Level 26 Update: Selbst 4th ($161,345), Schmidt 5th ($117,921), Konjuhi 6th ($87,213)
May 30, '12
Level: 26
Blinds: 20,000-40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 3 out of 2,101
Average Chip Count: 3,51,500
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 2 — Brent Hanks — 3,300,000
Seat no. 4 — Andrew Badecker — 4,050,000
Seat no. 7 — Jacob Bazely — 2,080,000
Players Eliminated:
Vanessa Selbst — 4th Place ($161,345)
Ryan Schmidt — 5th Place ($117,921)
Abdyl Konjuhi — 6th Place ($87,231)
Live Updates:
Abdyl Konjuhi Eliminated in 6th Place ($87,231)

Abdyl Konjuhi
Brent Hanks raised the button, Abdyl Konjuhi moved all in from the big blind for about 500,000, and Hanks called.
Hank’s led before the flop with A
against Konjuhi’s A
The board came 9
, offering no help to Abdyl Konjuhi who was eliminated in 6th place ($87,231).
Jacob Bazeley Puts Vanessa Selbst on the Short Stack
Jacob Bazeley opened the pot for 85,000 from the small blind and Vanessa Selbst called from the big blind.
The flop came A
, Bazeley bet and Selbst called.
The turn was the 2
, Bazeley checked, Selbst bet 260,000, and Bazeley called.
The river was the 8
, pairing the board, and Bazeley bet 400,00. Selbst folded the hand, leaving herself with the short stack at just about 800,000 (200 bbs).
Jacob Bazeley ~ 2,500,000
Vanessa Selbst ~ 800,000
Ryan Schmidt Eliminated in 5th Place ($117,921)

Ryan Schmidt
Andrew Badecker opened the pot for 85,000 from the cutoff and Ryan Schmidt called from the big blind.
The flop came Q
, Badecker bet 90,000, Schmidt raised to 195,000, and Badecker called.
The turn was the A
, Badecker bet 240,000 and Schmidt called.
The river was the 2
, Badecker shoved and Schmidt called all in. Badecker turned over A
for two pair on the turn to trump Schmidt’s pair of queens on the flop. Ryan Schmidt was eliminated in 5th place ($117,921) while Andrew Badecker became the second player to break 3 million.
“That was, um, quite the turn I wanted to see,” said Badecker as he raked the massive pot, putting himself in the chip lead with just under 3.5 million.
Vanessa Selbst Eliminated in 4th Place ($161,345)

Vanessa Selbst
Vanessa Selbst open-shoved the short stack from under the gun and Andrew Badecker called from the small blind.
Badecker led before the flop with K
against Selbst’s K
The board came J
, offering no help for Vanessa Selbst who is eliminated in 4th place ($161,345). Badecker secured the chip lead this hand with just over 4 million.
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: Vanessa Selbst, Brent Hanks, Abdyl Konjuhi, Ryan Schmidt, Jacob Bazeley, Andrew Badecker
Levels 23/24 Update: Kelly 8th ($49,621), Park 9th ($38,106)
May 30, '12
Level: 24
Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 4,000 ante
Players Remaining: 7 out of 2,101
Average Chip Count: 1,350,642
Chip Counts:
Seat no. 1 — Vanessa Selbst — 1,700,000
Seat no. 2 — Brent Hanks — 1,600,000
Seat no. 4 — Andrew Badecker — 2,000,000
Seat no. 5 — Abdyl Konjuhi — 290,000
Seat no. 6 — Ryan Schmidt — 1,200,000
Seat no. 7 — Jacob Bazely — 1,800,000
Seat no. 9 — Michael Kaufman — 437,000
Players Eliminated:
J.P. Kelly — 8th Place — ($49,621)
Richard Park — 9th Place ($38,106)
Live Updates:
Level: 23
Blinds: 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Abdyl Konjuhi Doubles Through J.P. Kelly
Jacob Bazeley min-raised from under the gun, Vanessa Selbst called from middle position, J.P. Kelly shoved the cutoff, Abdyl Konjuhi called all in for 447,000 from the small blind and both Bazeley and Selbst folded to the raise.
Konjuhi led before the flop with K
against Kelly’s A
The board came J
, and Konjuhi’s pair of kings held to double up, now putting Kelly on the short stack.
Abdyl Konjuhi ~ 880,000
J. P. Kelly ~ 120,000
J.P. Kelly Doubles Through Andrew Badecker

J.P. Kelly
On the very next hand after being doubled through by Abdyl Konjuhi and left with the short stack, J.P. Kelly gets it all in for a little over 100,000 before the flop with K
against Andrew Badecker’s pocket pair of aces.
The board came Q
, giving Kelly trips on the flop and a full house on the river to crack Badecker’s aces and double up to stay alive.
J.P. Kelly ~ 250,000
Andrew Badecker ~ 1,400,000
Level: 24
Blinds: 12,000-24,000 with a 4,000 ante
Michael Kaufman Doubles Through J.P. Kelly
J.P. Kelly open-shoved before the flop and Michael Kaufman called all in with the short stack.
Kaufman led before the flop with K
against Kelly’s 10
The board came 7
, and Kaufman’s pair of kings held to double up and stay alive. This hand put Kelly back on the short stack with just 1 big blind.
Richard Park Eliminated in 9th Place ($38,106)

Richard Park
Richard Park three-bet shoved before the flop after Andrew Badecker opened the pot for raise. Badecker called the reraise and led before the flop with A
against Park’s A
The board came K
, offering no help for Richard Park who was eliminated in 9th place ($38,106).
J.P. Kelly Eliminated in 8th Place ($49,621)
J.P. Kelly was down to his last big blind after doubling up Michael Kaufman at the beginning of the level, but he managed to more than double on the next hand which was enough to survive Richard Park in 9th place and take the more than $10,000 pay jump.
On his final hand, Brent Hanks opened for a raise (enough to put J.P. Kelly all in), and Kelly called for his tournament life.
Hanks led before the flop with A
against Kelly’s J
The board came 7
, offering no help for J.P. Kelly who was eliminated in 9th place ($49,621).
Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all of the action, current chip counts, and prize distributions.
Player Tags: Richard Park, Abdyl Konjuhi, J.P. Kelly, Andrew Badecker