George Abdallah ($309,000) calls the big blind. Rafael Perry ($493,000) raises to $16,000. Abdallah beats him into the pot. The flop comes KJ3. Perry bets $25,000 and Abdallah calls him instantly. The turn is the Q and Perry announces, "Pot." He puts in his $100,000 stack and the dealer gives him back $2,000. Abdallah is contemplating calling the $98,000 bet but after several minutes he folds. Perry has $534,000 while Abdallah has $268,000.
Perry Fills Up on the River
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 12:07 PM
After a flop of 432 Perry bets $20,000 and Abdallah calls. The turn is a 5 and Perry bets $48,000. Abdallah calls. The river is a 4. Perry bets $100,000 and after thinking for a while Abdallah calls. Perry turns his hand over and shows J1055 for a full house. Abdallah mucks and is down to $170,000.
Heads Up
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 11:58 AM
Heads up play between George Abdallah and Ralph Perry is underway. Abdallah has $379,000 and Perry has $419,000.
Brain Kocur Eliminated in 3rd Place ($57,330)
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 11:48 AM
Kocur raises to $30,000 from the button and is called by Ralph Perry. The flop comes 1076 and both players check. When the Q comes on the turn, Perry bets the pot, and Kocur re-raises all-in. Perry calls and shows J985. Kocur shows AKJ9. The river is a 5, Perry takes down the large pot, and Kocur is eliminated
Perry Gets Some Back
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 11:41 AM
On the button Ralph Perry raises to $20,000. Brian Kocur in the small blind re-raises the pot to $44,000 more. Perry calls. The flop comes 754. Kocur bets the pot, putting Perry all-in. Perry calls showing KQ109. Kocur has AAQJ. The turn is a 7, with Kocur still in the lead, but a 6 on the river gives Perry the flush doubling him up just after he sent many of his chips to Kocur.
Brian Kocur Doubles up with a Full House
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 11:34 AM
Brain Kocur is all-in aginst Ralph Perry before the flop. Kocur shows KK52, and Perry has AA98. The flop comes 844. Kocur is still behind until the 10 gives him a flush on the turn and he improves to a full house with a K on the river. Kocur doubles up to $271,000 and Perry is now at $131,000.
First Three Way Pot
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 11:29 AM
In an unraised pot a flop of AQ2 comes on the board. Action is checked around. The turn is a 4, Perry checks, Abdallah bets $20,000 and it is folded around.
Level 15 Begins
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 11:21 AM
Three handed play continues into Level 15 with blinds at $4,000-$8,000.
Players are on a 15 Minute Break
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 11:05 AM
Abdallah Watching Abdallah
Posted: Tue, Jul 18, 06, 11:03 AM
As George Abdallah plays this final table, he can watch a TV that is airing him play another tournament.