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Buy-In: $10,000
Prize Pool: $2,406,400
Entrants: 256

Event 29 - $10,000 World Championship Heads Up No-Limit Hold'em

  • Jun 13, '09 - Jun 16, '09


Updates on Final Day (Jun 16, 09)


Leo Wolpert Wins Event No. 29 ($625,682)

Leo Wolpert

Leo Wolpert limped on the button and John Duthie checked preflop. The flop was dealt 10Spade Suit5Club Suit3Spade Suit, Duthie checked. Wolpert bet 120,000 and Duthie raised all in. Wolpert made the call. Their cards:

Duthie: 10Diamond Suit2Heart Suit
Wolpert: 5Heart Suit3Heart Suit

Turn and River: JHeart SuitQHeart Suit

Wolpert won the hand and the tournament. Duthie was eliminated in second place and he took home $386,636 in prize money. Wolpert was awarded $625,682 and his first gold bracelet for the win.

Player Tags: John Duthie,   Leo Wolpert

Heads-Up Final: Leo Wolpert in the Lead

Blinds: 40,000-80,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 256

Chip Counts:

1. Leo Wolpert — 4,250,000
2. John Duthie — 3,180,000

Final Match Score (Best of Three): John Duthie — 1 Leo Wolpert — 1

Leo Wolpert

Big Hands:

Leo Wolpert Takes the Lead

John Duthie raised to 150,000 on the button and Leo Wolpert made the call. The flop was dealt ASpade Suit5Spade Suit2Club Suit and Wolpert checked. Duthie bet 300,000 and Wolpert check-raised to 925,000. Duthie thought for a few minutes and then decided to muck. Wolpert picked up the pot and he led after the hand with 5.4 million. Duthie held 2,280,000 after the hand.

John Duthie

John Duthie Doubles Up

John Duthie raised to 125,000 on the button and Leo Wolpert made the call. The flop was dealt KDiamond Suit7Club Suit5Heart Suit and Wolpert checked. Duthie bet 300,000 and Wolpert reraised all in. Duthie made the call and they flipped up their cards:

Duthie: 8Diamond Suit6Spade Suit
Wolpert: KClub SuitJDiamond Suit

Turn and River: 8Club Suit4Heart Suit

Duthie doubled up to 3,180,000 after the hand and Wolpert was down to 4,250,000.

Player Tags: John Duthie,   Leo Wolpert

Heads-Up Final: Leo Wolpert Wins Second Match -- Players Tied 1-1

Blinds: 15,000-30,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 256

Chip Counts:

1. Leo Wolpert — 7,680,000
2. John Duthie — 0

Final Match Score (Best of Three): John Duthie — 1 Leo Wolpert — 1

Leo Wolpert

Big Hands:

Leo Wolpert Wins Second Match

Leop Wolpert raised to 90,000 from the button and John Duthie made the call. The flop was dealt AHeart Suit9Spade Suit6Club Suit and Duthie checked. Wolpert bet 130,000 and Duthie check-raised to 300,000. Wolpert made the call and the turn fell 2Diamond Suit. Duthie checked and Wolpert bet 420,000. Duthie reraised all in and Wolpert made the call. Their cards:

Wolpert: 6Heart Suit6Diamond Suit
Duthie: ASpade SuitKClub Suit

River: 2Club Suit

Wolpert had Duthie covered by 20,000 and he won the second match with the hand. Action is now tied at two wins a piece for the final two competitors.

Player Tags: John Duthie,   Leo Wolpert

Heads-Up Final: John Duthie Wins the First Match

Blinds: 30,000-60,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 256

NOTE: The players went on a 20-minute break at the conclusion of the first match.

Chip Counts:

1. John Duthie — 7,680,000
2. Leo Wolpert — 0

Final Match Score (Best of Three): John Duthie — 1 Leo Wolpert — 0

Big Hands:

John Duthie

John Duthie Doubles Up Again

Leo Wolpert raised to 150,000 from the button and John Duthie made the call. The flop was dealt KDiamond Suit8Club Suit3Diamond Suit and Duthie checked. Wolpert bet 180,000 and Duthie made the call. The turn fell 9Heart Suit and Duthie checked again. Wolpert bet 420,000 and Duthie raised an additional 2 million. Wolpert reraised all in and Duthie made the call. Their cards:

Duthie: 10Diamond Suit7Diamond Suit
Wolpert: KHeart SuitKClub Suit

River: 4Diamond Suit

Duthie doubled up with a flush on the river and he took a hige chip lead in the first match. Duthie held 6,730,000 and Wolpert was down to 950,000.

Duthie Wins First Match

Leo Wolpert reraised all in after John Duthie opened the pot from the button. Duthie made the call and they flipped up their cards:

Duthie: ADiamond SuitQDiamond Suit
Wolpert: KSpade SuitQSpade Suit

Board: 8Club Suit5Club Suit3Heart Suit2Club SuitASpade Suit

Duthie won the hand and he took a 1-0 lead in the final heads-up match.

Player Tags: John Duthie,   Leo Wolpert

Heads-Up Final: Hour Two

Blinds: 30,000-60,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 256

Chip Counts:

1. Leo Wolpert — 4,230,000
2. John Duthie — 3,450,000

Leo Wolpert

Final Match Score (Best of Three): John Duthie — 0 Leo Wolpert — 0

Big Hands:

Leo Wolpert Takes Back the Chip Lead

Leo Wolpert raised to 120,000 from the button and John Duthie made the call. The flop was dealt 6Diamond Suit2Heart Suit2Club Suit and both players checked. The turn fell 10Heart Suit and Duthie bet 150,000. Wolpert made the call and the river fell QHeart Suit. Duthie raised to 450,000 and Wolpert decided to call after thinking for a moment. Wolpert turned over KClub Suit10Diamond Suit and Duthie mucked his hand.

Player Tags: John Duthie,   Leo Wolpert

Heads-Up Final: Hour One

Blinds: 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 256

Chip Counts:

1. John Duthie — 3,870,000
2. Leo Wolpert — 3,810,000

Final Match Score (Best of Three): John Duthie — 0 Leo Wolpert — 0

Big Hands:

Leo Wolpert Jumps out to the Lead

John Duthie raised to 90,000 on the button and Leo Wolpert made the call. The flop was dealt 10Club Suit6Diamond Suit6Spade Suit and Wolpert checked. Duthie bet 125,000 and Wolpert made the call.

The turn fell AClub Suit and both players checked. The river fell AHeart Suit and Wolpert bet 280,000. Duthie raised to 800,000 and Wolpert reraised all in. Duthie mucked his hand and Wolpert grew his stack to 5.76 million. Duthie held just 1.92 million after a rough starting stretch in their best-of-three heads-up match.

John Duthie

John Duthie Doubles Up

John Duthie raised to 120,000 on the button and Leo Wolpert reraised all in. Duthie made the all-in call and they flipped up their cards:

Duthie: 10Club Suit10Spade Suit
Wolpert: ASpade SuitQClub Suit

Board: KDiamond Suit10Heart Suit7Heart SuitKClub Suit9Heart Suit

Duthie made a full house to double up on the hand and survive. The hand brought the chip counts close to even.

Player Tags: John Duthie,   Leo Wolpert
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WSOP Leaderboards

1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos