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Buy-In: $10,000
Prize Pool: $2,951,600
Entrants: 314

Event 50 - World Championship Pot-Limit Omaha

  • Jul 01, '07 - Jul 02, '07


Updates on Final Day (Jul 03, 07)


Hour Seven

Blinds Raised
The blinds are now $80,000-$160,000.

Patrick Antonius Eliminated 3rd ($311,394)
Antonius is down to his last $415,000 and moves all in with AK82.  He is called by Rob Mizrachi with AA65 and the board comes Q753J, Mizrachi makes the nut flush and takes down the pot.  Antonius is eliminated in 3rd place.

Heads Up Chip Counts
Here are the chip counts for heads up play

Rob Mizrachi -- $4,685,000
Rene Mouritsen -- $1,710,000

Mouritsen Doubles
Mouritsen raises to $480,000 and Mizrachi puts him all in with 6443.  Mouritsen makes the call, and tables A863.  The board comes A106A2 doubling up Mouritsen.

Rob Mizrachi Wins Event 50 ($768,889)
Mouritsen raises to $480,000 on the button and Mizrachi smooth calls.  The flop comes Q93 and Mizrachi pushes all in.  Mourisen makes the call and tables AQ76, while Mizrachi shows 10995.  The turn comes 5 and river 6, Mizrachi's hand holds up and he takes down the pot and the tournament.  This is the first Mizrachi to win a WSOP bracelet, an he now hold bragging rights over his brothers Eric and Mike.  Rob Mouritsen takes home $464,877 for second place.

Player Tags: Robert Mizrachi,   Patrik Antonius

Hour Six

Antonius Doubles
Antonius moves in from the button and is called by Rene Mouritsen with A763.  Antonius tables 10972 and the board comes A968K Antonius makes the straight and doubles up to over $800,000.
Player Tags: Rene Mouritsen,   Patrik Antonius

Hour Five

Tommy Ly Eliminated 4th ($209,564)
Antonius raises to $280,000 and Rene Mouritsen reraises to $880,000.  Ly tanks, then goes all in for his tournament life.  Antonius folds and Mouritsen tables AQQ2.  Ly shows down AK102 and the board comes 87348.  Ly doesn't improve and is eliminated in third place.

You Cannot Beat Patrik
Antonius raises to $280,000 and is called by Rob Mizrachi in the big blind.  The flop comes KJ10, Mizrachi checks and Antonius checks behind.  The turn is the J, Mizrachi checks and Antonius bets out $200,000.  Mizrachi makes the call and the river is the 9.  Antonius moves all in for his last $660,000 and Mizrachi makes the call.  Antonius casually flips over the AQ, for a royal flush and a cheer/gasp travels throught he ESPN arena.  Mizrachi shows two tens, for a full house then mucks.

Players are on a 15 minute break.

Player Tags: Rene Mouritsen,   Patrik Antonius

Hour Four

Patrick Can Lose
Contrary to popular belief, Partick Antonius can lose a hand. Antonius raises to $210,000 under the gun and is called by Rob Mizrachi from the big blind. The flop comes K87, Mizrachi checks and Antonius bets, putting Mizrachi all in. Mizrachi calls and tables the flush with QJ87 while Antonius shows down AKQ10. The next two cards come 6J, and Mizrachi doubles up.

Marco Traniello Eliminated 5th ($156,435)
Mizrachi limps on the button, Antonius completes from the small blind and Traniello checks out of the big blind. The flop comes A102, Antonius checks, Traniello checks and Mizrachi bets out $85,000. Antonius makes the call, as does Traniello. The turn comes K, and again Antonius and Traniello check. Mizrachi fires a pot sized bet of $435,000, Antonius folds, and Traniello makes the call for his tournament life showing Q922. Mizrachi has AQJ7, and the turn comes K giving him the nut straight. The river comes 4, Traniello cannot improve and is eliminated in fifth place for $156,435.

Blinds Raised
The blinds are now $40,000-$80,000 with $80,000-$160,000 betting limits.

Hour Three

Players are on a 15 minute break.

Blinds Raised
The blinds are now $30,000-$60,00

Doyle and Antonius Tangle Again
Antonius raises to $210,000 and Brunson again calls out of the big blind.  The flop is 952, and Brunson leads out $450,000 putting Antonius all in.  Antonius makes the call and shows J976 while Brunson tables AQJ9.  The next two cards come 10Q, Antonius makes a flush and takes a huge chunk of Brunson's stack.

Antonius Finishes the Job, Doyle Brunson Eliminated 6th ($123,967)
Action is folded to Brunson in the small blind, he raises and Antonius puts him all in.  Brunson makes the call and shows down 9884, while Antonius tables Q763.  The board is dealt A73105, Antonius makes the best hand, sending Brunson to the rail in sixth place.  As he left the ESPN final table, he received a great round of applause from the crowd and the players at the table.

Player Tags: Doyle Brunson,   Patrik Antonius

Hour Two

Steven Ladowsky Eliminated 7th ($92,975)
Rob Mizrachi and Tommy Ly limp then Ladowsky checks in the big blind.  The flop is 942, and both Ly and Ladowsky check.  Mizrachi bets out $95,000, Ly mucks and Ladowsky shoves over the top.  Mizrachi insta-calls and Ladowsky tables 9335.  Mizrachi shows down 101087 and has the lead in the hand.  His lead doesn't last long, as the turn bring the 3.  Ladowsky takes a commanding lead, but he is eliminated when the river brings the 10, giving Mizrachi a higher set.  Ladowsky is sent to the rail in seventh place.

Different Styles
The chip leader Tommy Ly and second place player Rob Mizrachi are employing differently play styles.  Ly is limping and checking, while Mizrachi is entering most pots with raises.

Doyle vs Antonius
Antonius raises to $140,000 under the gun and Brunson calls out of the big blind.  The flop comes 965 and Brunson leads $150,000.  Antonius puts Brunson on a weak hand, and he moves all in for his last $275,000.  Brunson needs only a minute to make the call and he tables J765 while Antonius shows AQ93.  Then next two cards come Q7, Antonius makes the best hand and doubles up to over $800,000.

Brunson Going for Number 11

Doyle Brunson has made the final table of the $10,000 PLO event.  If he wins today he would tie Phil Hellmuth for the most WSOP bracelets , with 11.   Coverage is underway, here are the chips counts:

Robert Mizrachi- - $1,090,000
Tommy Ly -- $1,895,000
Rene Mouritsen -- $775,000
Patrik Antonius -- 650,000
Doyle Brunson -- $510,000
Jonas Flug-Entin -- $445,000
Marco Traniello -- $420,000
Stephen Ladowski -- $360,000
Steve Sung -- $175,000

Steve Sung Eliminated 9th ($50,177)
Sung raises to $105,000 and is called by Marco Traniello and the flop comes Q109.  Traniello leads for $70,000 and Sung moves all in over the top.  Traniello makes the call and tables top set with Q-Q-7-4.  Sung shows aces with A-A-K-9, and need help.  The turn and river come 67, Sung fails to improve and is eliminated in ninth place for a $50,177 payday.

Doyle Maneuvers
Robert Mizrachi limps, Brunson limps and Patrik Antonius raises to $120,000.  Mizrachi calls and Brunson reraises to $480,000.  Antonius tanks, then folds and Mizrachi quickly folds as well.  Brunson is showing why he is one of the best in the world.

Jonas Flug-Entin Eliminated 8th ($69,363)
Rob Mizrachi calls, Patrick Antonis calls, Brunson calls and Flug-Entin checks on the big blind.  The flop comes 1088 and Flug-Entin leads for $135,000.  Mizrachi raises to $270,000, both Brunson and Antonis muck, and Flug Entin makes the call for his torunament life.  Mizrachi tables AQ87 and is in the lead against Flug Entin's K874.  The next two cards come 92, and Mizrachi's A plays as the kicker for trip eights, eliminating Flug Entin in 8th place.
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WSOP Leaderboards

1 Daniel Negreanu
2 Antonio Esfandiari
3 Phil Hellmuth
4 Justin Bonomo
5 Daniel Colman
6 Fedor Holz
7 Jonathan Duhamel
8 Ben Heath
9 Alex Foxen
10 Adrian Mateos