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Buy-In: $1,500
Prize Pool: $722,250
Entrants: 535

Event 12 - $1,500 Pot-Limit Hold'em

  • Jun 05, '13 - Jun 07, '13


Updates on Final Day (Jun 07, 13)


Lev Rofman Wins Event No. 12 ($166,136)

Level: 25

Blinds: 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 1 out of 535

Players Eliminated:

2nd: Allen Cunningham – $102,819

Live Updates

Allen Cunningham

Lef Rofman Doubles Up Twice in Heads-Up Final

In his first double up Lev Rofman had Allen Cunningham dominated preflop with A-Q against A-3. The board flopped a queen and that was all Rofman needed to stave off elimination.

Rofman was still behind but seven hands later he was all-in preflop again, this time holding QHeart Suit10Diamond Suit against the ASpade Suit4Club Suit of Cunningham, so he needed a little help. The board obliged, running out 10Club Suit6Club Suit3Diamond Suit9Diamond SuitKSpade Suit, and a pair of tens evened up the chip counts at 1.2 million a piece for the final two competitors.

Lev Rofman Wins Event No. 12 ($166,136) — Allen Cunningham Eliminated in Second Place ($102,819)

Allen Cunningham called preflop and Lev Rofman raised to 120,000. Cunningham called again and the flop was delivered JSpade Suit9Spade Suit5Spade Suit. Rofman bet 240,000 and Cunningham reraised all in for 775,000. Rofman called and they tabled their hands.

Rofman: KDiamond SuitQSpade Suit
Cunningham: KSpade Suit8Club Suit

Turn and River: 7Club SuitQHeart Suit

Rofman won the hand and the tournament with a pair of queens. Cunningham was eliminated in second place and he took home $102,819 for his efforts. Rofman took home the gold bracelet and the top prize worth $166,136.

Be sure to check back with Card Player for all of your final table action, chip counts, and prize payouts for each gold bracelet event.

Player Tags: Allen Cunningham,   Lev Rofman

Level 24 Update: Jaspal Brar Eliminated in 3rd Place

Level: 24

Blinds: 15,000-30,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 535

Average Chip Count: 1,203,750

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Allen Cunningham – 1,700,000
Seat 8: Lev Rofman – 690,000

Players Eliminated:

3rd: Jaspal Brar – $68,332

Live Updates:

Lev Rofman Doubles Up Through Allen Cunningham

Lev Rofman raised to 60,000 preflop on the small blind and Allen Cunningham reraised to 180,000 from the big blind. Rofman called and the flop was dealt 9Heart Suit6Heart Suit2Diamond Suit. Rofman moved all in for 115,000 and Cunningham called with AHeart Suit10Club Suit. Rofman held 9Spade Suit7Spade Suit and the hand held up after the 5Diamond Suit and 9Club Suit fell on the turn and river.

Jaspal Brar

Jaspal Brar Eliminated in Third Place ($68,332)

Allen Cunningham raised to 60,000 on the button and Jaspal Brar reraised to 115,000. Cunningham called and the flop rolled out KHeart Suit10Heart Suit8Club Suit. Brar tanked for a bit and then shoved all in. Cunningham called and they turned over their hands.

Cunningham: KDiamond Suit10Club Suit
Brar: ADiamond SuitAClub Suit

Turn and River: JHeart Suit6Club Suit

Cunningham won the hand with two pair and he took a large lead of 1.7 million into the heads-up final against Lev Rofman (690,000). Brar was eliminated in third place.

Player Tags: Allen Cunningham,   Jaspal Brar

Level 23 Update: Anthony Harb Out 5th, Kenneth Shelton Out 4th

Level: 23

Blinds: 12,000-24,000

Players Remaining: 3 out of 535

Average Chip Count: 802,500

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Allen Cunningham – 982,000
Seat 5: Jaspal Brar – 452,000
Seat 8: Lev Rofman – 574,000

Players Eliminated:

Anthony Harb in Happier Times

5th: Anthony Harb – $38,055
4th: Kenneth Shelton – $50,709

Live Updates:

Anthony Harb Eliminated in Fifth Place ($38,055)

Anthony Harb raised to 72,000 from the small blind and Lev Rofman reraised from the big blind. Harb called all in for 200,000 and they tabled their cards.

Rofman: AHeart SuitASpade Suit
Harb: KClub SuitJHeart Suit

Board: KDiamond Suit10Club Suit4Diamond Suit9Spade Suit9Club Suit

Harb was eliminated in fifth place and Rofman was close to 700,000 after the hand.

Kenneth Shelton

Kenneth Shelton Eliminated in Fourth Place ($50,709)

Jaspal Brar raised to 51,000 from the button and Kenneth Shelton called on the big blind. The flop was dealt QSpade SuitJDiamond Suit3Spade Suit and Shelton bet the pot. Brar raised and Shelton made the all-in call.

Brar: QDiamond Suit9Heart Suit
Shelton: KClub SuitJSpade Suit

Turn and River: ASpade Suit2Heart Suit

Shelton was eliminated on the hand in fourth place and Brar took the chip lead with 870,000.

Player Tags: Kenneth Shelton,   Anthony Harb

Level 22 Update: Eric Crain Eliminated in 6th Place

Level: 22

Blinds: 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 5 out of 535

Average Chip Count: 481,500

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Allen Cunningham – 982,000
Seat 5: Jaspal Brar – 452,000
Seat 7: Anthony Harb – 247,000
Seat 8: Lev Rofman – 574,000
Seat 9: Kenneth Shelton – 154,000

Players Eliminated:

6th: Eric Crain – $28,839

Live Updates:

Eric Crain

Eric Crain Eliminated in Sixth Place ($28,839)

Allen Cunningham raised to 40,000 on the button and Eric Crain raised the pot. Allen Cunningham then raised all in and Crain called all in.

Cunningham: 5Club Suit5Spade Suit
Crain: AClub SuitQClub Suit

Board: 9Heart Suit5Diamond Suit3Heart Suit8Diamond Suit4Diamond Suit

Cunningham won the hand to grow his stack to the chip lead and Crain was eliminated in sixth place.

Kenneth Shelton Doubles Up Through Allen Cunningham

Kenneth Shelton raised to 60,000 from the small blind and Allen Cunningham reraised on the big blind. Shelton then moved all in for 122,000 and Cunningham called.

Shelton: ASpade SuitKClub Suit
Cunningham: 8Heart Suit8Spade Suit

Board: QSpade Suit5Club Suit3Diamond Suit10Club SuitKDiamond Suit

Shelton won the hand to double up to 155,000 and Cunningham was still cruising with a chip stack close to 1 million.


Level 21 Update: Nicolas Halvorson Eliminated in 7th

Level: 21

Blinds: 8,000-16,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 535

Average Chip Count: 401,250

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Allen Cunningham – 750,000
Seat 4: Eric Crain – 104,000
Seat 5: Jaspal Brar – 334,000
Seat 7: Anthony Harb – 550,000
Seat 8: Lev Rofman – 390,000
Seat 9: Kenneth Shelton – 190,000

Players Eliminated:

7th: Nicholas Halvorson – $22,050

Live Updates:

Another Pair of Doubles

First, Jaspal Brar doubled up through Eric Crain thanks to to a pair of jacks on the turn that topped the pocket fives of Crain. Brar was up to 334,000 and Crain was in trouble with 55,000. Crain got those chips into the middle a few hands later with KSpade Suit8Spade Suit, Allen Cunningham called with Q-2 offsuit and Crain spiked a king on the flop to ensure his survival with just over 100,000. Cunningham was still cruising with 750,000.

Eric Crain Doubles Up Through Nicolas Halvorson

Nicolas Halvorson raised the pot on the hi-jack and Eric Crain reraised all in to 80,000 on the cutoff. Halvorson called but Crain was ahead with pocket aces against the pocket nines of Halvorson. The board rolled QHeart SuitJClub Suit7Club Suit10Heart Suit2Spade Suit and ensured that Crain would double up to survive.

Nicolas Halvorson Eliminated in Seventh Place ($22,050)

Nicolas Halvorson moved all in preflop for 50,000 from early position and Lef Rofman called on the small blind before they flipped over their cards.

Rofman: AClub Suit10Diamond Suit
Halvorson: QDiamond SuitJDiamond Suit

Board: AHeart Suit7Spade Suit5Club Suit8Spade Suit2Club Suit

Rofman won the hand to grow his stack above 400,000 and Halvorson was eliminated on the hand in seventh place.


Level 20 Update: Tim Reilly Eliminated in 8th Place

Level: 20

Blinds: 6,000-12,000

Players Remaining: 7 out of 535

Average Chip Count: 343,929

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Allen Cunningham – 550,000
Seat 2: Nicholas Halvorson – 110,000
Seat 4: Eric Crain – 273,000
Seat 5: Jaspal Brar – 410,000
Seat 7: Anthony Harb – 546,000
Seat 8: Lev Rofman – 330,000
Seat 9: Kenneth Shelton – 186,000

Players Eliminated:

8th: Tim Reilly – $16,994

Live Updates:

Jaspal Brar Doubles Up Through Tim Reilly

Tim Reilly raised to 25,000 under the gun preflop and Jaspal Brar reraised to 59,000 on the big blind. Reilly four-bet and Brar then shoved all in for 240,000. Reilly called and they tabled their hands.

Brar: AHeart SuitADiamond Suit
Reilly: AClub SuitKSpade Suit

Board: KClub Suit9Club Suit3Heart SuitJClub Suit10Spade Suit

Brar doubled up to survive with 485,000 and Reilly was crippled with just 25,000 remaining.

Tim Reilly Eliminated in Eighth Place ($16,994)

Jaspal Brar raised from the small blind and Tim Reilly called all in for 25,000 from the big blind. The two players then revealed their hands.

Brar: JHeart Suit9Diamond Suit
Reilly: JSpade Suit5Club Suit

Board: 9Club Suit8Club Suit3Diamond Suit3Club Suit9Spade Suit

Reilly was eliminated in eighth place and Brar was over 500,000 after the hand.

A Pair of Doubles

First, Anthony Harb was able to double up to 550,000 thanks to pocket aces in a hand where he shoved preflop against the pocket fives of Eric Crain (220,000). On the next hand Lev Rofman made kings up to double up to 335,000 through Jaspal Brar, who was left with just under 400,000 after the hand.

Player Tags: Eric Crain,   Jaspal Brar

Level 19 Update: Jean-Nicolas Fortin Eliminated in 9th Place

Level: 19

Blinds: 5,000-19,000

Players Remaining: 8 out of 535

Average Chip Count: 300,938

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Allen Cunningham – 385,000
Seat 2: Nicholas Halvorson – 150,000
Seat 4: Eric Crain – 497,000
Seat 5: Jaspal Brar – 252,000
Seat 6: Tim Reilly – 409,000
Seat 7: Anthony Harb – 386,000
Seat 8: Lev Rofman – 170,000
Seat 9: Kenneth Shelton – 160,000

Players Eliminated:

9th: Jean-Nicolas Fortin – $13,195

Live Updates:

Jean-Nicolas Fortin Eliminated in Ninth Place ($13,195)

Jean-Nicolas Fortin raised to 35,000 from early position preflop and Eric Crain reraised to 90,000. Fortin called all in for 12,000 and they flipped over their cards.

Crain: AHeart SuitKClub Suit
Fortin: ASpade SuitQDiamond Suit

Board: JSpade SuitJClub Suit2Club Suit9Diamond SuitKDiamond Suit

Crain won the hand to grow his stack close to 700,000 and Fortin was the first player eliminated at the final table in ninth place.

A Pair of Doubles

The first elimination was followed by two doubles ups by short stacks. First, Jaspal Brar survived thanks to pocket aces topping the pocket jacks of Eric Crain in a pot that was shoved preflop. Harb doubled to 385,000 and Crain was down to 500,000. Then it was Nicolas Halvorson survived with trip tens to take his stack to 150,000 against Brar (250,000 after the hand).

Tim Reilly Doubles Through Allen Cunningham

Allen Cunningham raised to 20,000 UTG+1 and Tim Reilly called on the button. Lev Rofman called on the big blind and the flop was dealt 7Club Suit6Club Suit6Spade Suit. Rofman checked and Cunningham bet 35,000. Reilly called and Rofman folded. The turn fell KSpade Suit and Cunningham bet 50,000.

Reilly raised all in for 137,000 and Cunningham called with 10Diamond Suit10Club Suit. Reilly flipped over ASpade SuitAClub Suit and they held up after the 3Diamond Suit peeled off the deck on the river. Reilly doubled to 400,000 and Cunningham was down to a little less than that.


Official Final Table Begins for Event No. 12 ($1,500 Pot-Limit Hold'em)

The final table of Event No. 12 ($1,500 Pot-Limit Hold’em) has begun, and Card Player will be posting level-by-level updates with all major hands, current chip counts, and prize payouts.

With the elimination of Robert Corcione in tenth place ($10,320), the nine-handed final table is now set. Play will begins in Level 19 with blinds of 5,000-10,000, and action will continue until a winner is determined. Play may be extended an additional day if it takes more than 10 levels to reach a winner as noted on the official structure sheet. With cards now back in the air, here is a look at the final table and how these players stack up:

Seat 1: Allen Cunningham – 452,000
Seat 2: Nicholas Halvorson – 110,000
Seat 3: Jean-Nicolas Fortin – 47,000
Seat 4: Eric Crain – 620,000
Seat 5: Jaspal Brar – 382,000
Seat 6: Tim Reilly – 282,000
Seat 7: Anthony Harb – 178,000
Seat 8: Lev Rofman – 200,000
Seat 9: Kenneth Shelton – 160,000

While only 9 remain, this event attracted a field of 535 players, creating a total prize pool of $722,250, and the top 54 players made the money. Here is a look at the final table payouts:

1st Place: $166,136
2nd Place: $102,819
3rd Place: $68,322
4th Place: $50,709
5th Place: $38,055
6th Place: $28,839
7th Place: $22,050
8th Place: $16,994
9th Place: $13,195

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all major hands, current chip counts, and prize payouts.

Player Tags: Allen Cunningham,   Eric Crain
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WSOP Leaderboards

1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos