000. When action got back to Ochana, he moved all-in for 2,500,000 and Senti called. Ochana showed A The turn was the A
We picked up the action on the turn with the board reading 3 Emery instantly moved all-in for 2,415,000 and Mizrachi beat him into the pot. Emery showed 6 Skender Sent to the Rail Michael Skender raised to 200,000 from middle position and Jason Senti made it 505,000. Action folded back to Skender and he pushed all-in and was called by Senti. Skender showed K The flop came Q Mizrachi Takes One Off Thorson William Thorson raised to 250,000 from the hijack and Michael Mizrachi made the call from the cutoff. The flop came A Thorson now led out for 875,000 and Mizrachi raised to 2,300,000. Thorson sat in the tank for over four minutes before folding A “Baby, why you bet so much?” yelled Mrs. Grinder from the audience.
Theo Jorgensen raised to 200,000 under-the-gun and John Racener and Duy Le made the call. The htree ofthem saw a flop of A Racener made it 2,000,000 to go and forced folds from Baker and Le before Jorgensen committed his last 2,220,000 and Racener made the call. Racener tabled A The river was the 9 Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Bryn Kenney, Dag Palovic, Jason Senti, Michael Skender Dinner BreakJul 16, '10 The players are currently on a 90-minute dinner break and will return at around 8:45 PDT. While you’re waiting, check out a recent interview with William Thorson on CardPlayer TV! Player Tags: William Thorson Level 28 Hour One Update: Tony Dunst EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 44 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,990,227 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 12,900,000 Player Twitter Accounts Notable Eliminations: 51. James Manning — $168,556 Big Hands:
William Thorson opened to 200,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Tony Dunst in the big blind. Dunst raised to 1,000,000, leaving himself just 75,000 behind. Thorson put Dunst all in and Dunst called. Dunst exposed the A Matt Affleck Wins One Matt Affleck opened and John Racener called from the big blind. The flop came A James Manning Eliminated James Manning was all in preflop for 700,000 with the A
Matthew Bucaric opened to 200,000 from the cutoff. Edward Ochana called on the button. Adam Levy moved all in for 1,885,000 from the small blind. Bucaric made the call. Ochana folded and Levy was at risk for his tournament life. Bucaric exposed the 9 Ace-King Chop Redmond Lee bet 225,000 from under the gun. Jakob Toestesen called from the small blind. The flop came K Jacobo Fernandez Eliminated Jacobo Fernandez moved all in for 650,000. Adam Levy moved all in over the top from the small blind with the K Jason Senti Doubles Up David Assouline and Jason Senti had all of the chips in preflop. Senti was all in for his tournament life for 1,800,000 with the K-K. Assouline exposed J-J and was behind. The flop was perfect for Senti as it came K-K-5, giving him quads. Assouline was drawing dead and was down to 4,100,000 after the hand. Senti was up to 3,750,000.
James Fennell got all his chips in the middle preflop with the 8 Sergey Rybachenko Eliminated Sergey Rybachenko was all in with the K
Joseph Cheong bet 195,000 from late position. Evan Lamprea raised all in for around 1,600,000. Action was folded back to Cheong. He made the call with pocket tens and was up against the A David Baker Doubles Up David Baker opened from late position. Evgeny Shnayder three-bet and Baker got his stack of 1,750,000 in the middle. Baker exposed the A Player Tags: David Baker, Cuong Nguyen, William Thorson, Sergey Rybachenko, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Matt Affleck, Joseph Cheong, Evgeny Shnayder, David Assouline Level 26 Hour One Update: Jean-Robert Bellande EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 25,000-50,000 with a 5,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 70 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 3,049,583 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Theo Jorgensen — 8,600,000 Player Twitter Accounts Josh Brikis Notable Eliminations: 78. Jean-Robert Bellande — $94,942 Big Hands: Scott Clements Doubles Up Scott Clements moved all in preflop for about 1,000,000 and was called by Brock Bourne. Clements tabled the the A
Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 680,000 and everyone folded. Bellande tabled the A A few hands later, Jeff Banghart opened to 130,000 from middle position and Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 815,000 from the button. Action was folded to Duy Le in the big blind. He reraised to 1,490,000. Banghart tanked before folding the J Matthew Jarvis Wins a Pot James Fennell bet 190,000 on a flop of A Jeff Banghart Moves All In, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Duy Le opened to 120,000 and Jeff Banghart made the call from the cutoff. The flop came 9 A couple hands later, Sergey Rybachenko opened to 120,000 from under the gun and Matt Harris moved all in for 1,060,000. Action was over to Jeff Banghart in the small blind. He moved all in for 880,000 and Rybachenko folded. Banghart tabled the Q
Jakob Toestesen opened to 125,000 from the cutoff position. Redmond Lee called in the small blind. William Thorson called in the big blind. The flop came 9 Theo Jorgensen Loses a Pot On a board of Q Gabe Costner Moves All In Gabe Costner bet 425,000 on a flop of A
Jacobo Fernandez was all in preflop against John Dolan. Fernandez was was all in for 425,000 with the Q William Thorson Wins Another William Thorson limped in preflop and called a 135,000 bet from Evan Lamprea. The flop came Q Player Tags: Jeff Banghart, Theo Jorgensen, Jean-Robert Bellande, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Duy Le, Jacobo Fernandez Level 31, Hour One: Thorson Busts in 22ndJul 17, '10 Blinds: 80,000-160,000 with a 20,000 ante Players Remaining: 21 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 10,455,714 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 25,130,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 23. Robert Pisano — $317,161 Big Hands:
A short-stacked Robert Pisano got all in preflop, Soi Nguyen raised and Pascal LeFrancois called. The flop came Q LeFrancois: Q Pisano was dead to a ten, but the J
John Dolan opened to 375,000 and was called by John Racener and Brandon Steven. William Thorson then moved all in for 5 million and Dolan and Steve folded, but Racener made the call. Their hands: Thorson: J The flop gave Thorson some more hope, running A Racener Takes One From The Grinder John Racener opened to 360,000 and was called by Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. The flop ran 10 On the 10 Affleck Doubles Through Jarvis Matt Affleck and Matthew Jarvis has collided in some big pots already, but Affleck just got the better of an all in exchange. Affleck held A The board ran A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, William Thorson, John Racener, Matt Affleck, Matt Jarvis, Robert Pisano Level 30, Hour Two: Down To 23 PlayersJul 17, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 23 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 9,563,913 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 24,400,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 26. Matthew Bucaric — $317,161 Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J Candio: 8 Candio flopped middle pair with a heart draw while Bucaric was ahead with his nines and gutshot straight draw. But the turn was the 3 Hasan Habib Doubles Up Hasan Habib moved all in for 1.13 million preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call from the button. Habib tabled 4 The board ran out J
William Thorson limped in from the small blind and Mads Wissing checked his option. The two then saw a flop of 10 Wissing: 10 Wissing was ahead but the turn was the J Affleck Takes One Down Matt Affleck raised to 270,000 preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call. The flop came down K The turn was the K Affleck took the pot and he was at 18 million.
Robert Pisano raised to 295,000 and Benjamin Statz made the call. Soi Nguyen also tagged along and the three saw the flop fall K Pisano bet 630,000 and Statz mucked. Nguyen made the call and the turn was the 9 Nguyen led out with 900,000 and Pisano made the call. Nguyen showed Q Pisano took it down and he was at 10.6 million. Nguyen was at 20.85 million. Clements Chipping Up Michiel Sijpkens raised to 310,000 and Scott Clements made the call. The two then saw the flop fall A Clements checked and Sijpkens fired 350,000. Clements then check-raised to 855,000 and Sijpkens mucked. Clements took down the pot and he was up to 7 million.
Ronnie Bardah moved all in preflop after Filippo Candio put in a raise. Candio made the call to put Bardah at risk. Bardah: A Bardah was up against Candio’s aces and the flop fell J Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Cuong Nguyen, Ronnie Bardah, William Thorson, Matthew Bucaric, Mads Wissing, Robert Pisano, Filippo Candio |
Jul 08, '10 | 2010 41st Annual World Series of Poker | $10,000 World Series of Poker Main Event | 4 | + |
Level Two Hour, One Update: Rousso Gets Some BackJul 08, '10 Blinds: 100-200 Average Chip Count: 30,000 Notable Chip Counts: 1. Kara Scott – 71,000 Card Player Family Chip Counts Jeff Shulman — 19,600 Notable Eliminations: None Player Twitter Accounts Phil Ivey Big Hands:
Just before the 20-minute break after level one, with 1,200 in the pot with the board reading A Phil Ivey Chipping Up Right before Ivey was able to leave his seat for the 20-minute break after level one, six players saw a flop of K
Picking up the action after the flop fell Q Seat 7 made the call and the turn brought the J Rousso raked in the pot and took back some of the chips she lost to seat 7 before the break. She was at 33,000. A few hands later on a flop of 8 Rousso checked and seat 10 bet 2,300. Rousso made the call and the river was the 7 Rousso tabled 6 Lisandro Drops One Jeffrey Lisandro limped in preflop along with three other players. The four saw a flop of Q The big blind bet another 500 and Lisandro raised to 1,200. The call was made and the river was the 8 The big blind then tabled A
A player raised to 550 preflop and four players called, including Allen Bari and Hevad Khan. The flop then came down K The Q Action was checked to Bari and he fired 2,250. The big blind was the only caller and Bari tabled A William Thorson Moved In On A player in late position bet 700 and William Thorson called from the button. A payer in the small blind moved all in for 7,000 total and it was folded back to Thorson. He went deep into the tank before finally releasing his hand. He was at less than 20,000 afteward. Phil Ivey Yawns and Chips Get Sucked into His Mouth A player in the cutoff made it 550 and the button raised to 1,500. Ivey didn’t take long before four-betting to 4,500. The initial bettor folded and the button took some time before finally folding. Ivey is doing well here on day 1d. He was at over 50,000 after the hand.
On a board of A Player Tags: David Benyamine, Jeffrey Lisandro, Phil Ivey, Allen Bari, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Jason Mercier Level 10, Hour One: Lex Veldhuis EliminatedJul 12, '10 Blinds: 600-1,200 with a 200 ante Players Remaining: 2,304 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 95,299 Card Player Chip Counts Barry Shulman – 142,000 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Johnny Chan – 425,000 Notable Eliminations: Lex Veldhuis Big Hands:
Lex Veldhuis moved all in for about 40,000 preflop and one player called. Here were their hands: Veldhuis: J Veldhuis was racing with the lead but the flop came down A Cowboy Matt Graham Matt Graham was all in preflop and one opponent made the call. The two players then turned over their hands. Graham: K Graham was ahead and the flop cemented the double up when it came down K
Picking up the action after the flop, Kara Scott moved all in on a board of 6 Scott: A Scott’s aces were ahead and the board finished off Q The Bear Gets Fed Barry Greenstein and his opponent got all-in on a flop of K Greenstein needed to fade the board pairing to win the pot and eliminate a player. The turn was the 7
William Thorson was facing an all-in river bet of 19,000 with the final board reading 6 Thorson hemmed and hawed for quite some time before finally tossing in his call. Thorson mucked his hand when he was shown K Van Fleet Gets Coolered We got to the table as Jon Van Fleet and his opponent had just gotten all of his opponent’s 70,000 chips in the middle preflop and were turning up their hands. Van Fleet showed pocket kings, but his opponent had turned up pocket aces. The board didn’t bring any help to Van Fleet and he dropped to 205,000.
Sam Farha bet from early position and it was folded around to a player on the button. He shoved for 22,000 total and it was folded to Farha. He made the quick call with the 4 Billy Kopp Loses One On a flop of 10 Vanessa Rousso Doubles Up Vanessa Rousso was all in on a board of 9-5-4-2-3 for 37,000 into a 22,000 chip pot. Her opponent called and mucked when Rousso exposed the 8-6 for a straight. She was at about 85,000 after the hand. Twitter Accounts Barry Shulman Player Tags: Barry Greenstein, Sam Farha, William Thorson, Vanessa Rousso, Matt Graham, Billy Kopp, Lex Veldhuis, Kara Scott Level 19 Hour Two Update: Jamin Stokes and Hoyt Corkins EliminatedJul 14, '10 Blinds: 5,000-10,000 with a 1,000 ante 1. Matt Affleck – 2,900,000 Jamin Stokes
We caught up with the action on a board reading Q Jamin Stokes Eliminated Jamin Stokes moved all in on the button for 44,000 with the A Robert Mizrachi Doubles Up a Player A player moved all in for 139,000 into Robert Mizrachi. Mizrachi called and exposed the A
Shawn Rice raised to 25,000 and Pkejmanpatric Eskander called from the small blind. The flop came K The turn was the J “You called me with ace-jack. You did the right thing.” said Rice sarcastically. “It was suited,” replied Eskander. Affleck Just Keeps Winning The board read K Franca had check-raised Affleck on the flop and Affleck made the call. Franca checked to Affleck on the turn and Affleck bet 100,000. Franca check-raised again, making it 260,000. Affleck made the call and they saw the J Franca tanked for a while before going all-in for 486,000. After several minutes, Affleck made the call. Franca mucked his hand immediately and Affleck showed A
Jonathan Tamayo made a deep run in last year’s main event, but won’t be making a repeat performance when he moved all-in from middle position for 110,000 and Paul Varano called from the big blind. Tamayo showed A Cowboy Rides Off into Sunset Hoyt Corkins moved all-in preflop with A The board ran out 10 One Less Russian in the Main Event Dragan Galic was all-in before the flop and was called by Vitaly Lunkin, who had him covered by just one yellow, 1,000 chip. Galic showed A Lunkin was all-in for just the ante on the very next hand and was eliminated.
On a previous hand Jason Dewitt had six-bet all in versus the player directly to his left. A couples hands later Dewitt four-bet shoved with pocket eights against the same player. This time he was called. Dewitt’s opponent exposed the A Josh Brikis Falling On a board of K Big Slick Gets Clements Some Chips Andre Coimbra moved all-in preflop and found some bad news when he was called by Scott Clements. Clements held A Player Twitter Accounts Jean-Robert Bellande Player Tags: Hoyt Corkins, Robert Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, William Thorson, Jason Dewitt, Vitaly Lunkin, Jonathan Tamayo, Matt Affleck, Josh Brikis Level 29 Hour Two Update: Flurry of Bustouts in Final Four TablesJul 16, '10 Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante Players Remaining: 29 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 7,571,379 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Cuong Nguyen – 22,600,000 Notable Eliminations: 37. Dags Palovic – $206,395 Player Twitter Accounts Big Hands:
Michal Wywrot moved all-in for his 1,840,000 from the cutoff and Michiel Sijpkens woke up with a big hand in the big blind and made the call. Wywrot showed A Statz Adds to Stack After multiple raises preflop, Bryn Kenney (big blind) and Benjamin Statz (button) saw a fop of Q The turn brought the 8 Palovic Busto Dag Palovic shoved all-in with his short stack and John Dolan reshoved all-in to isolate. Everybody else folded and their hands were turned up. Palovic showed A
After being crippled last hour, Gabe Costner moved all-in for his last 1,175,000 and was called by Scott Clements. Costner tabled 10 Ochana Gone Edward Ochana raised to 240,000 from middle position and Jason Senti three-bet it to 615,000. When action got back to Ochana, he moved all-in for 2,500,000 and Senti called. Ochana showed A The turn was the A
We picked up the action on the turn with the board reading 3 Emery instantly moved all-in for 2,415,000 and Mizrachi beat him into the pot. Emery showed 6 Skender Sent to the Rail Michael Skender raised to 200,000 from middle position and Jason Senti made it 505,000. Action folded back to Skender and he pushed all-in and was called by Senti. Skender showed K The flop came Q Mizrachi Takes One Off Thorson William Thorson raised to 250,000 from the hijack and Michael Mizrachi made the call from the cutoff. The flop came A Thorson now led out for 875,000 and Mizrachi raised to 2,300,000. Thorson sat in the tank for over four minutes before folding A “Baby, why you bet so much?” yelled Mrs. Grinder from the audience.
Theo Jorgensen raised to 200,000 under-the-gun and John Racener and Duy Le made the call. The htree ofthem saw a flop of A Racener made it 2,000,000 to go and forced folds from Baker and Le before Jorgensen committed his last 2,220,000 and Racener made the call. Racener tabled A The river was the 9 Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, Theo Jorgensen, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Bryn Kenney, Dag Palovic, Jason Senti, Michael Skender Dinner BreakJul 16, '10 The players are currently on a 90-minute dinner break and will return at around 8:45 PDT. While you’re waiting, check out a recent interview with William Thorson on CardPlayer TV! Player Tags: William Thorson Level 28 Hour One Update: Tony Dunst EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 44 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 4,990,227 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong — 12,900,000 Player Twitter Accounts Notable Eliminations: 51. James Manning — $168,556 Big Hands:
William Thorson opened to 200,000 from under the gun. Action was folded to Tony Dunst in the big blind. Dunst raised to 1,000,000, leaving himself just 75,000 behind. Thorson put Dunst all in and Dunst called. Dunst exposed the A Matt Affleck Wins One Matt Affleck opened and John Racener called from the big blind. The flop came A James Manning Eliminated James Manning was all in preflop for 700,000 with the A
Matthew Bucaric opened to 200,000 from the cutoff. Edward Ochana called on the button. Adam Levy moved all in for 1,885,000 from the small blind. Bucaric made the call. Ochana folded and Levy was at risk for his tournament life. Bucaric exposed the 9 Ace-King Chop Redmond Lee bet 225,000 from under the gun. Jakob Toestesen called from the small blind. The flop came K Jacobo Fernandez Eliminated Jacobo Fernandez moved all in for 650,000. Adam Levy moved all in over the top from the small blind with the K Jason Senti Doubles Up David Assouline and Jason Senti had all of the chips in preflop. Senti was all in for his tournament life for 1,800,000 with the K-K. Assouline exposed J-J and was behind. The flop was perfect for Senti as it came K-K-5, giving him quads. Assouline was drawing dead and was down to 4,100,000 after the hand. Senti was up to 3,750,000.
James Fennell got all his chips in the middle preflop with the 8 Sergey Rybachenko Eliminated Sergey Rybachenko was all in with the K
Joseph Cheong bet 195,000 from late position. Evan Lamprea raised all in for around 1,600,000. Action was folded back to Cheong. He made the call with pocket tens and was up against the A David Baker Doubles Up David Baker opened from late position. Evgeny Shnayder three-bet and Baker got his stack of 1,750,000 in the middle. Baker exposed the A Player Tags: David Baker, Cuong Nguyen, William Thorson, Sergey Rybachenko, Adam Levy, Tony Dunst, Matt Affleck, Joseph Cheong, Evgeny Shnayder, David Assouline Level 26 Hour One Update: Jean-Robert Bellande EliminatedJul 16, '10 Blinds: 25,000-50,000 with a 5,000 ante ante Players Remaining: 70 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 3,049,583 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Theo Jorgensen — 8,600,000 Player Twitter Accounts Josh Brikis Notable Eliminations: 78. Jean-Robert Bellande — $94,942 Big Hands: Scott Clements Doubles Up Scott Clements moved all in preflop for about 1,000,000 and was called by Brock Bourne. Clements tabled the the A
Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 680,000 and everyone folded. Bellande tabled the A A few hands later, Jeff Banghart opened to 130,000 from middle position and Jean-Robert Bellande moved all in for 815,000 from the button. Action was folded to Duy Le in the big blind. He reraised to 1,490,000. Banghart tanked before folding the J Matthew Jarvis Wins a Pot James Fennell bet 190,000 on a flop of A Jeff Banghart Moves All In, Eliminated Shortly Thereafter Duy Le opened to 120,000 and Jeff Banghart made the call from the cutoff. The flop came 9 A couple hands later, Sergey Rybachenko opened to 120,000 from under the gun and Matt Harris moved all in for 1,060,000. Action was over to Jeff Banghart in the small blind. He moved all in for 880,000 and Rybachenko folded. Banghart tabled the Q
Jakob Toestesen opened to 125,000 from the cutoff position. Redmond Lee called in the small blind. William Thorson called in the big blind. The flop came 9 Theo Jorgensen Loses a Pot On a board of Q Gabe Costner Moves All In Gabe Costner bet 425,000 on a flop of A
Jacobo Fernandez was all in preflop against John Dolan. Fernandez was was all in for 425,000 with the Q William Thorson Wins Another William Thorson limped in preflop and called a 135,000 bet from Evan Lamprea. The flop came Q Player Tags: Jeff Banghart, Theo Jorgensen, Jean-Robert Bellande, William Thorson, Scott Clements, Duy Le, Jacobo Fernandez Level 31, Hour One: Thorson Busts in 22ndJul 17, '10 Blinds: 80,000-160,000 with a 20,000 ante Players Remaining: 21 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 10,455,714 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 25,130,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 23. Robert Pisano — $317,161 Big Hands:
A short-stacked Robert Pisano got all in preflop, Soi Nguyen raised and Pascal LeFrancois called. The flop came Q LeFrancois: Q Pisano was dead to a ten, but the J
John Dolan opened to 375,000 and was called by John Racener and Brandon Steven. William Thorson then moved all in for 5 million and Dolan and Steve folded, but Racener made the call. Their hands: Thorson: J The flop gave Thorson some more hope, running A Racener Takes One From The Grinder John Racener opened to 360,000 and was called by Michael Mizrachi in the big blind. The flop ran 10 On the 10 Affleck Doubles Through Jarvis Matt Affleck and Matthew Jarvis has collided in some big pots already, but Affleck just got the better of an all in exchange. Affleck held A The board ran A Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi, William Thorson, John Racener, Matt Affleck, Matt Jarvis, Robert Pisano Level 30, Hour Two: Down To 23 PlayersJul 17, '10 Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante Players Remaining: 23 out of 7,319 Average Chip Count: 9,563,913 Tournament Leaderboard: 1. Joseph Cheong – 24,400,000 Player Twitter Accounts Eliminations: 26. Matthew Bucaric — $317,161 Big Hands:
Picking up the action on the flop, the board read J Candio: 8 Candio flopped middle pair with a heart draw while Bucaric was ahead with his nines and gutshot straight draw. But the turn was the 3 Hasan Habib Doubles Up Hasan Habib moved all in for 1.13 million preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call from the button. Habib tabled 4 The board ran out J
William Thorson limped in from the small blind and Mads Wissing checked his option. The two then saw a flop of 10 Wissing: 10 Wissing was ahead but the turn was the J Affleck Takes One Down Matt Affleck raised to 270,000 preflop and Matthew Jarvis made the call. The flop came down K The turn was the K Affleck took the pot and he was at 18 million.
Robert Pisano raised to 295,000 and Benjamin Statz made the call. Soi Nguyen also tagged along and the three saw the flop fall K Pisano bet 630,000 and Statz mucked. Nguyen made the call and the turn was the 9 Nguyen led out with 900,000 and Pisano made the call. Nguyen showed Q Pisano took it down and he was at 10.6 million. Nguyen was at 20.85 million. Clements Chipping Up Michiel Sijpkens raised to 310,000 and Scott Clements made the call. The two then saw the flop fall A Clements checked and Sijpkens fired 350,000. Clements then check-raised to 855,000 and Sijpkens mucked. Clements took down the pot and he was up to 7 million.
Ronnie Bardah moved all in preflop after Filippo Candio put in a raise. Candio made the call to put Bardah at risk. Bardah: A Bardah was up against Candio’s aces and the flop fell J Player Tags: Hasan Habib, Cuong Nguyen, Ronnie Bardah, William Thorson, Matthew Bucaric, Mads Wissing, Robert Pisano, Filippo Candio |
Jan 12, '10 | 2010 PokerStars.com EPT Caribbean Adventure - Season VI | PokerStars Caribbean Adventure High Roller Championship | 2 | + |
William Thorson BustsJan 12, '10
The button called and William Thorson decided to ship it in on a squeeze play. Zahmat called and the button folded. Thorson was caught, showing 9 The board fell K Player Tags: William Thorson, Bijan Zahmat |
Jan 06, '10 | 2010 PokerStars.com EPT Caribbean Adventure - Season VI | PokerStars Caribbean Adventure Main Event | 2 | + |
Level 5 Update: Whittling Down the FieldJan 06, '10 Blinds: 150-300 with a 25 ante Players Remaining: 748 of 835 Average Chip Count: 33,489 Notable Chip Counts: Vanessa Rousso — 130,000 Notable Eliminations: Justin Young Big Hands: William Thorson’s Wild Ride One player bet preflop and Team PokerStars pro William Thorson made the call. The flop was dealt 9 Nicolas Levi Takes a Pot* A flop of A The Q Arnaud Mattern Eliminated Team PokerStars pro Arnaud Mattern made it 750 to go from the cutoff and both blinds called. The flop was dealt J-10-8 and all three players checked. A 5 One hand later Mattern was all in for his tournament life with pocket nines. One of his opponents woke up with pocket queens behind him and Mattern was not rescued by the board. He was eliminated from the tournament on the hand. Eric Baldwin Grabs One The 2009 Card Player Player of the Year, Eric Baldwin, is in action on day 1B and he just picked up a nice pot. Baldwin raised preflop and one opponent called him in the small blind. The flop was dealt A Player Tags: William Thorson, Eric Baldwin, Arnaud Mattern, Nicolas Levi, Brian England |
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