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WSOP: Jens Voertmann Wins Event No. 22

Voertmann Overcomes a Stellar Final Table for his First Bracelet


After a grueling two days of play, the $3,000 H.O.R.S.E. event returned to play down to a champion with a few more players than originally scheduled. Because of a long night of play the day before, action was halted when the field reached the final two tables. With 16 returning players, tournament directors predicted a long road to the bracelet. In just two short hours, however, the field was trimmed to the final eight.

Here were the chip counts and seating assignments heading into the final table:

Seat 1 - Rostislav Tsodikov - 140,000
Seat 2 - Doug Ganger - 405,000
Seat 3 - Jennifer Harman - 271,000
Seat 4 - Steve Zolotow - 180,000
Seat 5 - Jens Voertmann - 485,000
Seat 6 - Jared Davis - 185,000
Seat 7 - Hoyt Corkins - 595,000
Seat 8 - Marcel Luske - 572,000

Here are highlights from all of the action, as featured in’s live coverage of the final table:

Jennifer Harman Going Backwards - Stud 8

Jennifer Harman started the final table in rough shape after losing a big pot to Doug Ganger. Ganger held a six low and a pair of fives for high, but Harman couldn't get anything positive out of her seventh street squeeze. After the hand, Harman was the short stack with just 100,000.

Marcel Luske Takes Back the Chip Lead - Hold'em

On a flop of 1052, Marcel Luske bet and was called by Hoyt Corkins. The turn was the 10 and both players checked. The river was the K and Luske bet once again. Corkins called and mucked his cards after seeing the K9 of Luske. After the hand, Luske had chipped up to nearly 600,000 and regained the chip lead.

Jennifer HarmanJennifer Harman Eliminated in Eighth Place ($30,857) - Razz

Doug Ganger completed wth a 3 and Jennifer Harman called with a 6 in the door. Ganger continued to bet his hand all the way down to the river and Harman decided to go with hers. Harman didn't show her hand, but it appeared as though she made an 8-low. Ganger, however, turned over 7-5-4-3-2 to send her to the rail in eighth place.

Ross Tsodikov Eliminated in Seventh Place ($36,564) - Stud

Ross Tsodikov was forced to get it all in with a pair of nines, but Jens Voertmann made queens up to send him home in seventh place.

Steve ZolotowSteve Zolotow Eliminated in Sixth Place ($47,990) - Stud

Steve Zolotow was all in on fourth street against Hoyt Corkins, two cards later, Zolotow's pair of nines were drawing dead to Corkins nut spade flush. Zolotow was eliminated in sixth place.

Jared Davis Eliminated in Fifth Place ($61,702) - Stud

Jared Davis was on the short stack and desperate as he made a move with a pair of sixes, unfortunately for him, Jens Voertmann made a set of aces to eliminate him in fifth place.

Hoyt CorkinsHoyt Corkins Eliminated in 4th Place ($81,698) - Hold'em

Hoyt Corkins and Marcel Luske got it all in on a flop of AK10. Luske showed A9 for top pair, and Corkins was left praying for paint with KQ. The turn and river came A3, and Corkins was eliminated in third place.

Marcel Luske Crippled - Omaha 8

Marcel Luske lost a big chunk of his stack with a heart flush against Doug Ganger's full house. Neither played had a low and Ganger scooped the pot.

Marcel LuskeMarcel Luske Eliminated in Third Place ($110,264) - Stud

A very short stacked Marcel Luske was forced to commit the rest of his chips in Stud against Jens Voertmann. Voertmann's board read J9A78AK for a pair of aces, and Luske's board read 959Q4J. Luske needed to hit any one of his board cards to stay alive, but after squeezing it out, he mucked his hand. Luske was eliminated in third place.

Heads Up Begins

Jens Voertmann - 1,630,000
Doug Ganger - 870,000

Jens VoertmannJens Voertmann Wins Event No. 22 ($298,253) - Stud 8

After being crippled in an earlier Stud hand, Doug Ganger was forced to get it all in holding a board of 8899AK3. Jens Voertmann made the all in call on fourth street, and his board eventually ran out 557AJJ, giving him a better two pair. Ganger was eliminated in second place, earning $182,822 for his runner up finish.