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Buy-In: $1,500
Prize Pool: $1,051,050
Entrants: 770

Event 31 - $1,500 H.O.R.S.E.

  • Jun 14, '09 - Jun 16, '09


Updates on Final Day (Jun 16, 09)


James Van Alstyne Wins Event No. 31 ($247,033)

James Van Alstyne


James Van Alstyne completed and Tad Jurgens raised on third street. Van Alstyne called and then Jurgens bet on fourth street. Van Alstyne called again and Jurgens moved all in on fifth street. Van Alstyne made the call. Here is how the cards fell:

Van Alstyne: (7Spade Suit6Diamond Suit)10Club Suit5Heart SuitQDiamond Suit10Heart Suit(4Diamond Suit)
Jurgens: (5Spade Suit2Heart Suit)2Club Suit7Diamond SuitASpade SuitQSpade Suit(KHeart Suit)

Jurgens was eliminated on the hand in second place and he took home $152,654 in prize money. Van Alstyne won his first gold bracelet and $247,033 in prize money.

Player Tags: James Van Alstyne,   Tad Jurgens

Final Table Update: Mitch Schock Eliminated in Third Place

Flop Games: 20,000-40,000
Stud Games: Ante – 10,000, Bring-In – 10,000, Stakes – 40,000-80,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 770

Chip Counts:

1. James Van Alstyne — 2,750,000
2. Tad Jurgens — 700,000

Notable Eliminations:

3. Mitch Schock – $100,165

Elimination Hands

Mitch Schock Eliminated in Third Place ($100,165)

Stud 8OB

Mitch Schock bet on fourth street and James Van Alstyne called. Schock led out again on fifth street and Van Alstyne made the call again. Schock bet again on sixth street and Van Alstyne raised enough to put him all in. Schock made the call and here is how the cards fell:

Van Alstyne: (7Spade Suit3Diamond Suit)3Heart Suit5Diamond Suit4Heart Suit6Club Suit(9Heart Suit)
Schock: (JSpade SuitJClub Suit)7Club Suit8Heart SuitKClub Suit6Heart Suit(9Diamond Suit)

Van Alstyne won the hand and Schock was eliminated in third place. Van Alstyne is now heads-up for a H.O.R.S.E. bracelet for the second time at the 2009 WSOP.


Final Table Update: Shannon Shorr (5th) and Bryan Micon (4th) Eliminated

Flop Games: 15,000-30,000
Stud Games: Ante – 7,000, Bring-In – 10,000, Stakes – 30,000-60,000

Players Remaining: 3 out of 770

Chip Counts:

1. James Van Alstyne — 1,700,000
2. Tad Jurgens — 970,000
3. Mitch Schock — 790,000

Average Chip Count: 693,000

Notable Eliminations:

5. Shannon Shorr – $50,881
4. Bryan Micon – $69,505

Shannon Shorr

Elimination Hands

Shannon Shorr Eliminated in Fifth Place ($50,881)


Mitch Schock brought it in and Shannon Shorr completed. Schock reraised and Shorr made the all-in call. Shorr put the last of his chips at risks and the cards fell as follows:

Shorr: (KHeart SuitJSpade Suit)AHeart Suit4Club SuitJDiamond Suit3Club Suit(3Diamond Suit)
Schock: (8Club Suit7Club Suit)KSpade SuitQSpade SuitADiamond SuitKDiamond Suit(5Diamond Suit)

Schock eliminated Shorr with a Q-8 and action was down to four players.

Bryan Micon

Bryan Micon Eliminated in Fourth Place ($69,505)

Stud 8OB

Bryan Micon was all in on third street against James Van Alstyne. Their cards:

Micon: (7Heart Suit5Heart Suit)3Club SuitJClub Suit3Heart Suit7Spade Suit(8Spade Suit)
Van Alstyne: (AClub Suit3Club Suit)2Club Suit9Club SuitADiamond Suit6Spade Suit(6Heart Suit)

Micon was eliminated in fourth place by the aces up of Van Alstyne.


Final Table Update: Brian Malcolm Eliminated in Fifth Place

Flop Games: 13,000-25,000
Stud Games: Ante – 5,000, Bring-In – 7,000, Stakes – 25,000-50,000

Players Remaining: 5 out of 770

Chip Counts:

1. Mitch Schock — 1,015,000
2. Bryan Micon — 1,000,000
3. James Van Alstyne — 850,000
4. Shannon Shorr — 320,000
5. Tad Jurgens — 270,000

Average Chip Count: 693,000

Notable Eliminations:

6. Brian Malcolm – $39,183

Elimination Hands

Brian Malcolm Eliminated in Sixth Place ($39,183)


Brian Malcolm completed on third street with X-X-K and Mitch Shcock raised with X-X-J. Malcolm made the call and then he check-called on fourth street. Schock bet on fifth street and Malcolm called. Schock bet on sixth street and Malcolm called all in. Their cards:

Malcolm: (5Club Suit5Heart Suit)KClub Suit8Heart Suit4Diamond SuitQClub Suit(3Club Suit)
Schock: (JHeart Suit8Club Suit)JSpade Suit10Club SuitAHeart Suit2Club Suit(9Diamond Suit)

Schock won the hand with jacks and Malcolm was eliminated in sixth place.

Player Tags: Mitch Schock,   Brian Malcolm

Final Table Update: Down to Six

Flop Games: 10,000-20,000
Stud Games: Ante – 5,000, Bring-In – 5,000, Stakes – 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 770

Chip Counts:

1. Mitch Schock — 850,000
2. Shannon Shorr — 730,000
3. James Van Alstyne — 512,000
4. Brian Malcolm — 500,000
5. Bryan Micon — 410,000
6. Tad Jurgens — 320,000

Average Chip Count: 577,500

Notable Eliminations:

8. Ron Schiffman – $26,780
7. Fabrice Soulier – $31,657

Elimination Hands

Ron Schiffman Eliminated in Eighth Place ($26,780)

Omaha 8OB

Brian Malclom raised preflop and Ron Schiffman made the call. The flop was dealt KSpade Suit6Spade Suit4Diamond Suit and Schiffman bet. Malcolm made the call and the turn fell 8Spade Suit. Schiffman bet and Malcolm raised. Schiffman called and the river fell QClub Suit.

Schiffman checked, Malcolm bet, and Schiffman check-called all in. Malcolm turned up ASpade Suit4Spade Suit4Club Suit3Heart Suit to scoop the pot and Schiffman was eliminated in eighth place.

Fabrice Soulier

Fabrice Soulier Eliminated in Seventh Place ($31,657)


Fabrice Soulier completed with X-X-3 and Brian Malcolm raised. Mitch Schock made the call and Soulier called as well. Action checked to Schock on fourth street and then Soulier check-raised. Malcolm mucked and then Schock and Soulier capped the betting until Soulier was all in. The two players then turned up their hands:

Soulier: (7-5)3-A-9-5(X)
Schock: (A-5)3-6-2-Q(9)

Schock made a 6-5 low to win the pot and Soulir was eliminated in seventh place.


Final Table Set

Flop Games: 8,000-15,000
Stud Games: Ante – 3,000, Bring-In – 5,000, Stakes – 15,000-30,000

Players Remaining: 9 out of 770

NOTE: The players went on dinner break at 6:15 p.m. PDT and cards will get back in the air at 7:15 p.m. PDT.

Final-Table Seating Chart with Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Ron Schiffman — 313,000
Seat 2: Tad Jurgens — 391,000
Seat 3: Bryan Micon — 354,000
Seat 4: Fabrice Soulier — 380,000
Seat 5: Brian Malcolm — 436,000
Seat 6: Shannon Shorr — 565,000
Seat 7: Mitch Schock — 693,000
Seat 8: James Van Alstyne — 202,000
Seat 9: Farzad Rouhani – 136,000

Average Chip Count: 385,000

Notable Eliminations:

10. Lana Maier – $19,265


Level 22 Chip Update

Flop Games: 6,000-12,000
Stud Games: Ante – 3,000, Bring-In – 3,000, Stakes – 12,000-24,000

Players Remaining: 10 out of 770

Chip Counts:

1. Shannon Shorr — 540,000
2. Lana Maier — 470,000
3. Bryan Micon — 355,000
4. Ron Schiffman — 350,000
5. Tad Jurgens — 305,000
6. Brian Malcolm — 300,000
7. Mitch Schock — 290,000
8. Fabrice Soulier — 255,000
9. James Van Alstyne — 240,000
10. Farzad Rouhani — 140,000

Average Chip Count: 346,500

Notable Eliminations:

14. Paul Evans – $10,205
13. Peter Gelencser – $10,205
12. Phillip Marmorstein – $13,831
11. Sebastian Sabic – $13,831


Level 21 Chip Update

Flop Games: 5,000-10,000
Stud Games: Ante – 2,000, Bring-In – 3,000, Stakes – 10,000-20,000

Players Remaining: 14 out of 770

Chip Counts:

1. Shannon Shorr — 489,000
2. Fabrice Soulier — 472,000
3. Mitch Schock — 387,000
4. Lana Maier — 335,000
5. Peter Gelencser — 314,000
6. Ron Schiffman — 302,000
7. Tad Jurgens — 284,000
8. Brian Malcolm — 210,000
9. James Van Alstyne — 140,000
10. Farzad Rouhani — 129,000

Average Chip Count: 247,500

Notable Eliminations:

16. Chris Bjorin – $7,903
15. Dustin Bryan – $7,903


Final Day Update: Down to Two Tables

Flop Games: 4,000-8,000
Stud Games: Ante – 2,000, Bring-In – 2,000, Stakes – 8,000-16,000

Players Remaining: 16 out of 770

Chip Counts:

1. Fabrice Soulier — 442,000
2. Shannon Shorr — 421,000
3. Lana Maier — 406,000
4. Mitch Schock — 401,000
5. Tad Jurgens — 310,000
6. Peter Gelencser — 221,000
7. Brian Malcolm — 203,000
8. Ron Schiffman — 202,000
9. James Van Alstyne — 186,000
10. Farzad Rouhani — 143,000

Average Chip Count: 133,269

Notable Eliminations:

23. John Racener – $5,906
22. Paul Darden – $5,906
21. Torstein Iversen – $5,906
20. Kathy Raymond – $5,906
19. Vanessa Rousso – $5,906
18. Alan Myerson – $5,906
17. Joe Serock – $5,906

Final Two Tables — Seating Charts:

Table 150

Seat 1: Fabrice Soulier
Seat 2: James Van Alstyne
Seat 3: Tad Jurgens
Seat 4: Farzad Rouhani
Seat 5: Ron Schiffman
Seat 6: Sebastien Sabic
Seat 7: Dustin Bryan
Seat 8: Shannon Shorr

Table 151

Seat 1: Lana Maier
Seat 2: Peter Gelencser
Seat 3: Chris Bjorin
Seat 4: Mitch Schock
Seat 5: Paul Evans
Seat 6: Bryan Micon
Seat 7: Phillip Marmorstein
Seat 8: Brian Malcolm

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WSOP Leaderboards

1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos