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World Series of Poker -- Francesco 'Cheech' Barbaro Wins Event No. 3

Barbaro Earns $262,283 For The Victory


Francesco Barbaro

A total of 925 entrants turned up for the biggest Omaha Hi-Lo tournament in World Series of Poker history. After three long days of play, Chicago’s own Francesco “Cheech” Barbaro claimed the title, along with $262,283 and his first bracelet.

The 37-year-old entered the final day as the chip leader and though he stumbled a bit to start the final table, his stack was never really in any jeopardy. With five players remaining, the former bartender took over and began to dominate.

A flopped straight helped him to take out tournament regular Matt Waxman in third place and he made short work of a short stacked Kostas Kalathakis a few hands later, sealing his victory. Incredibly, this was the first WSOP event that Barbaro has ever entered.

Crowd favorite Humberto Brenes also made the final table searching for his third career bracelet, but couldn’t ride his dwindling chips any further than sixth place. Check out the final table standings below.

1. Francesco Barbaro — $262,283
2. Kostas Kalathakis — $161,675
3. Matt Waxman — $104,770
4. Bradley Helm — $76,673
5. Michael Deveronica — $56,943
6. Humberto Brenes — $42,857
7. Cameron McKinley — $32,654
8. Vladimir Shchemelev — $25,174
9. Travis Pearson — $19,617

Here’s a look at how the final table played out according to Card Player’s live updates.

Travis Pearson

Travis Pearson Eliminated in 9th Place ($19,617)

Kostas Kalathakis raised before the flop and Travis Pearson called.

The flop came 9Heart Suit 8Heart Suit 7Club Suit , Kalathakis bet, Pearson raised and Kalathakis called.

The turn was the 5Heart Suit, Kalathakis checked, Pearson bet and Kalathakis called.

The river was the 10Spade Suit, Pearson got his last 8,000 in and Kalathakis called.

Kalathakis showed ASpade Suit 2Club Suit 3Spade Suit 10Club Suit for top pair on the river. Pearson mucked a pair of sevens and is eliminated in 9th place ($19,617).

Vladimir Shchemelev

Vladimir Shchemelev Eliminated in 8th Place ($25,174)

Bradley Helm came in for a raise on the button and Vladimir Shchemelev called from the big blind.

The flop came KSpade Suit 7Diamond Suit 6Club Suit, Shchemelev checked, Helm bet, Shchemelev check-raised, and Helm called.

The turn was the 6Spade Suit, Shchemelev bet and Helm called.

The river was the 3Diamond Suit, Shchemelev moved all in and Helm called.

Shchemelev showed ADiamond Suit KHeart Suit 7Club Suit 3Spade Suit for two pair (high) and no low while Helm showed AClub Suit JDiamond Suit 5Heart Suit 4Club Suit for a seven-high straight.

Cameron McKinley

Helm scooped the half-million chip pot and Vladimir Shchemelev was eliminated in 8th place ($25,174).

Cameron McKinley Eliminated in 7th Place ($32,654)

On a flop of JDiamond Suit 5Club Suit 2Club Suit, Cameron McKinley bet, Bradley Helm raised, McKinley four-bet and Helm called.

The turn was the 5Heart Suit, McKinley bet, Helm raised, McKinley three-bet all in and Helm called.

McKinley showed ASpade Suit AClub Suit 7Club Suit 2Heart Suit for two pair and the nut flush draw while Helm showed ADiamond Suit Spade Suit 4Diamond Suit 2Spade Suit for a full house.

The river was the 8Diamond Suit and Cameron McKinley was eliminated in 7th place ($32,654).

Humberto Brenes

Humberto Brenes Eliminated in 6th Place ($42,857)

Humberto Brenes raised from the button and Kostas Kalathakis called from the big blind.

The flop came AHeart Suit JSpade Suit 10Club Suit , Brenes moved all in and Kalathakis called.

Brenes showed ADiamond Suit QHeart Suit 8Spade Suit 4Diamond Suit for top pair while Kalathakis showed KSpade Suit QSpade Suit JHeart Suit 3Heart Suit for the nut straight.

The turn and river were the 9Diamond Suit and the 8Diamond Suit and Humberto Brenes was eliminated in 6th place ($42,857).

Michael Deveronica

Michael Deveronica Eliminated in 5th Place ($56,943)

A severely short-stacked Michael Deveronica raised from under the gun and Matthew Waxman called from the small blind.

The flop came AHeart Suit KSpade Suit 6Spade Suit, and Deveronica got his last 10,000 in.

Deveronica showed QClub Suit 10Diamond Suit 9Heart Suit 9Diamond Suit while Waxman showed QHeart Suit JSpade Suit 3Diamond Suit 2Diamond Suit.

The turn and river were the ASpade Suit and the QDiamond Suit, giving Waxman two pair. Michael Deveronica is eliminated in 5th place ($56,943).

Bradley Helm

Bradley Helm Eliminated in 4th Place ($76,673)

Bradley Helm came in for a raise on the button and Francesco Barbaro was the only caller.

The flop came QClub Suit 8Heart Suit 2Heart Suit, Helm moved all in for 65,000 and Barbaro called.

Helm showed KHeart Suit KClub Suit 9Diamond Suit 7Diamond Suit for an overpair of kings while Barbaro showed QHeart Suit 7Club Suit 6Club Suit 3Spade Suit for top pair.

The turn was the 7Spade Suit, giving Barbaro two pair and the river was the 6Heart Suit, no help to Bradley Helm who was eliminated in 4th place ($76,673).

Matthew Waxman

Matthew Waxman Eliminated in 3rd Place ($104,770)

Francesco Barbaro raised from the button, Matthew Waxman three-bet from the big blind and Barbaro called.

The flop came 10Spade Suit 9Diamond Suit 8Heart Suit, Waxman bet, Barbaro raised and Waxman called.

The turn was the QSpade Suit, Waxman checkefd, Barbaro bet and Waxman called.

The river was the KClub Suit, Waxman checked, Barbaro bet enough to put Waxman all in and Waxman called. Waxman showed AClub Suit KSpade Suit 2Spade Suit 10Heart Suit for two pair while Barbaro showed ASpade Suit JDiamond Suit 10Club Suit 7Club Suit for the ace-high straight on the river. Mathew Waxman is eliminated in 3rd place ($104,770).

Kostas Kalathakis

Francesco Barbaro Wins Event No. 3 ($262,283)
Kostas Kalathakis Eliminated in 2nd Place ($161,675)

Francesco Barbaro entered heads-up play with a chip lead of over 4,000,000 to 150,000 after eliminating Matthew Waxman in 3rd place.

On the second hand of heads-up play, Kostas Kalathakis opened for a raise and Francesco Barbaro reraised enough to put him all in. Kalathakis called all in and showed AClub Suit QDiamond Suit 10Spade Suit 6Diamond Suit while Barbaro showed 9Club Suit 5Heart Suit 5Diamond Suit 4Diamond Suit.

The board came 7Club Suit 6Spade Suit 4Spade Suit 7Spade Suit QClub Suit, giving Kalathakis top two pair. Kalathakis doubled up this hand.

Not long after doubling up, Kalathakis got it all in before the flop with JHeart Suit 9Diamond Suit 8Spade Suit 7Heart Suit against Barbaro’s QHeart Suit QDiamond Suit 3Spade Suit 3Club Suit.

The board came KSpade Suit 10Spade Suit 9Club Suit 5Club Suit KClub Suit, giving Barbaro the best two pair. Kostas Kalathakis is eliminated in 2nd place ($161,675) while Francesco Barbaro wins the gold bracelet in Event #3 ($262,283).