The Night Train
Jul 13, '07
Gus Makes a Move, Runs Into Monsters
Seat one raises to $48,000, Tuan Lam calls, and Gus Hanson makes the call. The flop comes 10



, Seat one checks, Lam checks and Hanson bets $110,000. Seat one moves all in, and Lam makes the call. Hanson looks suprised, then mucks his cards. Seat one has a stack that almost reaches $1,000,000, but Lam has him covered. Seat one tables 10


, but is in serious trouble when Lam rolls over 8


for the full house. The next two cards come K


, and seat one is eliminated while Lam cracks the $2,000,000 mark.
Hanson Strikes Back
It is folded to Tuan Lam and he raises to $50,000 from the cutoff. Gus Hanson decideds to defend his big blind, and reraises to $148,000. Lam reraises all in, and Hanson goes deep into the tank. He is surrounded by ESPN cameras as he thinks. He finally makes the call for his last $690,000, and shows down 10


. Lam tables Q


, and Hanson is a huge dog. The flop comes K



, and Hanson spikes his two outer. The next two cards come 5


, and Hanson doubles up. All he could say was, "Sick, so so sick."
Brandon Adams Not Backing Down
Seat No. 1 raises to $48,000 and Adams immediately makes it $200,000 to go. Bill Edler is in the big blind and takes a long while before slowly mucking his cards. Seat No. 1 thinks for a bit before also folding. Very quietly and without showing down a hand, Brandon Adams has increased his stack to $1,380,000.
Isaac Haxton Picks On John Bird
John Bird limps from middle position and Isaac Haxton limps from the cutoff as well. The big blind checks his option and the three players see a 9



flop. Bird bets $40,000 and only Haxton makes the call. The turn is the 3

and both players quickly check. The river is the Q

and Bird checks. Haxton sits still for a few moments before announcing a bet of $100,000. Bird goes into the tank, agonizing over his decision. Eventually Bird says, "Will you show me if I fold?" Haxton stays quiet for about thirty seconds and then says, "I guess." Bird makes the call and Haxton shows A


for the nut flush. After the hand, Haxton says, "Well that worked well enough."
The very next hand on a board of A




Bird bets $100,000 and Haxton calls. The A

hits the river and Bird quickly checks. Haxton bets $175,000 and Bird mucks, clearly frustrated.
Alaei and Hamby Win Without Showdown
Daniel Alaei and Jared Hamby both won some sizable pots this level without showdown. Alaei raised to $44,000 and Diego Cordovez called. The flop brought the A



and Cordovez quickly checked. Alaei bet $64,000 after careful consideration and Cordovez folded. Alaei picked up another big pot before the flop when he once again raised just short of three times the big blind and a deep stacked player small blind reraised to $120,000. After a moment Alaei quietly announced all-in. His opponent folded and Alaei took another big pot down. Player of the year contender Jared Hamby picked up $42,000 each from three opponents with an all-in raise preflop. Winning pots without contest is always favorable. As Bill Edler told a reporter, "It's good work if you can find it."
Notable Chip Counts
Huckleberry Seed |
1,500,000 |
Gus Hansen |
1,406,000 |
David Tran |
1,300,000 |
Scotty Nguyen |
1,240,000 |
Humberto Brenes |
1,100,000 |
Kenny Tran |
491,000 |
Berry Johnston |
300,000 |
Poker Stars Online Qualifiers
Hevad "Rain" Khan |
2,400,000 |
Rep Porter |
1,480,000 |
Jeff "Mr. Rain" Banghart |
1,400,000 |
Ryan Lawrence |
1,100,000 |
Zhuang Han |
780,000 |
Jason Welch |
600,000 |
Brian Tracy |
500,000 |
Andrew Gunderson |
440,000 |
Player Tags: Gus Hansen, Diego Cordovez, Daniel Alaei, Tuan Lam, Brandon Adams, Jared Hamby, Isaac Haxton