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Buy-In: $5,000
Prize Pool: $4,065,500
Entrants: 865

$5,000 No-Limit Hold'em

  • Jun 02, '11 - Jun 04, '11


Updates on Final Day (Jun 04, 11)


Allen Bari Wins Event #4 ($874,116)

Maria Ho Eliminated in 2nd Place ($540,020)

Allen Bari

Maria Ho was severely short stacked at the beginning of heads-up play with just 1.875 million to Allen Bari’s 11.1 million. She managed to double up early, but eventually the rising blinds and surmounting chip deficit was just too much to stave off.

On the final hand of the event, Maria Ho open-shoved for 2,000,000 from the button and Allen Bari called from the big blind.

Bari turned over 8Spade Suit 8Heart Suit for the lead and Ho showed ASpade Suit 4Spade Suit for the draw.

The board came KHeart Suit KDiamond Suit 6Club Suit 5Club Suit QClub Suit, and Maria Ho was eliminated in 2nd place ($540,020). After four days and 864 opponents, Allen Bari finally won Event #4, claiming the gold bracelet and the $874,116 grand prize.

Player Tags: Allen Bari,   Maria Ho

Level 32: Bari vs. Ho Heads-Up, LeFort 3rd

Blinds: 60,000-120,000 with a 15,000 ante

Players Remaining: 2 out of 865

Average Chip Count: 6,487,500

Chip Counts:

1. Allen Bari – 8,975,000
2. Maria Ho – 4,000,000


3rd. Sean LeFort – $348,112

Sean LeFort Eliminated in 3rd Place ($348,128)

Sean LeFort

Sean LeFort opened the pot for 240,000 from the button, Allen Bari three-bet to 660,00 from the small blind, LeFort four-bet all in and Bari called.

LeFort turned over 10Spade Suit 10Club Suit for a pair, but Bari showed KHeart Suit KDiamond Suit for a higher pair.

The board came KSpade Suit 6Spade Suit 4Diamond Suit 10Heart Suit 7Club Suit, giving Bari top set on the flop and although LeFort made a smaller set on the turn, it was not enough to stay alive. Sean LeFort was eliminated in 3rd place ($348,128) while Allen Bari took a commanding chiplead to the heads-up finals.

Heads-up play began after a short fifteen minute break. Allen Bari led going into the finals with 11.1 million to Maria Ho’s 1.875 million.

Maria Ho

Maria Ho Doubles Up Early

Allen Bari open-shoved the button and Maria Ho called from the big blind. Ho showed AClub Suit JDiamond Suit for the lead against Bari’s ADiamond Suit 7Diamond Suit.

The board came 4Spade Suit 4Diamond Suit 2Club Suit 6Spade Suit 9Club Suit, and Maria Ho doubled up to 4 million chips while Bari fell down to 9 million this hand.

Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.

Player Tags: Allen Bari,   Maria Ho

Level 31: Nicholas Blumenthal Eliminated in 4th Place ($255,028)

Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante

Players Remaining: 3 out of 865

Average Chip Count: 4,325,000

Chip Counts:

1. Allen Bari – 8,350,000
2. Maria Ho – 3,300,000
3. Sean LeFort – 1,525,000


4th. Nicholas Blumenthal – $255,028

Maria Ho Turns Quad Aces, Doubles Through Allen Bari

Allen Bari open-shoved the button and Maria Ho called all in for about 800,000 from the small blind.

Ho turned over ASpade Suit QHeart Suit for the lead while Bari showed 6Heart Suit 5Club Suit.

The flop came AHeart Suit ADiamond Suit 2Club Suit, giving Ho trip aces. Ho spiked the AClub Suit on the turn, giving her quad aces to double up to 1,800,000 in chips, putting her in second place at the moment.

Ho Doubles Through Bari Again!

Allen Bari open-shoved the small blind and Maria Ho called all in for about 1,500,000 from the big blind.

Ho turned over ASpade Suit 10Heart Suit for the lead while Bari showed QDiamond Suit 5Spade Suit.

The flop came 8Heart Suit 6Diamond Suit 4Club Suit, giving Bari a gutshot straight draw. The turn was the 7Diamond Suit, giving Bari the eight-high straight. Ho would need a five on the river to chop the pot or a nine to win the pot outright with a ten-high straight.

The river was the 9Diamond Suit, and Ho hit her gutshot to double up to over 3 million in chips this hand while Bari dropped down to just under 7 million.

Sean LeFort Doubles Through Maria Ho

Maria Ho open-shoved the small blind and Sean LeFort called all in for around 1,200,000.

LeFort turned over 3Heart Suit 3Club Suit for the lead while Ho showed ASpade Suit 2Diamond Suit for the draw.

The board came JHeart Suit JDiamond Suit 2Heart Suit 4Spade Suit 8Club Suit, no help for Ho as LeFort doubled up to 2.5 million this hand while Ho dropped down to 1.9 million.

Nicholas Blumenthal Eliminated in 4th Place ($255,028)

Nicholas Blumenthal

Maria Ho raised to 200,000 from under the gun, Nicholas Blumenthal moved all in for 1,300,000 from the small blind and Ho called.

Blumenthal turned over 8Spade Suit 8Heart Suit for the lead while Ho showed ADiamond Suit QHeart Suit for the draw.

The board came AClub Suit KSpade Suit 5Club Suit QDiamond Suitd JSpade Suit, giving Ho top pair on the flop and two pair on the turn. Ho moved up to roughly 4 million in chips while Nicholas Blumenthal was eliminated in 4th place ($255,028).

Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.

Player Tags: Allen Bari,   Maria Ho,   Sean Lefort

Day 4 Begins; Allen Bari Leads Final Four

NOTE: Half-way through the final table, Day 3 ended with the conclusion of Level 30 in accordance with the daily ten-level rule. As a result, the remaining four players returned this afternoon at approximately 2:30pm to begin play in Level 31. Originally a three-day event and now into Day 4, this event will play down to a winner tonight.

Level: 31

Blinds: 50,000-100,000 with a 10,000 ante

Players Remaining: 4 out of 865

Average Chip Count: 3,243,750

Chip Counts:

1. Allen Bari – 9,125,000
2. Sean LeFort – 1,420,000
2. Nicholas Blumenthal – 1,250,000
3. Maria Ho – 1,200,000


5th. Thomas Ross – $189,574
6th. Ricky Fohrenbach – $142,821
7th. Jesse Chinni – $108,914
8th. Mikhail Lakhitov – $84,033
9th. Farzad Bonyadi – $65,535

Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.

Player Tags: Allen Bari,   Maria Ho,   Sean Lefort

End of Day 3; Allen Bari Leads Final Four

NOTE: Halfway through the final table, Day 3 ended with the conclusion of Level 30 in accordance with the daily ten-level rule. As a result, the remaining four players will return at 2:30pm and play down to a winner.

Level: 30

Blinds: 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante

Players Remaining: 4 out of 865

Average Chip Count: 3,243,750

Allen Bari

Chip Counts:

1. Allen Bari – 9,125,000
2. Sean LeFort – 1,420,000
3. Nicholas Blumenthal – 1,250,000
4. Maria Ho – 1,200,000


5th. Thomas Ross – $189,574
6th. Ricky Fohrenbach – $142,821
7th. Jesse Chinni – $108,914
8th. Mikhail Lakhitov – $84,033
9th. Farzad Bonyadi – $65,535

Thomas Ross Eliminated in 5th Place ($189,574)

In one of the last hands of the night, Allen Bari opened for 160,000 from the cutoff, Thomas Ross moved all in for 710,00 from the button and Bari called.

Ross turned over AHeart Suit 10Club Suit for the lead while Bari showed ASpade Suit 8Spade Suit.

The board came JClub Suit 7Spade Suit 6Heart Suit 2Spade Suit JSpade Suit, giving Bari a flush on the river. Thomas Ross was eliminated in 5th place ($189,574) while Allen Bari moved up to just under 10 million in chips.

Maria Ho

Maria Ho Survives Day 3

Although the final table had not seen too much action in the last level until Thomas Ross’ late-night elimination, Maria Ho had managed to double up twice to secure her spot in the final four. Early in the level she doubled through Sean LeFort to over 800,000 with K-7 against Q-J, and later on she managed to double up again through chipleader Allen Bari.

Ho open-shoved from under the gun to 660,000 and Allen Bari re-shoved from the small blind. Ho turned over AClub Suit JClub Suit for the lead while Bari showed AHeart Suith 8Club Suit.

The board came 6Spade Suit 6Heart Suit 2Club Suit ADiamond Suit 7Spade Suit, offering no help to either player as Ho doubled up to 1.3 million.

Be sure to check back at 2:30pm for level-by-level updates of this final table.

Player Tags: Allen Bari,   Thomas Ross,   Maria Ho,   Sean Lefort

Level 29: Bari Over 8 Million; Fohrenbach 6th, Chinni 7th

Blinds: 30,000-60,000 with a 10,000 ante

Players Remaining: 5 out of 865

Average Chip Count: 2,595,000

Chip Counts:

1. Allen Bari – 8,050,000
2. Nicholas Blumenthal – 1,800,000
3. Sean LeFort – 1,620,000
4. Thomas Ross – 1,225,000
5. Maria Ho – 700,000


6th. Ricky Fohrenbach – $142,821
7th. Jesse Chinni – $108,914

Jesse Chinni Eliminated in 7th Place ($108,914)

Jesse Chinni

Ricky Fohrenbach raised to 120,000 from the cutoff, Jesse Chinni shoved for 1,600,000 and Fohrenbach called.

Fohrenbach turned over KSpade Suit KHeart Suit for the lead while Chinni showed ADiamond Suit 10Diamond Suit for the draw.

The board came JClub Suit 6Spade Suit 5Spade Suit JDiamond Suit 4Diamond Suit, offering no help to Jesse Chinni who was eliminated in 6th place ($108,914). After this elimination, Fohrenbach was up to 2.7 million in chips.

Sean LeFort Doubles Through Nicholas Blumenthal

Sean LeFort open-shoved the short stack for 800,000 from middle position and Nicholas Blumenthal re-shoved behind him without any callers.

LeFort turned over QHeart Suit QClub Suit for the lead while Blumenthal Showed AHeart Suit KClub Suit for the draw.

The board came 9Club Suit 7Club Suit 6Diamond Suit JDiamond Suit 3Club Suit, offering no help to either player as LeFort doubled up to 1.7 million this hand while Blumenthal dropped to under one million.

Ricky Fohrenbach

Ricky Fohrenbach Eliminated in 6th Place ($142,821)

Ricky Fohrenbach opened to 120,000 from the cutoff, Allen Bari raised enough to put him all in and after a minute or so in the tank, Fohrenbach called all in for 1,720,000.

Fohrenbach turned over 10Heart Suit 10Club Suit for the lead while Bari showed AHeart Suit JClub Suit for the draw.

The board came JDiamond Suit 9Heart Suit 8Heart Suit 3Spade Suit 2Diamond Suit, giving Bari top pair on the flop. Ricky Fohrenbach was eliminated in 6th place ($142,821) this hand while Allen Bari secured a monster chip lead with over 8 million.

Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.


Level 28: Bari Has Massive Chip Lead, Fohrenbach Doubles

NOTE: Players will take a twenty minute break at the end of Level 28 and return at approximately 1:20am to resume play.

Blinds: 25,000-50,000 with a 5,000 ante

Players Remaining: 7 out of 865

Average Chip Count: 1,853,571

Chip Counts:

1. Allen Bari – 5,460,000
2. Nicholas Blumenthal – 1,710,000
3. Ricky Fohrenbach – 1,425,000
4. Jesse Chinni – 1,300,000
5. Thomas Ross – 1,065,000
6. Sean LeFort – 980,000
7. Maria Ho – 970,000

Ricky Fohrenbach

Ricky Fohrenbach Doubles Through Thomas Ross

Ricky Fohrenbach open-shoved the cutoff for 765,000 before the flop and Thomas Ross called from the big blind.

Fohrenbach turned over 9Heart Suit 9Club Suit for the lead while Ross showed AClub Suit QHeart Suit for the draw.

The board came 9Spade Suit 7Spade Suit 6Spade Suit 6Diamond Suit 5Club Suit, giving Fohrenbach top set on the flop and a full house on the turn. Fohrenbach doubled up to about 1.5 million in chips this hand while Ross dropped down to about the same.

Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.

Player Tags: Thomas Ross,   Richard Fohrenbach

Level 27: Seven Remain; Lahkitov 8th, Bonyadi 9th

Blinds: 20,000-40,000 with a 5,000 ante

Players Remaining: 7 out of 865

Average Chip Count: 1,853,571

Chip Counts:

1. Allen Bari – 4,020,000
2. Thomas Ross – 2,490,000
3. Nicholas Blumenthal – 2,050,000
4. Sean LeFort – 1,350,000
5. Jesse Chinni – 1,325,000
6. Maria Ho – 1,220,000
7. Ricky Fohrenbach – 850,000


8th. Mikhail Lakhitov – $84,033
9th. Farzad Bonyadi – $65,535

Farzad Bonyadi

Farzad Bonyadi Eliminated in 9th Place ($65,535)

Farzad Bonyadi moved all in for 215,000 from under the gun and Jesse Chinni called from the small blind.

Bonyadi turned over 9Spade Suit 9Diamond Suit for the lead while Chinni showed AHeart Suit 7Diamond Suit for the draw.

The board came ADiamond Suit 4Club Suit 3Heart Suit 10Spade Suit 10Heart Suit, giving Chinni top pair on the flop and a better two pair on the river. Farzad Bonyadi was eliminated in 9th place ($65,535) while Jesse Chinni moved up to 1.7 million in chips.

Mikhail Lakhitov Eliminated in 8th Place ($84,033)

Mikhail Lakhitov

Allen Bari opened for a raise of 80,000, Mikhail Lakhitov reraised to 210,000 from the small blind, Bari shoved and Lakhitov called all in for around 1,000,000.

Lakhitov turned over KClub Suit KHeart Suit for the best hand while Bari showed ADiamond Suit 10Diamond Suit for the draw.

The board came QHeart Suit 10Heart Suit 8Heart Suit 10Spade Suit JSpade Suit, giving Lakhitov a flush draw on the flop and Bari trip tens on the turn. Allen Bari secured the chiplead this hand with over 4 million in chips while Mikhail Lakhitov is eliminated in 8th place ($84,033).

Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.


Kuether Eliminated 10th; Final Table Now Underway

NOTE: The final ten players consolidated down to one table, and with the elimination of Joseph Kuether in 10th place ($51,713), the official nine-handed final table began at approximately 11:20pm.

Players Remaining: 9 out of 865

Average Chip Count: 1,441,666

Chip Counts:

1. Thomas Ross – 2,650,000
2. Allen Bari – 2,160,000
3. Sean LeFort – 1,600,000
4. Jesse Chinni – 1,200,000
5. Maria Ho – 1,140,000
6. Nicholas Blumenthal – 1,100,000
7. Mikhail Lakhitov – 800,000
8. Ricky Fohrenbach – 790,000
9. Farzad Bonyadi – 700,000


1st. $874,116
2nd. $540,020
3rd. $348,128
4th. $255,028
5th. $189,574
6th. $142,821
7th. $108,914
8th. $84,033
9th. $65,535

Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.

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WSOP Leaderboards

1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos