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Buy-In: $1,500 + $150
Prize Pool: $410,310
Entrants: 282

$1,650 No-Limit Hold'em $300K GTD

  • Feb 07, '15 - Feb 09, '15


Updates on Final Day (Feb 09, 15)


Fred Paradis Wins Card Player Poker Tour Foxwoods Main Event

Fred Paradis

That’s a wrap! Fred Paradis has won the CPPT Foxwoods main event. After three days, Paradis overcame a field of 282 to win the lion’s share of the $410,310 prize pool.

Paradis had a massive chiplead over Dilipkumar Patel and made the call with ASpade Suit7Spade Suit. Kumar had moved in with KClub Suit3Club Suit and the board ran out AClub Suit8Diamond Suit3Diamond SuitJHeart SuitQHeart Suit to send him to the rail in second place.

The two had already agreed to a chop for $70,000 each and played for the remaining $11,528 and the trophy.

With that, Paradis earns the biggest tournament cash of his career at $81,528 and a CPPT Championship title!

Player Tags: Dilipkumar Patel,   Fred Paradis

Level 31

The final two players have returned to Level 31 with blinds at 50,000-100,000 and a 10,000 ante.


Break Time

The final two players are on a 10-minute break.


PJ Caruso Eliminated 3rd ($37,954)

PJ Caruso

PJ Caruso moved all-in with ADiamond SuitJHeart Suit and Dilipkumar Patel called with 5Diamond Suit5Club Suit. The board was fanned 6Spade Suit3Diamond Suit2Spade Suit3Club Suit9Club Suit and Caruso was eliminated.


Level 30

Play continues without a break into Level 30. Blinds are now at 40,000-80,000 with a 10,000 ante.


Paradis Coming Back

Fred Paradis

Fred Paradis has won several big pots without showdown since coming back from dinner. The most recent being a pot where he raised on the button 120,000. Dilipkumar Patel three-bet to 360,000 and Paradis four-bet to 820,000. Patel folded and Paradis is now up to over 3.2 million.

Player Tags: Dilipkumar Patel,   Fred Paradis

Frank Sgambata Eliminated 4th ($30,157)

Frank Sgambato

After being short-stacked the entire day, Frank Sgambato made an impressive fourth place finish.

Immediately after losing Jay Feingold, Sgambato was all-in for about 780,000 with KSpade SuitQClub Suit. PJ Caruso – while still stacking chips from busting Feingold – called. Caruso showed AHeart SuitQSpade Suit and the board ran out 9Club Suit7Diamond Suit6Diamond SuitASpade SuitQDiamond Suit.

Player Tags: Frank Sgambato,   Jay Feingold

Jay Feingold Eliminated 5th ($22,157)

Jay Feingold

With the board reading 10Club Suit7Club Suit5Diamond Suit, Jay Feingold checked and PJ Caruso raised to 200,000. Feingold moved all-in for about 600,000 and Caruso called.

Feingold: 10Diamond Suit5Diamond Suit
Caruso: KHeart Suit10Heart Suit

The board completed KDiamond Suit7Heart Suit and Feingold was eliminated.

Player Tags: Jay Feingold

Level 29

Players have returned from break to Level 29. Blinds are at 30,000-60,000 with a 10,000 ante.


Dinner Break

The remaining five players are now on a one-hour dinner break.

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