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Buy-In: $2,500
Prize Pool: $844,100
Entrants: 367

Event 14 - $2,500 Limit Hold'em Six Handed

  • Jun 05, '09 - Jun 07, '09


Updates on Final Day (Jun 07, 09)


Brock Parker Wins Event # 14 ($223,688)

Blinds: 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 1 out of 367

Brock ParkerBrock Parker Wins Event # 14 ($223,688)
Daniel Negreanu Eliminated in 2nd Place ($138,280)

Brock parker raises to 80,000 before the flop and Daniel Negreanu calls. The flop comes AHeart Suit10Spade Suit6Diamond Suit, and Negreanu checks to Parker. Parker bets 40,000 and Negreanu raises to 80,000. Parker reraises to 120,000 and Negreanu four-bets to 160,000. Parker calls and the turn is the 4Spade Suit. Negreanu bets all in and Parker calls.

Negreanu: KHeart Suit10Diamond Suit
Parker: ADiamond SuitJSpade Suit

Negreanu gets it in with a pair of tens on the turn, behind Parker’s pair of aces. The river is the 8Spade Suit, denying Negreanu his fifth bracelet and securing Parker his first. Daniel Negreanu is eliminated in 2nd place ($138,280) while Brock parker goes on to win Event # 14 and $223,688 in cash.

Player Tags: Daniel Negreanu,   Brock Parker

Final Table Update: Tommi Horrko Eliminated in 3rd Place ($89,660)

Blinds: 1,500-3,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 367

Chip Counts:

1. Daniel Negreanu — 1,650,000
2. Brock Parker — 1,100,000

Average Chip Count: 1,376,250

Notable Eliminations:

3. Tommi Horrko — $89,660

Big Hands:

Daniel NegreanuTommi Horrko Eliminated in 3rd Place ($89,660)

Daniel Negreanu raises to 60,000 before the flop, Tommi Horkko reraises to 90,00 and Negreanu calls. The flop comes ADiamond Suit10Heart Suit4Diamond Suit, and Negreanu checks. Horkko bets 30,000 and Negreanu calls. The turn is the 10Spade Suit, and Negreanu bets 60,000. Horrko raises to 120,000, Negreanu three-bets to 180,000, Horkko four-bets all in and Negreanu calls.

Horkko: AClub Suit8Club Suit
Negreanu: KHeart Suit10Club Suit

Negreanu leads the hand with trip tens against Horkko’s pair of aces. The river is the JHeart Suit, and Tommi Horkko is eliminated in 3rd place ($89,660).

Player Tags: Daniel Negreanu,   Tommi Horkko

Final Table Update: Kevin Hong Eliminated In 4th Place

Blinds: 13,000-25,000
Limits: 25,000-50,000

Players Remaining: 3 out of 367

Chip Counts:

1. Daniel Negreanu – 1,806,000
2. Brock Parker – 597,000
3. Tommi Horkko – 352,000

Average Chip Count: 549,600

Notable Eliminations:

4. Kevin Hong — $60,885

Big Hands:

Kevin Hong Eliminated In 4th Place($60,885)

Brock Parker raised to 100,000 preflop and Daniel Negreanu three-bet to 150,000. It was then Hong’s turn to raise it up as he four-bet to 200,000. Both opponents called and the flop came 9Heart Suit5Diamond Suit2Spade Suit. Hong led out for 50,000 and both opponents called. The turn was the JHeart Suit and Hong bet 100,000. Parker then raised to 200,000 and Negreanu mucked. Hong called his remaining stack into the pot and both players showed their hands.

Hong: KClub SuitQHeart Suit
Parker: 5Heart Suit5Club Suit

Parker flopped a set and Hong needed to hit a 10 for a straight to double up, but the river brought the 5Spade Suit, giving Parker quads and sending Hong out in 4th place.

Player Tags: Daniel Negreanu,   Brock Parker,   Kevin Hong

Final Table Update: Barry Shulman Eliminated In 5th Place

Blinds: 10,000-20,000
Limits: 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 4 out of 367

Chip Counts:

1. Tommi Horkko – 760,000
2. Kevin Hong – 707,000
3. Daniel Negreanu – 677,000
4. Brock Parker – 600,000

Average Chip Count: 549,600

Notable Eliminations:

5. Barry Shulman – $43,201

Big Hands:

Barry ShulmanBarry Shulman Eliminated In 5th Place($43,201)

Barry Shulman was extremely short stacked when Tommi Horkko raised to 40,000. He reraised the last of his stack into the pot and Daniel Negreanu made the call, as did Horkko. The flop came down JSpade Suit2Spade Suit2Diamond Suit and Horkko bet 20,000. Negreanu had enough and the remaining players showed down their hands.

Shulman: QClub Suit10Club Suit
Horkko: 4Club Suit4Spade Suit

The turn was the 7Club Suit and the river brought the AClub Suit, failing to improve Shulman’s hand and he was knocked out in 5th place.


Final Table Update: Kyle Ray Eliminated In 6th Place

Blinds: 6,000-12,000
Limits: 12,000-24,000

Players Remaining: 5 out of 367

Chip Counts:

1. Daniel Negreanu – 888,000
2. Brock Parker – 655,000
3. Tommi Horkko – 425,000
4. Barry Shulman – 415,000
5. Kevin Hong – 365,000

Average Chip Count: 549,600

Notable Eliminations:

6. Kyle Ray — $31,966

Big Hands:

Kyle Ray Eliminated In 6th Place($31,966)

Kevin Hong raised to 24,000 from middle position and action folded to Ray in the small blind. He called himself all in and the players tabled their hands.

Ray: 10Heart Suit9Heart Suit
Hong: KDiamond Suit9Spade Suit
Board: JSpade Suit8Heart Suit2Diamond Suit4Heart Suit5Spade Suit

Ray was dominated preflop but the flop was very helpful giving him an open ended straight draw. The turn added more outs as he developed a flush draw and had a ton of outs to double up. But the river was a brick for Ray and he was the first casualty of the final table, exiting in 6th place and pocketing $31,966.

Player Tags: Kevin Hong,   Kyle Ray

Final Table Set - Negreanu Leads the Way

Blinds: 6,000-12,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 367

Chip Counts:

1. Daniel Negreanu — 750,000
2. Barry Shulman — 553,000
3. Brock Parker — 510,000
4. Kyle Ray — 360,000
5. Tommi Horkko — 357,000
6. Kevin Hong — 108,000

Average Chip Count: 458,750

Notable Eliminations:

7. Jim Buckley — $23,179


Level 20 Chip Update

Blinds: 5,000-10,000

Players Remaining: 7 out of 367

Chip Counts:

1. Daniel Negreanu — 670,000
2. Kyle Ray — 570,000
3. Tommi Horkko — 460,000
4. Barry Shulman — 428,000
5. Brock Parker — 320,000
6. Jim Buckley — 175,000
7. Kevin Hong — 137,000

Average Chip Count: 393,214

Notable Eliminations:

11. Jimmy Tran — $12,197
10. Robert Como — $16,814
9. Nikolay Losev — $16,814
8. Shawn Buchanan — $23,179


Final Day Begins at 1:00 PDT

The final day of event no. 14 begins at 1:00 PDT. There are just 11 players remaining, led by Tommi Horkko, Daniel Negreanu and Barry Shulman.

Here are the seating assignments and chip counts:

Table 154
Seat 1 — Tommi Horkko — 509,000
Seat 2 — Nikolay Losev — 216,000
Seat 3 — Daniel Negreanu — 470,000
Seat 4 — Jim Buckley — 69,000
Seat 5 — Kyle Ray — 192,000
Seat 6 — Shawn Buchanan — 118,000

Table 155
Seat 1 — Barry Shulman — 351,000
Seat 2 — Jimmy Tran — 74,000
Seat 3 — Robert Como — 136,000
Seat 4 — Kevin Hong — 286,000
Seat 6 — Brock Parker — 335,000

Stay tuned as we bring you the exciting conclusion to the $2,500 Six-Handed Limit-Hold’em Event.

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WSOP Leaderboards

1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos