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Buy-In: $5,000
Prize Pool: $799,000
Entrants: 170

Event 37 - $5,000 Limit Hold'em

  • Jun 20, '13 - Jun 22, '13


Updates on Final Day (Jun 22, 13)


Michael Moore Wins Event No. 37 ($211,743)

Level: 28

Blinds: 50,000-100,000

Players Remaining: 1 out of 170

Players Eliminated:

2nd: Gabriel Nassif – $130,852

Live Updates:

Michael Moore Takes a Huge Lead

Michael Moore raised on the button preflop and Gabriel Nassif reraised. Moore called and the flop was dealt 7Heart Suit3Spade Suit2Diamond Suit. Nassif bet and Moore called. The turn brought the 9Heart Suit and Nassif bet. Moore called and the river delivered the 2Club Suit. Nassif checked and Moore bet. Nassif raised and Moore reraised. Nassif tank-called and Moore flipped over AClub Suit2Spade Suit. Nassif mucked and he was down to 580,000. Moore had a large lead at that point with 1.97 million.

Michael Moore Wins Event No. 37 ($211,743) — Gabriel Nassif Eliminated in Second Place ($130,852)

Gabriel Nassif raised on the button and Michael Moore reraised. Nassif reraised again and action continued until Nassif was all-in for his tournament life. The two players then tabled their hands.

Moore: 10Spade Suit4Club Suit
Nassif: QDiamond SuitJSpade Suit

Board: JClub Suit10Heart Suit8Heart Suit10Diamond Suit2Spade Suit

Moore won the pot and the tournament with trip tens. Nassif was eliminated in second place and took home $130,852 in prize money. Moore was awarded a gold bracelet and the top prize worth $211,743.

Be sure to check back with Card Player for all of your final table action, chip counts, and prize payouts for each gold bracelet event.

Player Tags: Gabriel Nassif,   Michael Moore

Level 27 Update: Michael Moore Takes the Lead as Final Table Hits 300 Hands

Level: 27

Blinds: 40,000-80,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 170

Average Chip Count: 1,275,000

Chip Counts:

Seat 7: Gabriel Nassif – 1,600,000
Seat 9: Michael Moore – 950,000

Players Eliminated:


Live Updates:

Michael Moore Takes the Lead Heads-Up

Gabriel Nassif raised and Michael Moore reraised preflop. Nassif called and the flop was dealt AClub Suit9Spade Suit8Diamond Suit. Moore bet and Nassif called. The 7Diamond Suit fell on the turn and Moore bet. Nassif raised and Moore called before the QClub Suit fell on the river. Moore checked and Nassif bet. Moore called and turned over AHeart Suit9Diamond Suit. Nassif mucked his cards and in doing so relinquished the chip lead to Moore as the heads-up final played late into the night.

Player Tags: Gabriel Nassif,   Michael Moore

Level 26 Update: Ronnie Bardah Eliminated in 3rd Place

Level: 26

Blinds: 30,000-60,000

Players Remaining: 2 out of 170

Average Chip Count: 1,275,000

Chip Counts:

Seat 7: Gabriel Nassif – 1,090,000
Seat 9: Michael Moore – 690,000

Players Eliminated:

3rd: Ronnie Bardah – $94,793

Live Updates:

Ronnie Bardah

Ronnie Bardah Eliminated in Third Place ($94,793)

Ronnie Bardah raised on the button preflop and Gabriel Nassif called on the small blind. The flop was dealt AClub Suit8Club Suit3Club Suit and Nassif checked. Bardah bet and Nassif check-raised. Bardah called all in for 33,000 and the two players tabled their cards.

Nassif: KClub Suit3Diamond Suit
Bardah: KSpade Suit9Heart Suit

Turn and River: 7Club Suit10Spade Suit

Bardah was eliminated in third place and thanks to a flush Nassif grew his stack to 1,680,000 in advance of the heads-up final against Michael Moore (870,000).

Player Tags: Ronnie Bardah,   Gabriel Nassif

Level 25 Update: Dom Denotaristefani Out 6th, Todd Witteles Out 5th, Brian Aleska Out 4th

Level: 25

Blinds: 25,000-50,000

Players Remaining: 3 out of 170

Average Chip Count: 850,000

Chip Counts:

Seat 6: Ronnie Bardah – 820,000
Seat 7: Gabriel Nassif – 1,090,000
Seat 9: Michael Moore – 690,000

Players Eliminated:

6th: Dom Denotaristefani – $40,205
5th: Todd Witteles – $52,582
4th: Brian Aleska – $69,968

Live Updates:

Dom Denotaristefani Eliminated in Sixth Place ($40,205)

Dom Denotaristefani moved all in for 48,000 and Ronnie Bardah called with the flop reading 10Spade Suit8Club Suit3Heart Suit. The two players then flipped up their cards.

Bardah: 8Spade Suit8Diamond Suit
Dom: AClub Suit9Spade Suit

Turn and River: 2Diamond Suit4Spade Suit

Dom was eliminated in sixth place and Bardah was up close to a million thanks to a set of eights.

Todd Witteles

Todd Witteles Eliminated in Fifth Place ($52,582)

Brian Aleska raised preflop on the cutoff and Todd Witteles reraised on the button. Aleska then reraised and Witteles five-bet all in. Aleska called and the two players tabled their hands.

Aleska: KSpade SuitQSpade Suit
Witteles: 7Club Suit7Spade Suit

Board: JHeart Suit8Diamond Suit4Heart SuitQHeart Suit3Diamond Suit

Witteles was eliminated in fifth place and Aleska grew his stack to 350,000 thanks to a pair of queens.

Brian Aleska Eliminated in Fourth Place ($69,968)

Brian Aleska raised all in preflop and Ronnie Bardah called. Gabriel Nassif also called and the two active players checked down a board reading KHeart Suit10Club Suit5Diamond Suit4Heart Suit2Heart Suit.

Aleska held JDiamond Suit8Club Suit and Bardah was behind with 9-7, but Nassif was ahead with QDiamond Suit3Heart Suit. Aleska was eliminated on the hand and Nassif won the pot to grow his stack to a chip-leading 1,090,000.


Level 24 Update: Another Level Full of Doubles

Level: 24

Blinds: 20,000-40,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 170

Average Chip Count: 425,000

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Brian Aleska – 347,000
Seat 3: Todd Witteles – 182,000
Seat 5: Dom Denotaristefani – 297,000
Seat 6: Ronnie Bardah – 770,000
Seat 7: Gabriel Nassif – 498,000
Seat 9: Michael Moore – 455,000

Players Eliminated:


Live Updates:

Gabriel Nassif Doubles Up Again

Gabriel Nassif raised preflop and Todd Witteles reraised. Nassif then reraised all in for 49,000 and Witteles called before they turned up their hands.

Nassif: AHeart SuitQHeart Suit
Witteles: ADiamond Suit2Club Suit

Board: 10Club Suit7Diamond Suit5Heart SuitKDiamond Suit9Diamond Suit

Nassif doubled up with a queen-kicker and he held 500,000 by the time the dinner break hit. Witteles was a lot lower at 200,000.

Michael Moore Doubles Up Through Ronnie Bardah

Ronnie Bardah raised preflop and Michael Moore reraised all in. Bardah called and the two players tabled their cards.

Moore: AHeart Suit4Heart Suit
Bardah: AClub SuitJHeart Suit

Board: 5Heart Suit4Diamond Suit2Heart Suit4Club Suit10Spade Suit

Moore won the hand with trip fours to double to 450,000 and Bardah was still cruising with the chip lead before dinner.


Level 23 Update: Gabriel Nassif Doubles Up

Level: 22

Blinds: 15,000-30,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 170

Average Chip Count: 425,000

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Brian Aleska – 700,000
Seat 3: Todd Witteles – 400,000
Seat 5: Dom Denotaristefani – 540,000
Seat 6: Ronnie Bardah – 500,000
Seat 7: Gabriel Nassif – 150,000
Seat 9: Michael Moore – 450,000

Players Eliminated:


Live Updates:

Gabriel Nassif Doubles Up Through Brian Aleska

Gabriel Nassif raised preflop and Brian Aleska reraised. The flop was dealt 8Spade Suit7Spade Suit7Heart Suit and Aleska bet. Nassif called and the turn fell 6Heart Suit. Nassif moved all in for 7,000 with pocket threes and Aleska called holding KClub SuitQSpade Suit. The river delivered the 5Spade Suit and Nassif won the hand to double up with 150,000. Aleska was still in control of the chip lead with 700,000.

Player Tags: Gabriel Nassif

Level 22 Update: Justin Bonomo Out 9th, Greg Mueller Out 8th, Ben Yu Out 7th

Level: 22

Blinds: 12,000-24,000

Players Remaining: 6 out of 170

Average Chip Count: 425,000

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Brian Aleska – 715,000
Seat 3: Todd Witteles – 587,000
Seat 5: Dom Denotaristefani – 405,000
Seat 6: Ronnie Bardah – 483,000
Seat 7: Gabriel Nassif – 136,000
Seat 9: Michael Moore – 225,000

Players Eliminated:

9th: Justin Bonomo – $19.863
8th: Greg Mueller – $24,721
7th: Ben Yu – $31,264

Live Updates:

Justin Bonomo

Justin Bonomo Eliminated in Ninth Place ($19,863)

Greg Mueller raised preflop and Justin Bonomo reraised all in. Mueller called and the two players tabled their hands.

Mueller: ADiamond Suit6Diamond Suit
Bonomo: JSpade Suit9Club Suit

Board: KClub Suit8Club Suit5Spade Suit10Heart SuitAHeart Suit

Bonomo was eliminated in ninth place and Mueller grew his stack to 250,000 thanks to a pair of aces.

Greg Mueller

Greg Mueller Eliminated in Eighth Place ($24,721)

Gabriel Nassif raised preflop and Greg Mueller reraised all in. Nassif called to cover him and they turned over their cards.

Nassif: AHeart SuitJSpade Suit
Mueller: ASpade Suit4Heart Suit

Board: KDiamond SuitKSpade Suit8Spade Suit5Spade Suit2Diamond Suit

Mueller was eliminated in eighth place and Nassif grew his stack to 150,000 thanks to a jack-kicker.

Ben Yu Eliminated in Seventh Place ($31,264)

Todd Witteles raised preflop and Ben Yu called. The first three cards hit 7Diamond Suit5Club Suit3Diamond Suit and Yu raised. Witteles raised and Yu called all in. The two players then revealed their hands.

Witteles: JDiamond Suit7Heart Suit
Yu: JHeart Suit4Heart Suit

Turn and River: ASpade Suit10Heart Suit

Yu was eliminated in seventh place and Witteles was up to 600,000 thanks to a pair of sevens.

Player Tags: Greg Mueller,   Justin Bonomo,   Ben Yu

Level 21 Update: A Pair of Doubles

Level: 21

Blinds: 10,000-20,000

Players Remaining: 9 out of 170

Average Chip Count: 283,333

Chip Counts:

Seat 1: Brian Aleska – 720,000
Seat 2: Greg Mueller – 260,000
Seat 3: Todd Witteles – 400,000
Seat 4: Ben Yu – 170,000
Seat 5: Dom Denotaristefani – 400,000
Seat 6: Ronnie Bardah – 310,000
Seat 7: Gabriel Nassif – 150,000
Seat 8: Justin Bonomo – 75,000
Seat 9: Michael Moore – 120,000

Players Eliminated:


Live Updates:

Gabriel Nassif

Gabriel Nassif Doubles Through Greg Mueller

Gabriel Nassif raised preflop and Greg Mueller called. The first three cards were dealt AHeart Suit7Heart Suit4Club Suit and Mueller bet. Nassif raised and Mueller reraised. Nassif called and the turn fell QHeart Suit.

Mueller bet with 6Spade Suit5Spade Suit in the hole and Nassif called all in holding pocket eights. The river brought the 9Heart Suit and Nassif was able to double up to 110,000 with a pair of eights. Mueller held 220,000 after the hand.

Justin Bonomo Doubles Through Greg Mueller

Justin Bonomo raised and Greg Mueller reraised preflop. Bonomo called all in with ADiamond SuitJDiamond Suit and Mueller held KDiamond SuitJHeart Suit. The board was dealt QDiamond Suit7Diamond Suit5Spade Suit5Diamond SuitKSpade Suit and Bonomo doubled up to 75,000. Mueller was down to 160,000 after the hand.


Official Final Table Begins for Event No. 37 ($5,000 Limit Hold'em)

The final table of Event No. 37 ($5,000 Limit Hold’em) has begun, and Card Player will be posting level-by-level updates with all major hands, current chip counts, and prize payouts.

With the elimination of Steve Landfish in tenth place ($16,211), the nine-handed final table is now set. Play will begin in Level 20 with limits of 8,000-16,000, and action will continue until a winner is determined. Play may be extended an additional day if it takes more than 10 levels to reach a winner as noted on the official structure sheet. With cards now back in the air, here is a look at the final table and how these players stack up:

Seat 1: Brian Aleska – 325,000
Seat 2: Greg Mueller – 292,000
Seat 3: Todd Witteles – 316,000
Seat 4: Ben Yu – 149,000
Seat 5: Dom Denotaristefani – 399,000
Seat 6: Ronnie Bardah – 420,000
Seat 7: Gabriel Nassif – 75,000
Seat 8: Justin Bonomo – 185,000
Seat 9: Michael Moore – 363,000

While only 9 remain, this event attracted a field of 170 players, creating a total prize pool of $799,000, and the top 18 players made the money. Here is a look at the final table payouts:

1st Place: $211,743
2nd Place: $130,852
3rd Place: $94,793
4th Place: $69,968
5th Place: $52,582
6th Place: $40,205
7th Place: $31,264
8th Place: $24,721
9th Place: $19,863

Be sure to check back with Card Player at the conclusion of each level for regular updates with all major hands, current chip counts, and prize payouts.


Event No. 37 Final Day Updates Begin with Official Final Table of Nine Players

The final day of Event No. 37 ($5,000 Limit Hold’em) begins with 12 players from the initial field of 170 and they will be playing down to a champion tonight. Cards get into the air at 2 p.m. PT and that’s when the remaining field will begin to march down to the final table. Notables still in the hunt include Todd Witteles, Ronnie Bardah, Gabriel Nassif, Justin Bonomo, and Greg Mueller.

Card Player will bring you level-by-level updates with chip counts and payouts once the official final table begins with the final nine players in the event. Tune back in at that time to see which player will walk away with the top prize of $211,743 and a World Series of Poker gold bracelet.

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WSOP Leaderboards

1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos