5050 Poker Suspended by Maltese RegulatorLotteries and Gaming Authority Requests Information From Players With Money On Site |
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The regulator has asked players with money stuck on the site to contact them with details. In a statement on its website it said, “The Lotteries and Gaming Authority hereby notifies that the remote gaming licence LGA/CL3/337/2007 held by 5050 Poker Limited has been suspended as of 27th June 2012.
“5050 Poker Limited operated a Class 3 licence (for Poker) through URL www.5050poker.com
“Other types of games offered through www.5050poker.com are not licensed by the Lotteries and Gaming Authority. Players who deem to have any outstanding payments due to them on the mentioned licence are to send an email to complaints@lga.org.mt and should submit the following information:
1. Name and Surname
2. Registered Address
3. Date of Birth
4. Certified True Copy of Passport, or ID Card or Driving Licence (by email or post)
5. Telephone Number
6. User Name
7. Amount of Claim of Balance or pending Cash Out
8. Screenshot of Balance or any Cash Out’s pending (if not available estimated balance)