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Buy-In: $9,700 + $300
Prize Pool: $5,238,000
Entrants: 540

WPT Championship Event - Event 10

  • Sep 15, '06 - Sep 19, '06


Updates on No-Limit Hold'em Final (Sep 19, 06)


Mark Newhouse Wins The Borgata Poker Open ($1,519,020)

149. Chris McCormack gets a walk on his big blind.

150. McCormack limps from the small blind and Mark Newhouse checks.  The flop comes KheartKspade10club and McCormack bets out.  Newhouse folds and McCormack wins the pot.

151. Newhouse moves all in and McCormack calls.  Newhouse shows QdiamondQheart and McCormack turns over AdiamondJclub.  The board comes 10spade5diamond4spade10clubQspade and Mark Newhouse has eliminated Chris McCormack in second place.

Chris McCormack finishes second and wins $802,895.

Mark Newhouse wins the tournament and $1,519,020 as well as the $25,000 entry into the WPT Championship.

Hands 138- 148

138. Mark Newhouse gets a walk on his big blind.

139. Mark Newhouse raises to $600,000 and Chris McCormack folds.

140. McCormack moves all in from the button and wins the pot.

141. McCormack gets a walk on his big blind.

142. Newhouse gets a walk on his big blind.

143. Newhouse moves all in and McCormack folds.

144. Newhouse gets a walk.

145. McCormack gets a walk.

146. Newhouse gets a walk.

147. Newhouse moves all in and McCormack folds.

148. McCormack moves all in and Newhouse folds.

Blind Increase

The blinds have been increased to $100,000-$200,000 with a $20,000 ante.

Chris McCormack Doubles Up

136. Mark Newhouse gets a walk on his big blind.

137.  Newhouse moves all in and Chris McCormack makes the call for his last $1,245,000.  McCormack turns over Aspade8diamond but Newhouse turns over KclubKdiamond.  The board comes AclubQspade2diamond5clubJheart and Chris McCormack hits his ace to double up.

Updated Chip Counts

1. Mark Newhouse - $12,000,000

2. Chris McCormack - $1,700,000 


Hands 130-135

130. Mark Newhouse gets a walk on his big blind.

131.  Chris McCormack gets a walk on his big blind.

132. Newhouse gets a walk on his big blind again.

133. Newhouse moves all in preflop and McCormack folds.

134. Newhouse gets a walk on his big blind.

135. Newhouse moves all in and McCormack folds his hand.

Hands 124-129

124.  Chris McCormack limps from the button and Mark Newhouse checks his big blind.  The flop comes 10diamond9diamond5spade and both players check.  The turn is the 2diamond and Newhouse bets $300,000.  McCormack makes the call and the river is the 10heart.  Newhouse bets $500,000 and McCormack folds.

125. McCormack gets a walk on his big blind.

126. McCormack raises to $360,000 and Newhouse makes the call.  The flop comes 10club7club6diamond and both players check.  The turn is the 10heart and they check again.  The river is the Aheart and they check again.  McCormack shows pocket threes and Newhouse mucks.

127. Newhouse raises to $400,000 and wins the pot.

128. Newhouse wins in a walk on his big blind.

129. Newhouse raises to $400,000 and McCormack makes the call.  The flop comes Qdiamond7club3spade and McCormack bets $500,000.  Newhouse makes the call and the turn is the 5heart.  Both players check and the river is the Jheart.  McCormack bets $500,000 and Newhouse raises to $1,500,000.  McCormack thinks for a few moments before making the call.  Newhouse shows Qspade10diamond and McCormack mucks his cards.

Hands 118-123

118. Chris McCormack raises to $360,000 and Mark Newhouse makes the call.  The flop comes AspadeKheart9heart and McCormack bets $600,000.  Newhouse makes the call and the turn is the Qdiamond.  Both players check and the river is the Aclub.  Both players check again and Newhouse turns over 9spade5heart for two pair.

119. Mark Newhouse raises to $400,000 and McCormack folds.

120. Newhouse gets a walk on the big blind.

121. McCormack gets a walk on his big blind.

122. Newhouse gets a walk on his big blind.

123. Newhouse raises to $400,000 from the button and McCormack raises to $1,800,000.   Newhouse folds and McCormack wins the pot.

Updated Chip Counts

1. Mark Newhouse - $9,500,000

2. Chris McCormack - $4,000,000 


Mark Newhouse Doubles Up

116. Chris McCormack raises to $360,000 from the button and wins the pot.

117. Mark Newhouse raises to $400,000 from the button and and Chris McCormack calls.  The flop comes Kdiamond8club5spade and Newhouse bets $800,000.  McCormack raises to $3,000,000 and Newhouse moves all in.  McCormack immediately calls and shows Kspade7club but Newhouse turns over Kclub5club for two pair.  The turn is the 4diamond and the river is the 3heart.  Mark Newhouse has doubled up and taken over the chip lead.
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