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Buy-In: $10,000
Prize Pool: $1,410,000
Entrants: 150

Event 10 - $10,000 Seven Card Stud Championship

  • Jun 03, '10 - Jun 05, '10


Updates on Final Day (Jun 05, 10)


Level 26: The Master Earns 7th Bracelet

Blinds: Ante 15,000, Bring-in 20,000, Limits 60,000-120,000

Notable Eliminations:
Brandon Adams – 2nd Place – $243,958

Big Hands

The MasterThe Master Wins 7th Bracelet, Adams Gets Runner Up ($243,958)

Men Nguyen and an extremely low-stacked Brandon Adams agreed to put it all in blind and they watched helplessly as the cards fell. The hands were:

Adams: (ASpade Suit3Diamond Suit)-QHeart SuitQClub Suit5Spade Suit4Club Suit-(9Diamond Suit)
Nguyen: (9Spade Suit6Diamond Suit)-10Spade SuitKClub SuitJDiamond Suit6Club Suit

Seeing that Adams had a pair of queens, the Master took his last card face down as his groupies on the rail crowded around to see him peel up the corner. A queen would give Nguyen a straight, or a king would give him a better pair than Adams’ queens.

“King!” The announcement came as the crowd exploded into celebration. The KDiamond Suit was turned over and Men Nguyen earned his 7th bracelet and $394,800 in prize money.

Adams capped an impressive day going from among the low stacks at the start of the day to runner up of the event, taking $243,958 for his work.

Player Tags: Men Nguyen,   Brandon Adams

Level 25: Down To Two

Blinds: Ante 10,000, Bring-in 20,000, Limits 50,000-100,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 150

Average Chip Count: 2,250,000

Tournament Leaderboard:

1. Men Nguyen — 3,150,000
2. Brandon Adams — 1,300,000

Notable Eliminations:
Steve Billirakis – 3rd Place – $152,788
Nikolay Evdakov – 4th Place – $110,629

Big Hands

EvdakovEvdakov Out in 4th Place ($110,629)

Men Nguyen, Brandon Adams, and Nikolay Evdakov were three-way going to fourth street. Evdakov bet and both Adams and Nguyen called. Nguyen bet on 5th street and Evdakov raised, making Adams get out of the way. Nguyen re-raised and put Evdakov all in, who called. The hands were:

Evdakov: (AHeart SuitQSpade Suit)-ADiamond Suit7Heart Suit3Spade Suit10Heart Suit-(8Diamond Suit)
Nguyen: (6Club Suit7Club Suit)-6Diamond Suit10Club SuitQClub Suit5Heart Suit-(5Spade Suit)
(X-X)-4Heart Suit-8Spade SuitASpade Suit-FOLD

The pot to Nguyen to 2.5 million chipos, while Evdakov exited in 4th place.

Billirakis KOed in 3rd Place ($152,788)

Steve Billirakis got the remainder of his short stack in on 3rd street against Men Nguyen. Their hands were:

Billirakis: (10Heart SuitQClub Suit)-4Spade SuitJDiamond Suit3Heart SuitJClub Suit-(QSpade Suit)
Nguyen: (KDiamond Suit7Spade Suit)-7Club Suit2Club Suit7Diamond SuitJSpade Suit-(9Spade Suit)

Nguyen hit three 7’s, besting the two pair held by Billirakis, sending him to the rail in 3rd place. Left heads up were Brandon Adams and Men Nguyen.


Level 24: Cassidy Out In 5th Place

Blinds: Ante 10,000, Bring-in 10,000, Limits 40,000-80,000

Players Remaining: 4 out of 150

Average Chip Count: 1,125,000

Tournament Leaderboard:

1. Men Nguyen — 2,150,000
2. Brandon Adams — 980,000
3. Steve Billirakis — 750,000
4. Nikolay Evdakov — 480,000

Notable Eliminations:

Big Hands

AdamsAces For Adams

Men Nguyen completed and Brandom Adams raised, with the Master calling. Adams bet first on 4th street and got a call. Nguyen bet first on 5th street and got a call. Both players checked 6th street and Adams led out on the river. Their hands:

Adams: (AHeart SuitAClub Suit)-2Club Suit6Diamond SuitJDiamond Suit6Club Suit-(JClub Suit)
Nguyen: (X-X)-5Club Suit3Diamond Suit5Spade Suit10Club Suit-(X)

Adams’ two pair was good and Nguyen mucked. Nguyen still had the chip lead after the hand, with 2.1 million in chips, but Adams was climbing into contention with 925,000.

CassidyCassidy Falls in 5th Place ($86,461)

Short-stacked and with his back against the wall, Joe Cassidy was heads up with Nikolay Evdakov and got it all in on 4th street. The hands were:

Cassidy:(4Club Suit7Heart Suit)-7Spade Suit6Club Suit10Diamond Suit8Club Suit-(QClub Suit)
Evdakov: (3Diamond Suit9Club Suit)-6Spade Suit9Spade Suit4Diamond Suit2Heart Suit-(AHeart Suit)

A pair of nines was good enough for Evdakov to send Cassidy to the rail in 5th place.


Level 23: Mizrachi Gone in 6th Place

Blinds: Ante 7000, Bring-in 10,000, Limits 30,000-60,000

Players Remaining: 5 out of 150

Average Chip Count: 900,000

Tournament Leaderboard:

1. Men Nguyen — 1,250,000
2. Brandon Adams — 1,050,000
3. Steve Billirakis — 805,000
4. Nikolay Evdakov — 700,000
5. Joe Cassidy — 440,000

Notable Eliminations:

Michael Mizrachi – 6th Place – $68,949

Big Hands

MizrachiMizrachi Busts in 6th Place ($68,949)

Losing a couple of hands following the dinner break put Michael Mizrachi in a pickle. He ended up getting all in against Brandon Adams, and the Grinder couldn’t connect. Adams hit two pair to knock Mizrachi out of the event. Their cards:

Mizrachi: (10Heart Suit2Heart Suit)-7Heart Suit5Diamond SuitAClub SuitJHeart Suit-(4Spade Suit)
Adams: (10Diamond SuitKSpade Suit)-10Club Suit8Spade SuitJDiamond Suit5Club Suit-(KHeart Suit)

Mizrachi finished one better than his runner up in the Players Championship, Vladimir Schmelev, who went out in 7th place. A 6th place finish in this event after winning the Players Championship catapults Mizrachi to the top of the WSOP Player of the Year rankings.

Player Tags: Michael Mizrachi,   Brandon Adams

Level 22: And There Were Six...

Blinds: Ante 5000, Bring-in 7000, Limits 25,000-50,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 150

Average Chip Count: 750,000

Tournament Leaderboard:

1. Men Nguyen — 1,250,000
2. Nikolay Evdakov — 900,000
3. Brandon Adams — 850,000
4. Michael Mizrachi — 620,000
5. Steve Billirakis — 570,000
6. Joe Cassidy — 490,000

Notable Eliminations:

Vladimir Schmelev – 7th Place – $55,991

Big Hands

SchmelevSchmelev Hanging On

In a three-way pot against Michael Mizrachi and Nikolay Evdakov, Vladimir Schmelev was all in on 5th street, and his opponenets checked down the rest of the action. They showed:

Schmelev: (ADiamond Suit6Heart Suit)-AClub Suit10Spade Suit8Club Suit9Diamond Suit-(7)
Evdakov: (QDiamond Suit2Diamond Suit)-5Diamond Suit7Heart SuitKClub SuitQHeart Suit-(MUCK)
Mizrachi: (QClub Suit4Club Suit)-10Club Suit2Club SuitAHeart Suit4Heart Suit-(MUCK)

Schmelev is hanging tough at this final table, following a 2nd place finish in the $50,000 Players Championship.

Mizrachi Takes Some From Evdakov

After leading out on 4th street, Michael Mizrachi was raised by Nikolay Evdakov and made the call, putting himself all in as the lurking Men Nguyen folded. Their hands were:

Mizrachi: (AHeart SuitQClub Suit)-AClub Suit5Heart Suit8Heart SuitQDiamond Suit-(X)
Evdakov: (JHeart Suit10Club Suit)-JClub SuitQHeart Suit6Diamond Suit4Club Suit-(MUCK)

The Grinder’s two pair took the pot and he took a sizable pot to increase his stack to around 600,000.

The Master Goes Straight To The Top

Men Nguyen raised and Vladimir Schmelev re-raised and the two were heads up. Schmelev bet on 4th street and Nguyen called. On 5th street Schmelev check-raised the Master and Nguyen called. Schmelev bet the last two streets and Nguyen raised on the end. Schmelev called and they showed down.

Nguyen: (QDiamond Suit-9Heart Suit)-KHeart Suit10Spade Suit8Diamond SuitJDiamond Suit-(2Heart Suit)
Schmelev: (X-X)-AHeart Suit7Club Suit6Heart Suit3Heart Suit-(X)

Nguyen took the pot and jumped to 1,150,000 in chips. Schmelev dropped to 115,000 and eliminated soon after.

Schmelev Out in 7th Place ($55,991)

In a 5-way pot, Men Nguyen led out on 4th street, Steve Billirakis folded and Vladimir Schmelev re=raised. Nikolay Evdakov and Brandon Adams folded and Nguyen re-raised Schmelev all in.

Nguyen: (8Club Suit8Diamond Suit)-JClub SuitAHeart Suit3Spade SuitAClub Suit-(QDiamond Suit)
Schmelev: (KDiamond Suit4Spade Suit)-3Diamond Suit4Diamond Suit5Club Suit3Heart Suit-(10Club Suit)

Nguyen’s two pair took the pot and sent Schmelev to the rail in 7th place.


Level 21: Billirakis Climbs The Ladder

Blinds: Ante 5000, Bring-in 5000, Limits 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 7 out of 150

Average Chip Count: 643,857

Tournament Leaderboard:

1. Brandon Adams — 1,050,000
2. Nikolay Evdakov — 1,000,000
3. Steve Billirakis — 580,000
4. Men Nguyen — 530,000
5. Vladimir Schmelev — 450,000
6. Michael Mizrachi — 400,000
7. Joe Cassidy — 290,000

Notable Eliminations:

Billirakis Pairs Higher Than The Grinder

Steve Billirakis bet on every street and was called by Michael Mizrachi all the way until 6th street. Seeing that Billirakis paired his ace, Mizrachi let his hand go, showing his pair of queens as he did. Their cards:

Mizrachi: (AClub SuitQClub Suit)-10Club Suit3Diamond SuitQHeart Suit9Spade Suit
Billirakis: (QDiamond Suit2Diamond Suit)-ADiamond SuitJClub SuitQSpade SuitASpade Suit

The pot took Billirakis to 550,000. Mizrachi dropped to 400,000.

Cassidy Doubles Through The Master

Joe Cassidy got the last of his chips in on 5th street against Men Nguyen. Nguyen was behind and didn’t improve, giving Cassidy a double up to 300,000. Their cards:

Nguyen: (9Spade Suit8Club Suit)-7Diamond Suit2Heart Suit8Heart SuitJDiamond Suit-(ADiamond Suit)
Cassidy: (QDiamond SuitQClub Suit)-3Diamond Suit6Heart Suit4Diamond Suit7Heart Suit-(9Heart Suit)

Joe CassidySchmelev Loses Monster Pot

After Brandon Adams completed, Men Nguyen raised, Vladimir Schmelev re-raised and Joe Cassidy raised yet again. Everyone got out of the way except Schmelev.

Cassidy continued the aggression, betting every street and getting called by Schmelev until the very end, when he looked at his last card and finally mucked. Their cards:

Schmelev: (X-X)-7Diamond Suit8Heart Suit3Spade SuitKSpade Suit-(X)
Cassidy: (X-X)-KDiamond SuitJHeart Suit7Club Suit3Club Suit-(X)

After losing the pot without showing down, Schmelev was on life support with 90,000 in chips. Cassidy boosted to 480,000.


Level 20: Final Table Set

Blinds: Ante 4000, Bring-in 5000, Limits 18,000-36,000

Players Remaining: 7 out of 150

Average Chip Count: 562,500

Tournament Leaderboard:

1. Nikolay Evdakov — 1,170,000
2. Brandon James — 800,000
3. Vladimir Schmelev — 740,000
4. Men Nguyen — 630,000
5. Steve Billirakis — 600,000
6. Michael Mizrachi — 300,000
7. Joe Cassidy — 190,000

Notable Eliminations:
Dan Heimiller – 9th Place – $38,676
Sirous Jamshidi – 8th Place – $46,206

Big Hands:

Heimiller Stays Alive, Temporarily

Short-stacked Dan Heimiller got all in chipped up nicely. The cards were:

Heimiller: (K-J)-A-A-2-J-(Q)
Evdakov: (2-9)-9-5-6-J-(X)

With the win he had around 115,000 in chips, but around 15 minutes later he was eliminated.

NguyenNguyen Busts Heimiller in 9th Place ($38,676)

Men “The Master” Nguyen completed the final table when he got Dan Heimiller all in. Their hands were:
Heimiller: (AHeart SuitJDiamond Suit)-3Heart Suit10Club SuitQSpade Suit9Heart Suit-(4Club Suit)
Nguyen: (8Diamond Suit7Heart Suit)-ASpade Suit6Spade Suit10Diamond SuitADiamond Suit-(JSpade Suit)

Heimiller was out in 9th Place, and the final 8 were moved to the feature table.

Evdakov Takes Chip Lead

Nikolay Evdakov and Sirous Jamshidi called Vladimir Schmelev on 3rd street, and Schmelev folded when Jamshidi led out on 4th street. Evdakov continued calling Jamshidi on every street, before slowing and check-calling when Evdakov bet on the end. Their cards:

Evdakov: (8Club Suit9Club Suit)-JClub Suit6Spade Suit7Club Suit2Spade Suit-(10Heart Suit)
Jamshidi: (X-X)-KDiamond Suit10Spade SuitAHeart SuitJDiamond Suit-(X)

Evdakov’s straight took it down, pushing his stack to around one million and dropping Jamshidi to 220,000 in the process.

Brandon AdamsAdams Moving On Up

Brandon Adams, Vladimir Schmelev and Sirous Jamshidi all went the distance in a hand that saw Schmelev complete and lead out on 4th street, Jamshidi lead out with a bet on 5th street, and the rest of the action being checked down. Their cards:

Adams: (6Diamond Suit7Heart Suit-6Heart Suit3Diamond Suit9Spade Suit3Heart Suit-(8Spade Suit)
Schmelev: (X-X)-QDiamond Suit5Diamond Suit8Heart SuitJHeart Suit-(MUCK)
Jamshidi: (X-X)-7Club SuitJClub SuitQSpade SuitKDiamond Suit-(MUCK)

Two pair earned Adams the pot, pushing his stack to 800,000. Jamshidi’s already short stack dwindled to around 140,000.

Sirous Jamshidi Busts in 8th Place ($46,206)

Sirous Jamshidi was all in on 5th street and Brandon Adams called with a pair of aces. They held up and Jamshidi was gone in 8th place. Their cards:

Adams: (ASpade Suit2Heart Suit)-AClub SuitQSpade Suit5Heart SuitJClub Suit-(6Diamond Suit)
Jamshidi: (8Spade Suit9Heart Suit)-8Diamond Suit10Heart Suit3Diamond Suit7Diamond Suit-(QClub Suit)

Adams was among the chip leaders following the hand.


Level 19: The Master Keeps Busy

Blinds: Ante 3000, Bring-in 3000, Limits 15,000-30,000

Players Remaining: 9 out of 150

Average Chip Count: 500,000

Tournament Leaderboard:

1. Brandon Adams — 850,000
2. Nikolay Evdakov — 840,000
3. Vladimir Schmelev — 820,000
4. Michael Mizrachi — 480,000
5. Men Nguyen — 450,000
6. Steve Billirakis — 430,000
7. Joe Cassidy — 300,000
8. Sirous Jamshidi — 220,000
9. Dan Heimiller — 130,000

Notable Eliminations:

Big Hands:

NguyenThe Master Fills Up

After dropping some chips in the previous level, Men Nguyen was able to capitalize on a full house to take a nice pot from Sirous Jamshidi.

Jamshidi completed on 3rd street and was called by Michael Mizrachi, Nguyen, and Steve Billirakis. Jamshidi bet and Nguyen raised on 4th street, leading to folds from Mizrachi and Billirakis.

Nguyen bet every street left and was called by Jamshidi. The Master was more than happy to show down:

Nguyen: (AHeart SuitASpade Suit)-4Club Suit7Heart Suit4Diamond Suit9Club Suit-(ADiamond Suit)
Jamshidi: (X-X)-KHeart Suit6Club Suit7Club SuitJHeart Suit-(X)

Nguyen had 360,000 after the hand, and Jamshidi fell to 180,000.

Mizrachi Takes One From Cassidy

Heads up with Joe Cassidy, Michael Mizrachi bet on every street and was called. Mizrachi finally checked the end and Cassidy checked as well. Their hands were:

Mizrachi: (10Spade Suit-2Club Suit)-10Heart Suit3Heart SuitAHeart Suit3Diamond Suit-(4Club Suit)
Cassidy: (X-X)-KClub Suit7Spade Suit5Club Suit9Spade Suit-(X)

Mizrachi took the pot and chipped back up to nearly 500,000, while Cassidy dropped to 300,000.


Level 18: Final 9 Decided

Blinds: Ante 3000, Bring-in 3000, Limits 12,000-24,000

Players Remaining: 9 out of 150

Average Chip Count: 450,000

Tournament Leaderboard:

1. Vladimir Schmelev — 1,040,000
2. Nikolay Evdakov — 850,000
3. Brandon Adams — 550,000
4. Michael Mizrachi — 450,000
5. Sirous Jamshidi — 430,000
6. Steve Billirakis — 340,000
7. Joe Cassidy — 310,000
8. Men Nguyen — 270,000
9. Dan Heimiller — 130,000
10. Ray Dehkharghani — 40,000

Notable Eliminations:

Eric Buchman – 12th Place ($32,909)
Ray Dehkharghani – 11th Place ($32,909)
Todd Barlow – 10th Place ($38,676)

Big Hands:

Michael MizrachiThe Grinder Clashes With The Master

Entering the action late, Men Nguyen was heads up against Michael Mizrachi. Nguyen bet on 4th street and the Grinder raised. Nguyen called, and did the same when Mizrachi bet on 5th street. When Mizrachi bet on 6th street, Nguyen took some time to think over the hand, eventually folding and giving the pot to Mizrachi. Their hands:

Mizrachi: (X-X)-7Diamond Suit9Diamond Suit10Club SuitKDiamond Suit
Nguyen: (X-X)-9Heart Suit6Diamond Suit5Club SuitKHeart Suit

The Grinder lost a previous hand to the Master, but this hand put his chip stack back around 450,000.

Buchman Busts In 12th Place ($32,909)

A short-stacked Eric Buchman completed on third street and was called by the chip leader, Vladimir Schmelev. Buchman led out on 4th street and bet again, getting called. Schmelev connected for a pair of eights on 5th street and put Buchman all in. Buchman called and didn’t improve his buried pair of 4s, busting in 12th place.
The hands were:

Schmelev: (4Diamond Suit9Diamond Suit)-10Diamond Suit8Club Suit8Heart Suit5Club Suit-(QSpade Suit)
Buchman: (4Spade Suit4Club Suit)-QClub Suit5Heart Suit9Spade Suit7Club Suit-(KSpade Suit)

Shortly after, Schmelev was the first to surpass one million in chips. Looks like he’s ready for another final table at the 2010 WSOP.

DehkharghaniDehkharghani Crippled, Out In 11th Place ($32,909)

Brandon Adams entered the day short on chips, but has since chipped up and in the process knocked out Ray Dehkharghani.

Ray called a raise from Adams on 3rd street, then called Adams’ bet on 4th street. Ray bet out on 5th and 6th street and was called. On the end, Ray slowed down and checked. He didn’t look too happy when he called Adams’ final bet. Their hands were:

Dehkharghani: (X-X)-4Spade Suit2Heart SuitKClub Suit7Spade Suit-(MUCK)
Adams: (JDiamond Suit4Diamond Suit)-JClub Suit3Spade Suit2Spade Suit8Diamond Suit(JHeart Suit)

Adams’ trip Jacks took a nice pot and was no longer among the short stacks, holding 400,000 in chips. Shortly after Dehkharghani got all in, again against Adams, and Adams hit a flush to send Dehkharghani out in 11th place.

Barlow Falls in 10th Place ($38,676)

Todd Barlow got all in in a three-way pot and couldn’t improve upon his pair of nines, falling to Joe Cassidy’s two pair. The hands were:

Barlow: (9-9)-J-2-10-8-(3)
Cassidy: (K-K)-5-5-J-9-(10)
Nikolay Evdakov: (X-X)-A-3-6-Q-(X)

With Barlow’s elimination, the final 10 are set.


Shuffle Up and Deal

The cards are in the air. Only 12 players remain, including event No. 2 winner Michael Mizrachi, runner up in that event Vladimir Schmelev, as well as a host of other big names including Steve Billirakis, Joe Cassidy, Men Nguyen, and Brandon Adams.

Stay tuned to for live updates through the day.

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1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos