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Buy-In: $5,000
Prize Pool: $902,400
Entrants: 192

Seven Card Stud

  • Jun 23, '05 - Jun 25, '05


Updates on Final Day (Jun 25, 05)


Jan Sorenson Wins Event #23 ($5,000 Seven-Card Stud)

Jan Sorenson Wins Event #23 ($5,000 Seven-Card Stud), winning $293,275 and a coveted World Series of Poker bracelet. Keith Sexton finishes in second place, earning $162,430.


Hand 253 - Sexton has the bring-in, Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Hand 254 - Sorenson has the bring-in, Sexton completes to $15,000, Sorenson raises to $30,000, and Sexton goes all in. Sexton has K-K-8, and Sorenson has 9-9-3. Fourth street: Sexton has K-K-8-3, and Sorenson has 9-9-3-7. Fifth street: Sexton has K-K-8-3-2, and Sorenson has 9-9-3-7-8 with four hearts. Sixth street: Sexton has K-K-8-3-2-X, with four spades, and Sorenson has 9-9-3-7-8-7 (two pair). Seventh street: Sexton's last card is a useless 6, while Sorenson catches a 9 to make a full house (nines full of sevens). Keith Sexton is eliminated in second place, earning $162,430.

Jan Sorenson Wins Event #23 ($5,000 Seven-Card Stud), winning $293,275 and a coveted World Series of Poker bracelet.


Hand 250 - Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Hand 251 - Sexton has the bring-in, Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Hand 252 - Sorenson has the bring-in, Sexton completes to $15,000, and Sorenson folds.

Keith Sexton Doubles Up

Hand 249 - Sorenson has the bring-in, Sexton completes to $15,000, Sorenson raises to $30,000, and Sexton calls all in for $27,000. Sexton has 6-3-3, and Sorenson has A-7-2. Fourth street: Sexton has a pair of threes and three clubs, Sorenson doesn't improve. Fifth street: Sexton makes sixes and threes, Sorenson has A-7-10-9-2. Sixth street: Sexton makes four clubs, and Sorenson makes no pair, and is drawing dead. Keith Sexton doubles up.


Hand 246 - Sorenson has the bring-in, and Sexton folds.

Hand 247 - Sexton has the bring-in, Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Hand 248 - Sorenson has the bring-in, Sexton completes to $15,000, Sorenson raises to $30,000, and Sexton calls. Fourth street: Sexton bets $15,000, and Sorenson calls. Fifth street: Sexton checks, Sorenson bets $30,000, and Sexton calls. Sixth street: Sorenson bets $30,000 with a pair of nines, and Sexton calls. Seventh street: Sorenson bets $30,000 in the dark, and Sexton folds.


Hand 241 - Sorenson wins the pot with a bet on fifth street.

Hand 242 - Another huge pot, but this time Sorenson took it with a bet on Seventh street.

Hand 243 - Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Hand 244 - Sorenson bets on Fifth street, and Sexton folds.

Hand 245 - Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.


Hand 238 - Sexton has the bring-in, Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton calls. Fourth street: Sorenson bets, and Sexton folds.

Hand 239 - Sorenson has the bring-in, Sexton completes to $15,000, Sorenson raises to $30,000, and Sexton calls. Fourth street: Sorenson bets $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Inopportune computer crash. Brief summaries to follow from scribbled notes.

Hand 240 - This was a huge pot, with action all the way down to seventh street. Sexton bet on the end, and Sorenson folded.



Hand 235 - Sexton has the bring-in, Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Hand 236 - Sexton has the bring-in, Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Hand 237 - Sexton has the bring-in, and Sorenson folds.


Hand 232 - Sexton completes to $15,000, and Sorenson folds.

Hand 233 - Sorenson has the bring-in but completes to $15,000, Sexton raises to $30,000, and Sorenson folds.

Hand 234 - Sexton has the bring-in, Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton calls. Fourth street: Sorenson bets $15,000, and Sexton calls. Fifth street: Sorenson bets $30,000, and Sexton calls. Sixth street: Sexton bets $30,000, and Sorenson calls. Seventh street: Sorenson bets $30,000, and Sexton calls. Sorenson shows a six-high straight to win the pot.


Hand 229 - Sexton has the bring-in, Sorenson completes to $15,000, and Sexton folds.

Hand 230 - Sexton wins on third street.

Hand 231 - Sorenson completes, and Sexton calls. Fourth street: Sexton bets $15,000, Sorenson raises to $30,000, and Sexton folds.
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