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Buy-In: $10,000
Prize Pool: $2,773,000
Entrants: 295

Event 40 - $10,000 World Championship Pot-Limit Omaha

  • Jun 20, '09 - Jun 22, '09


Updates on Final Day (Jun 22, 09)


Level 29 Update: Matt Graham Wins Event No. 40

Blinds: 60,000-120,000

Players Remaining: 1 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Matt Graham – 8,850,000
2. Vitaly Lunkin – 0


2. Vitaly Lunkin – $419,832

Big Hands:

Vitaly Lunkin

Vitaly Lunkin Takes Huge Chip Lead

Vitaly Lunkin made it 300,000 preflop and Matt Graham reraised pot. Lunkin moved all-in and Graham quickly called. Lunkin tabled the AClub SuitKClub Suit5Spade Suit3Diamond Suit while Graham exposed the QSpade SuitQHeart Suit8Spade Suit7Heart Suit. The flop was hideous for Graham as it came ADiamond Suit4Club Suit2Club Suit. The 2Diamond Suit on the turn gave Graham outs for a full house but none of them came as the 6Diamond Suit fell on the river. After the hand, Lunkin had 8,250,000 in chips to the 600,000 of Graham.

Matt Graham Doubles Up Again

All the money of Graham’s short stack went in with him holding the ASpade SuitKDiamond SuitQSpade SuitQClub Suit. Lunkin held the 10Spade Suit9Diamond Suit8Heart Suit5Heart Suit. The board ran out 7Diamond Suit4Diamond Suit4Spade Suit9Heart Suit10Diamond Suit, as Graham’s queens held. Graham is back up to 2,400,000.

Matt Graham Regains Chip Advantage

Vitaly Lunkin raised preflop and after a reraise from Graham, all the chips went into the middle. Lunkin exposed ADiamond SuitAHeart Suit9Club Suit6Club Suit and was ahead of the 9Heart Suit8Club Suit7Spade Suit5Club Suit of Graham. The flop improved both of their hands as it came 9Spade Suit6Spade Suit4Diamond Suit, giving Lunkin top two but Graham top pair and a wrap. The 3Spade Suit on the turn gave Graham his straight. The QHeart Suit fell on the river and Graham doubled to 4,500,000, retaking the chip lead.

Matt Graham Wins Event No. 40 ($679,379), Vitaly Lunkin Eliminated In 2nd Place ($419,832)

It was a limped pot when the flop came 10Diamond Suit6Diamond Suit4Heart Suit. The chip stacks were nearly dead even when Vitaly Lunkin bet 120,000 and Matt Graham check raised pot for 480,000 on top. Lunkin made the call and the 9Spade Suit hit the turn. Graham bet out 1,100,000, Lunkin went all-in and Graham instantly called. Graham tabled the 10Club Suit10Heart Suit6Club Suit5Spade Suit for top set, while Lunkin exposed the KDiamond SuitJSpade Suit9Diamond Suit2Diamond Suit for a flush draw and gutshot. Graham needed to dodge just one more card to make a huge comeback in the match. The ASpade Suit fell on the river and Graham won Event No. 40, eliminating Lunkin in second place.

Player Tags: Matt Graham,   Vitaly Lunkin

Level 28 Update: Back and Forth Battle

Blinds: 50,000-100,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Matt Graham – 5,000,000
2. Vitaly Lunkin – 3,850,000

Average Chip Count: 4,425,000

Big Hands:

Vitaly Lunkin Takes Early Lead

Both players limped and saw a flop of QDiamond Suit7Diamond Suit3Spade Suit. Graham checked and Lunkin bet 150,000. Graham reraised to 550,000, prompting a quick reraise from Lunkin. Graham didn’t take too long before folding. Lunkin was up to 5,350,000 after the hand.

Matt Graham

Matt Graham’s Straight Wins Big Pot

Matt Graham raised to 250,000 from the button and Vitaly Lunkin called. The flop came JClub Suit9Club Suit7Spade Suit and both players checked. The 10Diamond Suit hit the turn and Lunkin checked to Graham who fired out 280,000. Lunkin made the call and the 6Spade Suit fell on the river. Lunkin once again checked and Graham bet 750,000. Lunkin contemplated briefly before calling. Graham exposed the AHeart SuitQClub Suit8Spade Suit6Club Suit to take the hand with a queen high straight. Graham had the chip lead with 5,100,000 to Lunkin’s 3,750,000.

Vitaly Lunkin Doubles Up

Vitaly Lunkin limped in and Matt Graham checked. Both players saw a flop of ADiamond Suit6Club Suit4Diamond Suit and Graham checked. Lunkin bet 125,000 and Graham bet the pot. Lunkin reraises pot and all the money gets in the middle. Lunkin exposed the KDiamond Suit6Diamond Suit4Club Suit2Club Suit for bottom two pair and a flush draw. Graham tabled the ASpade Suit10Spade Suit9Heart Suit6Spade Suit for top two pair. The QDiamond Suit hit the turn, giving Lunkin his flush. The 5Club Suit fell on the river and Lunkin doubled up to 6,450,000. Graham had just 2,400,000.

Matt Graham Regains Chip Lead

After a run of pots in the favor of Graham, Vitaly Lunkin lost the chip lead. Lunkin raised to 250,000 preflop and Graham reraised to 750,000. Lunkin made the call and the flop came 5Diamond Suit2Spade Suit2Heart Suit. Graham bet 950,000 and Lunkin made the fold. Graham has 5,000,000 against the 3,850,000 of Lunkin.

Player Tags: Matt Graham,   Vitaly Lunkin

Level 27 Update: Stefan Mattsson, Ferit Gabriellson, Robin Keston, Van Marcus Eliminated

Blinds: 40,000-80,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Matt Graham – 4,500,000
2. Vitaly Lunkin – 4,350,000

Average Chip Count: 4,425,000


6. Stefan Mattsson – $118,463
5. Ferit Gabriellson – $148,439
4. Robin Keston – $196,994
3. Van Marcus – $278,409

Big Hands:

Stefan Mattsson

Stefan Mattsson Eliminated In 6th ($118,463)

Vitaly Lunkin raised to 210,000 preflop and Stefan Mattsson reraised pot. Lunkin moved all-in and Mattsson made the call. Lunkin tabled the ASpade SuitAHeart SuitKHeart Suit3Spade Suit while Mattsson exposed the QHeart SuitJDiamond Suit10Spade Suit8Diamond Suit. The flop was great for Mattsson as it came JHeart Suit6Diamond Suit3Diamond Suit. The turn was ugly for Mattsson as the 4Heart Suit fell, giving Lunkin his own flush draw. The river bricked for Mattsson as the 7Spade Suit hit, sending him home in 6th place. Lunkin is now up to 4,000,000 in chips.

Ferit GabriellsonFerit Gabriellson Eliminated in 5th ($148,439)

Ferit Gabriellson raised to 280,000 on the button and Matt Graham called in the small blind. Graham led out for 250,000 on a flop of ADiamond SuitKClub Suit5Spade Suit. Gabriellson moved all-in for a bit more and Graham made the call. Graham exposed the JDiamond SuitJClub Suit10Spade Suit3Spade Suit and was behind against the KSpade SuitJSpade Suit9Heart Suit8Spade Suit of Gabriellson. The turn was almost the perfect card in the deck for Graham as the JHeart Suit hit. The 8Club Suit fell on the river and the case jack on the turn gave Graham the pot and eliminated Gabriellson in 5th. Graham now has 2,220,000 in chips.

Robin Keston

Robin Keston Is Eliminated In 4th Place ($196,994)

Matt Graham bet 210,000 from the cutoff and was moved in on by Robin Keston for 785,000 total. Graham made the call and exposed the AHeart Suit8Heart Suit10Club Suit9Diamond Suit. Keston tabled the KHeart Suit10Spade Suit7Club Suit6Club Suit and was behind. The board ran out JClub Suit5Heart Suit2Club Suit3Diamond SuitADiamond Suit and Graham took the pot with a pair of aces, eliminating Keston from the tournament.

Van Marcus Eliminated In 3rd Place ($278,409)

Matt Graham raised to 200,000 and Van Marcus reraised pot. Graham instantly went all-in and Marcus called. Graham turned over the ASpade SuitAClub SuitJDiamond Suit9Club Suit and was ahead against the QSpade SuitJSpade SuitJClub Suit7Diamond Suit of Marcus. The board ran out QHeart Suit10Club Suit2Spade SuitAHeart Suit3Spade Suit as Graham won the hand with trip aces to enter heads up play with 4,500,000 in chips.


Level 26 Update: Vitaly Lunkin Looking Strong

Blinds: 30,000-60,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Vitaly Lunkin – 2,760,000
2. Matt Graham – 1,985,000
3. Ferit Gabriellson – 1,350,000
4. Van Marcus – 1,330,000
5. Robin Keston – 940,000
6. Stefan Mattsson – 700,000

Average Chip Count: 1,475,000



Big Hands:

Vitaly Lunkin

Vitaly Lunkin Adds To Chip Lead

Stefan Mattsson raised to 155,000 and Vitaly Lunkin made the call from the big blind. Action was checked down to the river on a board of JDiamond Suit8Club Suit6Spade Suit10Spade SuitJClub Suit. Lunkin bet 200,000 and Mattsson thought about it briefly before finally calling. Lunkin exposed the 9Club Suit7Diamond Suit8Diamond Suit5Club Suit for a straight to take the pot. Lunkin is now at 3,100,000.

Ferit Gabriellson Doubles Up Twice

Vitaly Lunkin raised to 150,000 preflop and Ferit Gabriellson moved all-in for 340,000 total. Lunkin thought about it for awhile before finally making the call. Lunkin exposed the KClub SuitQClub Suit5Diamond Suit5Spade Suit and Gabriellson tabled the JHeart Suit10Club Suit8Heart Suit6Diamond Suit. The board ran out 7Heart Suit6Spade Suit3Spade Suit3Heart Suit9Heart Suit, and Gabriellson doubled up with a flush. He was then up to 710,000. Lunkin is now at 2,760,000.

A few hands later, Gabriellson was all-in once more, this time against Stefan Mattsson. Mattsson tabled the KSpade Suit10Club Suit9Heart Suit8Club Suit while Gabriellson exposed the ASpade SuitKSpade SuitKClub Suit5Diamond Suit to be ahead. The board ran out 8Diamond Suit2Diamond Suit2Spade SuitJClub Suit10Heart Suit and Gabriellson doubled to 1,350,000.

Left In The Deck:

Action has slowed down considerably after the string of knockouts earlier.


Level 25 Update: Van Marcus Doubles Up

Blinds: 25,000-50,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Vitaly Lunkin — 2,400,000
2. Stefan Mattsson — 1,550,000
3. Ferit Gabriellson — 1,350,000
4. Matt Graham — 1,300,000
5. Van Marcus — 1,050,000
6. Robin Keston — 900,000

Average Chip Count: 1,475,000



Big Hands:

Matt Graham

Van Marcus Doubles Up

Matt Graham raised to 130,000 preflop and Van Marcus reraised another 335,000. Graham went into the tank before finally making the call. The flop came 5Spade Suit5Heart Suit2Diamond Suit and Graham bet the very tiny amount that Marcus had left after the preflop reraise. Marcus made the easy call and tabled the ASpade SuitADiamond SuitJClub Suit4Diamond Suit. Graham exposed the severely dominated QSpade SuitJDiamond Suit9Diamond Suit4Spade Suit for just queen high. The board offered no salvation for Graham as Marcus doubled up to 1,050,000.

Vitaly Lunkin Takes Hit

Vitaly Lunkin raised preflop to 150,000 and Ferit Gabriellson made the call. The flop came QClub Suit7Heart Suit4Heart Suit. Lunkin continued with a small 95,000 bet and Gabriellson made the call. The turn was the 10Diamond Suit and both players checked to a 9Spade Suit river. Lunkin fired out 300,000 and Gabriellson made the quick call. Lunkin exposed the JSpade SuitJHeart Suit6Heart Suit7Diamond Suit for just a pair of jacks. Gabriellson tabled the AClub SuitJDiamond SuitJClub Suit8Diamond Suit for a straight to take the pot. Gabriellson is up to 1,350,000.

Left In The Deck:

Players are now on a 20 minute break.


Level 24 Update: Barry Greenstein, Richard Austin, Josh Arieh Eliminated

Blinds: 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Vitaly Lunkin — 2,660,000
2. Matt Graham — 1,650,000
3. Stefan Mattsson — 1,550,000
4. Ferit Gabriellson — 1,200,000
5. Robin Keston — 1,020,000
6. Van Marcus — 580,000

Average Chip Count: 1,475,000


9. Barry Greenstein – $82,746
8. Richard Austin – $88,681
7. Josh Arieh – $99,856

Big Hands:

Barry Greenstein

Barry Greenstein Eliminated in 9th Place ($82,746)

Vitaly Lunkin raised to 120,000 with Barry Greenstein and Josh Arieh calling from the blinds. The flop came 9Club Suit6Spade Suit2Club Suit. Greenstein and Arieh both checked to Lunkin, who fired out a bet of 200,000. Greenstein check raised to 800,000 and Arieh quickly folded. Lunkin went into the tank for a few minutes before finally announcing all-in, having Greenstein covered. Greenstein made the quick call and exposed the 9Diamond Suit7Spade Suit8Club Suit5Club Suit for a wrap and a flush draw. Lunkin exposed the AHeart SuitADiamond Suit8Heart Suit7Club Suit, for the best hand at the moment. Lunkin had only a 25 percent chance to win however, against the massive drawing hand of Greenstein. The turn was the QDiamond Suit, offering Greenstein no help. The 3Spade Suit fell on the river and the 3-time bracelet winner missed all of his draws, going to the rail first at the final table. Lunkin is now up to 2,660,000 in chips and looks poised to become a double bracelet winner this year.

Richard Austin

Richard Austin Eliminated In 8th Place ($88,681)

Vitaly Lunkin raised in early position to 120,000 and Richard Austin made the call from the big blind. The flop came AClub Suit6Spade Suit5Club Suit and Austin bet out 120,000. Lunkin quickly raised enough to put the recent PLO bracelet winner all-in. Austin made the call and exposed the 9Heart Suit8Spade Suit7Heart Suit5Diamond Suit for a pair of fives and a wrap. Lunkin tabled the KClub SuitKHeart Suit4Spade Suit2Club Suit for a pair of kings, the nut flush draw and a straight draw to boot. Lunkin was a 2-1 favorite to win the hand as the JHeart Suit hit the turn. The dealer pealed off the 8Club Suit on the river, nailing Austin’s straight but giving the Event No. 2 ($40,000 no-limit hold’em) champion a flush. Austin was sent home early after another strong showing in PLO.

Josh Arieh

Josh Arieh Eliminated In 7th Place ($99,856)

Josh Arieh got the rest of his shorter stack in the middle with the AClub SuitAHeart Suit4Club Suit9Diamond Suit. He was called by Ferit Gabriellson who tabled the KClub SuitKDiamond Suit3Club Suit10Spade Suit. The flop came KSpade SuitQHeart Suit10Club Suit, giving Gabriellson a set and putting Arieh on the brink. The JClub Suit hit the turn, giving Arieh some light with a flush draw, but unfortunately his opponent also held two clubs in his hand. The KHeart Suit fell on the river, making quads for Gabriellson and eliminating Arieh. Gabriellson is now up to 1,200,000.


Level 23 Update: Vitaly Lunkin Builds Stack

Blinds: 15,000-30,000

Players Remaining: 9 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Matt Graham — 1,450,000
2. Vitaly Lunkin — 1,440,000
3. Barry Greenstein — 1,230,000
4. Robin Keston — 960,000
5. Josh Arieh — 860,000
6. Richard Austin — 680,000
7. Stefan Mattsson — 652,000
8. Ferit Gabriellson — 630,000
9. Van Marcus — 385,000

Average Chip Count: 983,333

Big Hands:

Vitaly Lunkin

Vitaly Lunkin Builds Stack

With already more money won at this year’s World Series of Poker than anyone else, Russian Vitaly Lunkin is rising up the chip counts. Lunkin raised preflop to 90,000 and Richard Austin made the call. The flop came JClub SuitJHeart Suit4Spade Suit, and Austin checked to Lunkin, who proceeded to throw out a small bet out 75,000. Austin announced raised and made it 230,000. Lunkin quickly announced pot and Austin instantly folded his cards.

A few hands later Josh Arieh and Richard Austin limped in. Lunkin checked from the big blind and all three players saw a flop of ASpade SuitQDiamond Suit3Spade Suit. Action was checked to Austin, who bet 80,000. Lunkin quickly announced pot and made it 265,000 more. Arieh and Austin both mucked. Lunkin is at 1,440,000 in the early stages of the final table.

Josh Arieh

Josh Arieh Leaking Chips

Ferit Gabriellson raised to 80,000 and Josh Arieh called from the small blind. The flop came AClub Suit6Spade Suit5Diamond Suit. Arieh checked and Gabriellson fired out 110,000. Arieh quickly called and the QHeart Suit hit the turn. Arieh once again checked and Gabriellson bet 300,000. Arieh elected to call once more and the 2Heart Suit fell on the river. Arieh checked for a third time and Gabriellson went all-in for 340,000. Arieh went into the tank before finally folding. Gabriellson showed the 10Club Suit8Spade Suit for what looked like a bluff. Arieh is down to 860,000 after once being the chip leader with 1,600,000.

Left In The Deck:

The players are now on a 20 minute break.

Player Tags: Josh Arieh,   Richard Austin,   Vitaly Lunkin

Final Table Update: Action Somewhat Slow Early On

Blinds: 12,000-24,000

Players Remaining: 9 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Matt Graham — 1,540,000
2. Ferit Gabriellson — 1,100,000
3. Richard Austin — 1,100,00
4. Josh Arieh — 1,050,000
5. Robin Keston — 1,000,000
6. Stefan Mattsson — 850,000
7. Vitaly Lunkin — 850,000
8. Barry Greenstein — 780,000
9. Van Marcus — 500,000

Average Chip Count: 983,333

Big Hands:

Matt GrahamGraham Extends His Lead

Van Marcus limped in from middle position and Ferit Gabriellson completed from the small blind. Matt Graham checked his option in the big blind and the three players saw a flop of 3Heart Suit9Spade Suit8Diamond Suit.

All three players checked and watched the 4Spade Suit fall on the turn. Gabriellson led out for 50,000 and Graham raised to 206,000. Marcus quickly mucked his hand, but Gabriellson went into the tank for a while before finally releasing his cards.

Greenstein Punishes Limpers, Wins Pot

After Josh Arieh, Stefan Mattsson, Ferit Gabriellson, and Matt Graham all limp for 24,000, Barry Greenstein decides to raise to 120,000.

He gets called by Mattsson and Gabriellson and they see a flop of KClub SuitQHeart SuitJHeart Suit and Greenstein bets 200,000. Both players folded and Greenstein wins the pot.

Player Tags: Barry Greenstein,   Matt Graham

Level 22 Update: Final Table Set

Blinds: 12,000-24,000

Players Remaining: 9 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Matt Graham — 1,400,000
2. Ferit Gabriellson — 1,200,000
3. Josh Arieh — 1,050,000
4. Richard Austin — 1,030,000
5. Robin Keston — 1,000,000
6. Stefan Mattsson — 850,000
7. Vitaly Lunkin — 850,000
8. Barry Greenstein — 780,000
9. Van Marcus — 500,000

Average Chip Count: 983,333

Notable Eliminations:

Chau Giang – $61,838, Nathan Doudney – $61,838

Big Hands:

Chau GiangChau Giang Eliminated in 11th Place ($61,838)

Josh Arieh limped in on the button, Chau Giang completed the small blind and Stefan Mattsson checked his option from the big blind.

The three players saw a flop of KClub Suit5Diamond Suit10Diamond Suit and Giang announced that he was going to bet the pot. The bet only left himself with 50,000 behind.

Mattsson folded and Arieh thought for a while before raising Giang all in. Giang made the call and exposed KSpade Suit5Spade SuitJClub Suit7Club Suit, showing two pair, which was ahead of Arieh’s AHeart SuitKHeart SuitQClub Suit8Club Suit.

The JSpade Suit fell on the turn and gave Arieh a straight, leaving Giang needing to hit either a 5 or a K on the river to make a full house. The 2Spade Suit fell and Giang was eliminated.

Nathan Doudney Eliminated in 10th Place ($61,838)

Josh Arieh raised to 80,000 and Nathan Doudney put in a pot-sized three-bet, leaving himself just 75,000 behind. After a few moments of contemplation, Arieh made the call and the two saw the flop heads up.

The flop was JHeart Suit2Heart Suit6Club Suit and Doudney moved the last of his chips into the middle and Arieh made the call. Doudney tabled the KDiamond SuitKSpade SuitAClub Suit4Diamond Suit and Arieh showed 9Heart Suit10Heart SuitQSpade Suit7Diamond Suit.

The AHeart Suit fell on the turn and that sealed the deal for Arieh. He eliminated Doudney in 10th place and set the stage for the final table.

Player Tags: Chau Giang,   Nathan Doudney

Final Day Update: 11 Players Remaining

Card Player was experiencing some technical difficulties with the administrative side of the site, which caused the delay in updates. We apologize for the problems, but here is all of the action that you have missed. We have hands from the first three hours of the day included in this post.

Blinds: 10,000-20,000

Players Remaining: 11 out of 295

Chip Counts:

1. Matt Graham — 1,350,000
2. Ferit Gabriellson — 1,100,000
3. Robin Keston — 1,080,000
4. Barry Greenstein — 1,020,000
5. Stefan Mattsson — 940,000
6. Richard Austin — 920,000
7. Vitaly Lunkin — 870,000
8. Josh Arieh — 580,000
9. Nathan Doudney — 420,000
10. Van Marcus — 300,000

Average Chip Count: 804,545

Notable Eliminations:

Howard Lederer, David Williams, Noah Schwartz, Nenad Medic, Matt Vengrin

Big Hands:

Richard Austin Doubles Through Noah Schwartz

Richard Austin and Noah Schwartz took a flop of JClub Suit4Spade Suit9Spade Suit. Austin checked and from the button, Schwartz bet 30,000, which was called by Austin.

The turn was the 10Club Suit and now Austin led out for 102,000, which was called by Schwartz. The 2Heart Suit fell on the river and Austin shoved the last of his chips in. After asking how much it was, Schwartz sighed and made the call for 105,000.

Austin showed the KHeart SuitQClub Suit10Heart SuitADiamond Suit, making the straight on the turn, while Schwartz just shrugged and showed JSpade SuitJDiamond SuitKSpade SuitQSpade Suit.

Lederer’s Turn to Double Through Schwartz

Howard Lederer opened for 36,000 and was met with a three-bet from Noah Schwartz to 126,000. Lederer made the call and the two watched the JClub Suit3Heart Suit4Club Suit flop fall.

Lederer instantly moved in for about 150,000 and Schwartz called. Lederer tabled a massive wrap and flush combo draw with a pair with 4Spade Suit5Club Suit6Spade Suit7Club Suit, and Schwartz had AClub SuitADiamond SuitJSpade Suit8Diamond Suit.

The turn was the 3Diamond Suit, which was a brick for Lederer, but the 7Heart Suit on the river made the straight Howard and gave him the pot.

Matt VengrinVengrin’s Bluff Sniffed Out By Graham, Eliminated in 19th Place

On a flop of 3Heart Suit6Diamond Suit8Club Suit Matt Vengrin had raised all in for his remaining 238,000, which sent Matt Graham into the tank, as it would be almost the entirety of his stack.

After several minutes of contemplation, Graham finally made the call with just AClub SuitASpade Suit2Club Suit2Heart Suit, but it was good as Vengrin was bluffing with KHeart SuitJDiamond Suit10Spade Suit9Heart Suit.

The 10Heart Suit on the turn gave Vengrin some life as he picked up a pair and a flush draw, but the 2Spade Suit on the river sealed his fate and sent him home early.

Greenstein Doubles Up

Barry Greeinstein raised to 50,000 and was called by Van Marcus and Robin Keston. The three players saw a flop of 10Club Suit6Club Suit8Diamond Suit.

It was checked to Van Marcus who bet 50,000, and Greenstein check-raised all in for just another 18,000. Greenstein showed 7Diamond Suit9Diamond Suit9Club SuitJClub Suit, good for a straight, while Van Marcus exposed KHeart SuitKClub Suit8Heart Suit6Spade Suit, which made bottom two pair.

The turn and river failed to improve Van Marcus and Greenstein’s straight doubled him up to 320,000.

Greenstein Doubles Up Again

Richard Austin limped on the button, Barry Greenstein completed the small blind and Nate Lindsay checked his option in the big blind and a flop was taken three-handed.

The flop was QHeart Suit10Spade Suit3Diamond Suit and Greenstein led out for 32,000. Lindsay folded and Austin made the call on the button. The turn was the 5Club Suit and Greenstein check-raised all in and Austin begrudgingly called.

Greenstein showed JDiamond Suit10Diamond Suit10Club Suit7Club Suit and was ahead of Lindsay’s ASpade SuitQClub Suit10Heart Suit6Diamond Suit. The 4Spade Suit on the river didn’t improve Austin’s hand or his chances of winning another bracelet.

Schwartz Eliminates Lindsay

Nate Lindsay got all in preflop with ADiamond SuitKDiamond SuitKSpade SuitQDiamond Suit against the AClub SuitKHeart Suit9Diamond Suit8Club Suit of Noah Schwartz.

Unfortunately for Lindsay, the board ran out 7Diamond SuitAHeart Suit6Club Suit9Club Suit9Heart Suit to give Schwartz a full house.

Lindsay was eliminated in 17th place and will take home $34,552 for his efforts.

Graham Rivers Nuts, Takes Big Pot

In late position, Matt Graham made it 55,000 and was called by Ferit Gabriellson on the button and Van Marcus from the big blind.

The flop was KDiamond Suit9Diamond Suit8Spade Suit and all three players checked. The turn was the 2Club Suit and Graham bet 96,000. Gabriellson called and Marcus got out of the way.

The river was the JSpade Suit and Graham bet 224,000, which was called by Gabriellson. Graham tabled the nuts as he showed QDiamond Suit10Heart Suit9Club Suit7Spade Suit and Gabriellson mucked after he flashed 10×7×.

Barry GreensteinGreenstein Makes Big Move to Get Big Stack

On a flop of QHeart Suit4Spade Suit5Spade Suit, Barry Greenstein led out for 35,000 and was raised by Noah Schwartz to 95,000. After everybody folded back to Greenstein, he announced that he was all in. After a moment, Schwartz tossed in the call and the cards were exposed.

Greenstein showed ASpade SuitADiamond Suit7[[suit:spade]Heart Suit7 for aces and the nut flush draw, and Schwartz showed Qs4hAh2s, good for two pair with a weaker flush draw. The 7Diamond Suit fell on the turn, giving Greenstein a set and the lead.

The 10Club Suit on the river gave Greenstein the pot and now he finds himself with just over 1,000,000.

Williams’ Aces Cracked, Eliminated in 16th Place

After Howard Lederer limped for 20,000, Matt Graham raised to 95,000. David Williams was in the small blind and made it 320,000. Lederer and the big blind got out of the way and Graham made the call.

On a flop of QDiamond SuitJDiamond Suit4Heart Suit, Williams instantly moved all in for his last 200,000 and Graham called as soon as the chips were moving forward.

Williams showed AHeart SuitAClub Suit8×4x which was behind the QClub SuitQHeart Suit10Club Suit9Heart Suit that Graham showed. The turn was a 6Heart Suit and the river was the 9Spade Suit and Williams was eliminated in 16th place.

Richard Austin Doubles Through Stefan Mattsson

Richard Austin check-raised Stefan Mattson on a flop of KClub Suit7Diamond Suit5Diamond Suit and Mattsson moved the rest of his chips in.

Austin called and showed KHeart Suit7Heart Suit5Spade Suit2Heart Suit, which was against the KDiamond Suit10Spade Suit9Diamond Suit3Heart Suit of Mattsson.

The turn was the JHeart Suit and the river was the AClub Suit and Austin doubled up to 600,000.

David Podgurski Eliminated

Richard Austin limped in for 20,000 and David Podgurski made it 90,000. Josh Arieh called from the big blind and Richard Austin called as well.

The flop was 5Spade Suit2Club Suit3Club Suit and Podgurski put in his last 23,000 chips. Both players called and checked it down. The turn was the 10Diamond Suit and the river was the QSpade Suit.

Podgurski said “I’ve got a five,” as he tabled the Ax5xKx7x.

Arieh mucked to the Podgurski, but Austin showed KHeart SuitJHeart Suit8Diamond Suit8Club Suit, good for a pair of eights and the pot, sending Podgurski home in 13th place.

Howard LedererHoward Lederer Eliminated

On a flop of QDiamond Suit3Diamond Suit4Heart Suit, Howard Lederer got all of his chips in the middle against Robin Keston.

Lederer tabled 5Diamond Suit6Spade Suit7Spade Suit9Heart Suit and was up against the AHeart SuitQHeart SuitJSpade Suit8Spade Suit of Keston.

The turn was the JHeart Suit and the river was the QClub Suit giving Keston a full house and eliminating Lederer just short of a final table.

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