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Buy-In: $5,000
Prize Pool: $470,000
Entrants: 198

Event 27 - $5,000 Pot-Limit Omaha 8 or Better

  • Jun 12, '09 - Jun 14, '09


Updates on Final Day (Jun 14, 09)


Roland de Wolfe Wins Event No. 27

Roland de WolfeRoland de Wolfe Wins Event No. 27

On a flop of 10Club Suit8Club Suit4Diamond Suit, Roland de Wolfe checks to Brett Richey who bets 140,000. De Wolfe raises the pot, Richey reraises all in and de Wolfe calls. Both players turn over their cards.

Richey: QDiamond SuitJSpade Suit10Heart Suit9Heart Suit
de Wolfe: ADiamond SuitQClub Suit8Diamond Suit4Heart Suit

De Wolfe leads on the flop with two pair, Richey has top a pair and a draw. The turn and river is the 2Spade Suit and AHeart Suit, no help for Richey who is eliminated in 2nd place ($152,618). Roland de Wolfe wins event no. 27 and pockets his first bracelet and the $246,616 grand prize


Final Table Update: Scott Clements Eliminated in 3rd Place ($101,063)

Blinds: 12,000-2,400

Players Remaining: 2 out of 198

Chip Counts:

1. Roland de Wolfe: 2,400,000
2. Brett Richey — 570,000

Average Chip Count: 1485,000

Notable Eliminations:

3. Scott Clements — $101,063

Big Hands

Scott ClementsScott Clements Eliminated in 3rd Place ($101,063)

Scott Clements raises the pot before the flop and Roland de Wolfe calls. The flop comes 9Heart Suit7Club Suit2Club Suit, and Clements bets the pot. De Wolfe re-pots and Clements gets it all in. Both players turn over their cards.

Clements: AHeart SuitADiamond Suit6Diamond Suit4Diamond Suit
De Wolfe: AClub Suit9Club Suit8Heart Suit3Spade Suit

Clements get it in ahead with a pair of aces, but de Wolfe has a pair of nines and a flush draw. The turn and river are the 5Heart Suit and the KClub Suit, giving de Wolfe his flush and eliminating two-time bracelet winner, Scott Clemets in 3rd place ($101,063).

Player Tags: Scott Clements,   Roland de Wolfe

Final Table Update: Kravcheno 5th, Campbell 4th

Blinds: 10,000-20,000

Players Remaining: 3 out of 198

Chip Counts:

1. Scott Clements — 1,450,000
2. Brett Richey — 1,050,000
3. Roland de Wolfe — 450,000

Average Chip Count: 990,000

Notable Eliminations:

5. Alexander Kravchenko — $53,881
4. Robert Campbell — $72,121

Big Hands

Alexander KravchenkoAlexander Kravchenko Eliminated in 5th Place ($53,881)

Alexander Kravhcenko got it all in before the flop against Scott Clements.

Kravchenko: 8Spade Suit7Spade Suit5Club Suit4Club Suit
Clements: ASpade Suit9Spade Suit7Heart Suit5Heart Suit

Board: JSpade Suit10Club Suit5Diamond SuitKDiamond Suit6Club Suit

Both players made a pair of five, Clements with the better kicker. As a result, Clements rakes the pot and Alexander Kravcheno is eliminated in 5th place ($53,881).

Robert Campbell Eliminated in 4th Place ($72,121)Roland de Wolfe

On a flop of 7Spade Suit5Club Suit3Club Suit, Robert Campbell bets 140,000 and Roland de Wolfe calls. The turn is the 4Heart Suit, and Campbell gets it all in, de Wolfe calls.

Campbell: ADiamond SuitAClub SuitKSpade Suit8Club Suit
de Wolfe: ASpade Suit9Diamond Suit7Heart Suit6Spade Suit

De Wolfe makes a straight on the turn, scooping the pot and eliminating Robert Campbell in 3rd place ($72,121).


Final Table Update: Ruiz 8th Place, Racener 7th, Black 6th

Blinds: 10,000-20,000

Players Remaining: 5 out of 198

Chip Counts:

1. Scott Clements — 1,443,000
2. Brett Richey — 500,000
3. Roland de Wolfe — 490,000
4. Robert Campbell — 440,000
5. Alexander Kravchenko — 120,000

Average Chip Count: 594,000

Notable Eliminations:

8. Armando Ruiz III — $32,105
7. John Racener — $36,200
6. Andy Black — $42,993

Big Hands

Brett RicheyArmando Ruiz III Eliminated in 8th Place ($32,105)

Armando Ruiz III raises to 56,000 before the flop and Brett Richey reraises enough to put Ruiz all in. Ruiz calls all in and both players turn over their cards.

Ruiz: AHeart SuitQHeart Suit3Heart Suit2Heart Suit
Richey: ASpade SuitAClub Suit9Diamond Suit7Club Suit

Board: KClub SuitKDiamond Suit8Diamond Suit8Spade SuitJSpade Suit

Richey scoops the pot with aces up, there is no qualifying low hand. Armando Ruiz III is eliminated in 8th place ($32,105).

John Racener Eliminated in 7th place ($36,200)John Racener

On a flop of 10Club Suit4Club Suit2Heart Suit, John Racener bets 40,000 and Robert Campbell calls. The turn is the 9Heart Suit, Racener moves all in and Campbell calls.

Racener: AClub Suit9Spade Suit8Club Suit3Diamond Suit
Campbell: AHeart Suit7Heart Suit3Club Suit2Spade Suit

Both players had a pair on board and a nut-flush draw. Campbell spiked the 3Heart Suit on the river for the nut-flush (high hand), also making an A-7 low to scoop the pot. John Racener is eliminated in 7th place ($36,200).

Andy BlackAndy Black Eliminated in 6th place ($42,993)

Andy Black raises the pot before the flop and Robert Campbell re-pots behind him, enough to put Black all in. Black calls all in and both players turn over their cards.

Black: AHeart SuitADiamond Suit4Diamond Suit3Heart Suit
Campbell: ASpade SuitAClub Suit5Spade Suit4Heart Suit

Board: QSpade SuitJSpade Suit9Diamond Suit7Club Suit6Spade Suit

Both players get it all in with suited aces and Campbell makes a flush on the river, scooping the pot as there is no qualifying low hand. Andy Black is eliminated in 6th place ($42,993).


Final Table Update: Anthony Lellouche Eliminated in 9th Place ($29,965)

Blinds: 8,000-16,000

Players Remaining: 8 out of 198

Chip Counts:

1. Scott Clements — 1,250,000
2. Roland de Wolfe — 385,000
3. Alexander Kravchenko — 3300,000
4. John Racener — 250,000
5. Brett Richey — 230,000
6. Robert Campbell — 230,000
7. Andy Black — 120,000
8. Armando Ruiz III — 97,000

Average Chip Count: 371,250

Notable Eliminations:

9. Anthony Lellouche — $29,965

Big Hands

Anthony LelloucheAnthony Lellouche Eliminated in 9th Place ($29,695)

Scott Clements raises to 42,000 from middle position and Anthony Lellouche calls from the small blind. The flop comes 10Club Suit8Diamond Suit6Club Suit, and Lellouche bets 100,000. Clements raises the pot and Lellouche calls all in.

Lellouche: AClub SuitQSpade Suit10Spade Suit2Diamond Suit
Clements: AClub Suit9Diamond Suit7Diamond Suit2Heart Suit

The turn and river are the 10Diamond Suit and the JHeart Suit and Clements rakes the pot with a straight. Anthony Lellouche is eliminated in 9th place ($29,695)

Player Tags: Scott Clements

Final Day: Final Table Set

Two-time Omaha bracelet winner Scott Clements leads the way with 801,000, as he looks to capture what would be his third. Standing in his way are notable pros, Roland de Wolfe, Alexander Kravchenko, Brett Richey, John Racener and Andy Black.

Blinds: 6,000-12,000

Players Remaining: 9 out of 643

Chip Counts:

1. Scott Clements — 801,000
2. Anthony Lellouche — 533,000
3. Roland de Wolfe — 386,000
4. Alexander Kravchenko — 267,000
5. Brett Richey — 238,000
6. John Racener — 214,000
7. Armando Ruiz II — 192,000
8. Andy Black — 182,000
9. Robert Campbell — 152,000

Average Chip Count: 330,000

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1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos