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WATCH: Insane High-Stakes Poker Bluff Catch In Nearly $1 Million Pot

Alan Keating Battles Peter Wang Again During A Recent High Stakes Poker Episode


After Alan Keating’s recent triple-barrel bluff against Peter Wang on High Stakes Poker secured the investor a six-figure pot, the two tangled again in an even bigger pot.

However, Keating wasn’t the one bluffing in this hand. On the contrary, he made an insane call for all his chips.

Three players took a flop of AClub SuitKSpade Suit7Spade Suit and Keating checked from the big blind. The preflop raiser bet $4,000 from the cutoff and Wang raised on the button to $13,000 with 6Spade Suit3Spade Suit. Then, Keating check-raised to $41,000 with 9Diamond Suit7Diamond Suit. The original raiser folded and Wang called.

Despite having just bottom pair, Keating was a 62% favorite to win the hand, according to the Card Player Poker Odds Calculator.

The turn produced 6Heart Suit, giving Wang a pair of sixes but still leaving him behind. Keating odds increased to 68% and he contemplated his options before firing $51,000.

Wang thought for a while before raising to $175,000. Keating called, bringing the pot to more than $440,000. The river brought the 4Heart Suit and Keating checked. That quickly brought an all-in from Wang.

Keating then went into the tank, facing a decision for his remaining $235,000.

“This might be the best or worst played hand of all time,” Keating said as he weighed whether to commit more chips to the pot.

Would he make a hero call with third pair facing the possibility his opponent had an ace, king, a set, or two pair? The answer is yes. He eventually made the call and raked a pot of $911,000.

“This guy is a special talent,” commentator Nick Schulman said of the unlikely call.

Watch the complete hand below.

This becomes just the latest clash between these two. The previous hand saw Keating’s bluff pay off to the tune of more than $287,000.

Keating has appeared on shows like Hustler Casino Live, No Gamble No Future, and Poker After Dark. The 38-year-old investor and poker player has seen losses of more than $2 million in those appearances, according to

These two hands against Wang have now cut into those losses substantially. He was also involved in a big pot on another episode of High Stakes Poker, recently winning $149,000 against Mark Kulick. Wang is no stranger to high-stakes cash games and has racked up winnings of more than $2.5 million on Hustler Casino Live.

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*Photo by PokerGO – Antonio Abrego