David Docherty Eliminates Joseph Lalor
Apr 19, '14
David Docherty flopped a pretty nice hand and by the time it came to showdown he had sent Joseph Lalor to the rail.
Lalor raised to 3,000 from under the gun and action folded around to Docherty in the hijack seat. Docherty called and the two went heads-up to a flop of AK8. Lalor check-raised Docherty’s 4,700 bet to 17,000 and Docherty called to see the J on the turn. Lalor fired out 25,000 and Docherty responded by moving all-in for about 88,000. With only 75,000 left, Lolor went into the tank.
After several minutes Lalor called and showed AQ but was drawing slim against Docherty’s flopped flush with 109. The river was the 3 and just like that Docherty had knocked out another opponent.
Player Tags: David Docherty
David Docherty Busts One
Apr 19, '14
Jacques Mauron had moved all-in and was called by David Docherty with the AK. Mauron was in big trouble with the AJ, but got a glimmer of hope when the flop brought the Q83 giving him a flush draw.
The 4 on the turn kept Docherty in the lead heading into the river, which would need to be a Jack or a heart for Mauron to stay alive in the tournament. The 7 was no help and Mauron was sent to the rail while Docherty raked in the pot.
Player Tags: David Docherty