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Fabrice Soulier Wins $10K H.O.R.S.E Championship

Poker Pro Captures First Bracelet and $609,130


Credit: World Series of Poker

It took 11 years of play at the World Series of Poker for Fabrice Soulier to win his first bracelet. The 42-year-old professional took down the $10,000 H.O.R.S.E championship on Friday for $609,130, after outlasting a field of 240 over four days of play.

Soulier, who is the third French bracelet winner this summer, had to outlast one of the toughest final tables of the Series. All eyes were focused on Tom Dwan also trying to win his first, but Soulier remained the force at the final table, beating out Dwan and the likes of Andrey Zaichenko, Daniel Ospina, Matthew Ashton, Michael Binger, Jacobo Fernandez, and eventual runner-up Shawn Buchanan.

“I feel very emotional right now,” the champion said in a press release. “I almost cried when I won. I had to hold back my tears. I feel great. This is the best day of my poker career, by far.”

Below are the elimination hands as featured in Card Player’s live updates:

Jacobo Fernandez

Jacobo Fernandez Eliminated in 8th Place ($61,160)

Stud 8

Jacobo Fernandez entered the official eight-handed final table as the short stack and quickly got it all in against Tom Dawn in the Stud 8 round.

Fernandez: KSpade Suit 8Heart Suit 7Diamond Suit 6Club Suit 6Heart Suit 5Heart Suit
Dwan: AHeart Suit10Diamond Suit 7Spade Suit 7Club Suit 6Diamond Suit 4Club Suit 3Club Suit

Dwan went on to make a pair of sevens to beat Fernandez’s pair of sixes, giving him the pot and eliminating Jacobo Fernandez in 9th place ($61,160).

Michael Binger Eliminated in 7th Place ($73,328)

Omaha 8

Michael Binger opened the pot for 80,000 before the flop, Andrey Zaichenko reraised to 120,000 and Binger called all in.

Binger: QHeart Suit 8Diamond Suit 3Heart Suit 2Diamond Suit
Zaichenko: AHeart Suit QClub Suit 4Spade Suit 2Spade Suit

The board came 7Diamond Suit 5Spade Suit 3Club Suit 10Heart Suit 6Spade Suit, giving Zaichenko a six-high straight and the nut low to scoop the pot. Michael Binger was eliminated in 7th place ($73,328).

Matthew Ashton Eliminated in 6th Place ($101,813)

Matthew Ashton

Omaha 8

Matthew Ashton bet 40,000 on a flop of JDiamond Suit 4Spade Suit 3Club Suit and both Andrey Zaichenko and Shawn Buchanan called.

The turn was the 2Spade Suit, Ashton bet, Zaichenko called, Buchanan raised, Ashton called all in and Zaichenko called the raise.

The river was the KHeart Suit, Zaichenko checked the side pot, Buchanan bet and Zaichenko folded.

Ashton: ASpade Suit ADiamond Suit 6Spade Suit 2Heart Suit
Buchanan: AClub Suit 9Heart Suit 8Diamond Suit 5Diamond Suit

Buchanan turned the wheel to scoop the pot and eliminate Matthew Ashton in 6th place ($101,813).

Tom Dwan Eliminated in 5th Place ($134,480)

Tom Dwan


Tom Dwan entered Level 25 as the short stack and was eliminated shortly after it began in a round of Seven Card Stud.

Shawn Buchanan completed the bet with the 8Diamond Suit on third street, Tom Dwan raised the ASpade Suit and Buchanan called. Dwan bet out on both fourth and fifth streets. Buchanan called on fourth and raised on fifth. Dwan three-bet, Buchanan four-bet and Dwan called all in.

Dwan: KHeart Suit 9Spade Suit ASpade Suit 8Heart Suit 9Club Suit
Buchanan: JDiamond Suit 8Spade Suit 8Diamond Suit 5Club Suit ADiamond Suit

Dwan was ahead on fifth street when the money went in with a pair of nines against Buchanan’s pair of eights. Buchanan caught the 4Diamond Suit on sixth street and the 6Diamond Suit on the river to make a flush. Dwan failed to improve and was eliminated in 5th place ($134,480).

Daniel Ospina Eliminated in 4th Place ($180,750)

Daniel Ospina


Shawn Buchanan opened for a raise from under the gun, Daniel Ospina moved all in with the short stack from the small blind, Fabrice Soulier called from the big blind and Buchanan called the raise.

The flop came JClub Suit 9Club Suit 4Heart Suit and both players checked the side pot.

The turn was the 9Diamond Suit, Soulier bet and Buchanan folded.

Soulier turned over 4Diamond Suit 4Club Suit for a full house while Ospina was drawing dead with QDiamond Suit 10Diamond Suit. The river was the 8Heart Suit and Daniel Ospina was eliminated in 4th place ($180,750)

Andrey Zaichenko Eliminated in 3rd Place ($247,799)

Andrey Zaichenko


Fabrice Soulier brought it in with the AHeart Suit, Shawn Buchanan called with the 7Spade Suit, Andrey Zaichenko raised all in for 70,000 with the 5Heart Suit and both players called. Both players checked the side pot until sixth street when Buchanan bet out and Soulier folded.

Zaichenko: JSpade Suit 8Spade Suit 5Heart Suit 2Diamond Suit 10Spade Suit 5Diamond Suit 5Club Suit
Buchanan: 10Club Suit 7Heart Suit 7Spade Suit 7Club Suit AClub Suit 6Club Suit JDiamond Suit

Buchanan scooped the pot with trip sevens and Andrey Zaichenko was eliminated in 3rd place.

With the elimination of Andrey Zaichenko in 3rd place, Shawn Buchanan took the chip lead going into heads-up play with 4,455,000 to Farbrice Soulier’s 2,820,000.

Shawn Buchanan Eliminated in 2nd Place ($376,458)

Shawn Buchanan

Omaha 8

Shawn Buchanan entered the final day with a chip deficit of more than 6:1 with just 910,000 to Fabrice Soulier’s 6,290,000 in chips. Buchanan couldn’t really get anything going this afternoon and was eliminated in 2nd place shortly after the day began.

Fabrice Soulier button-raised before the flop and Shawn Buchanan called from the big blind.

The flop came 10Club Suit 8Diamond Suit 4Heart Suit, Buchanan bet, Soulier raised, Buchanan reraised, Soulier four-bet and Buchanan called all in.

Buchanan: JDiamond Suit JClub Suit 10Spade Suit 7Heart Suit
Soulier: QDiamond Suit JSpade Suit 8Heart Suit 6Heart Suit

Buchanan was ahead with a pair of jacks when the money went in on the flop, but the turn and river were the ADiamond Suit and the 6Spade Suit, giving Soulier two pair on the river to scoop the pot. Shawn Buchanan was eliminated in 2nd place ($376,458) while Fabrice Soulier wins the gold bracelet for Event #37 and the $609,130 grand prize.

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