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Buy-In: $10,000
Prize Pool: $4,074,000
Entrants: 420

No-Limit Hold'em Championship (WPT)

  • Oct 18, '05 - Oct 21, '05


Updates on Final Day (Oct 21, 05)


Minh Ly Wins the 2005 WPT Doyle Brunson North American Poker Championship ($1,060,000)

Minh Ly wins the 2005 WPT Doyle Brunson North American Poker Championship, earning $1,060,000, a $25,000 seat in the WPT World Championship, and a gold bracelet. Dan Harrington finishes in second place, earning $620,730.

Minh Ly Wins the Tournament!

Hand 143 - Dan Harrington has the button, and he folds.

Hand 144 - Minh Ly has the button, and he raises all in. Harrington quickly calls for $2,645,000, showing Ah-5c. Ly has Jc-3h. Ly could win the tournament on this hand if he improves.

The flop comes 9d-6c-3s, and Ly takes the lead with a pair of threes. Harrington needs to catch a five, an ace, or a runner-runner straight to stay alive. The turn card is the Ks, and Harrington needs a five or an ace. The river card is the 7d. Dan Harrington is eliminated in second place, earning $620,730.

Minh Ly wins the 2005 WPT Doyle Brunson North American Poker Championship, earning $1,060,000, a $25,000 seat in the WPT World Championship, and a gold bracelet.

Blinds Increasing to $150,000-$300,000 ($30,000 Ante)

The blinds increase to $150,000-$300,000, with a $30,000 ante. Play will continue without a break.

Minh Ly Takes a Big Pot

Hand 142 - Minh Ly has the button, he limps for $200,000, and Harrington checks his option. The flop comes Ah-6h-4h, Harrington checks, Ly bets $260,000, Harrington raises to $550,000, and Ly thinks for about two minutes before calling. The turn card is the Jh, putting four hearts on the board. Who has the king? Harrington bets $500,000, representing a high heart. Ly thinks for a minute or two and then calls. The river card is the 2d, Harrington checks, and Ly thinks for a minute and then bets $1,300,000. Now Harrington goes into the tank to think things over. At one point, their eyes meet and they both break into smiles, and the crowd laughs. After another two minutes, Harrington folds, and Ly takes a very large pot.

Official Chip Counts

Here are the official chip counts from the break:

Minh Ly - $4,270,000
Dan Harrington - $4,125,000

Hand 140 - Minh Ly has the button, he raises to $500,000, and Harrington folds.

Hand 141 - Dan Harrington has the button, he raises to $500,000, Ly reraises all in for about $3 million more, and Harrington thinks for about a minute before folding. Ly takes the pot.

There will be a very short break for a tape change in the cameras, and there are only a few minutes left at the current level of blinds.

Minh Ly Takes a Large Pot

Hand 139 - Dan Harrington has the button, he limps for $200,000, and Ly checks his option. The flop comes 7h-6d-5d, Ly bets $260,000, and Harrington calls. The turn card is the 10h, Ly checks, and Harrington checks. The river card is the 3d, putting three diamonds on the board, and any four makes a straight. Ly bets $500,000, and Harrington folds. Ly picks up a pretty large pot.

Hand 136 - Minh Ly has the button, he raises to $600,000, and Harrington folds.

Hand 137 - Dan Harrington has the button, he limps, Ly raises to $600,000, and Harrington folds. Ly takes the pot.

Hand 138 - Minh Ly has the button, he raises to $600,000, Harrington reraises all in, and Ly thinks for about two minutes before folding. Harrington takes the pot.

Minh Ly Doubles Through Dan Harrington

Hand 134 - Minh Ly has the button, he raises, and Harrington folds.

Hand 135 - Dan Harrington has the button, he raises to $600,000, and Ly moves all in for $1,595,000. Harrington calls with As-9d, and he dominates Ly's 10h-9s. Ly needs to improve here to stay alive.

The flop comes Qc-10c-6d, and Ly takes the lead with a pair of tens. Now Harrington needs to catch up if he wants to win the tournament on this hand. He needs an ace or something runner-runner to win. The turn card is the 7c, and Harrington needs an ace to win or an eight to chop. The river card pairs the board with the 7d, and Minh Ly doubles up in chips.

Minh Ly now has about $3.2 million, while Harrington still leads with about $5.2 million.

Hand 132 - Minh Ly has the button, he raises all in, and Harrington folds.

Hand 133 - Dan Harrington has the button, he limps, and Ly checks his option. The flop comes 8s-5s-4c, and both players check. The turn card is the 10h, Ly bets $250,000, Harrington raises to $700,000, and Ly folds. Harrington takes the pot.
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1 Carlos Mortensen
2 Daniel Negreanu
3 Daniel Sepiol
4 Michael Mizrachi
5 Darren Elias
6 Tuan Le
7 Chris Moorman
8 Andrew Lichtenberger
9 Eliot Hudon
10 Georgios Sotiropoulos