Level 28: Sebastian Winkler Eliminated in 5th Place ($150,667)
Jul 01, '11
Blinds: 30,000-60,000 with a 10,000 ante
Players Remaining: 4 out of 2,713
Average Chip Count: 3,052,125
Chip Counts:
1. Peter Ippolito – 3,890,000
2. Simon Charette – 3,720,000
3. Yevgeniy Timoshenko – 2,945,000
4. Athanasios Polychronopoulos – 1,555,000
5th. Sebastian Winkler – $150,667

Sebastian Winkler
Sebastian Winkler Eliminated in 5th Place ($150,667)
Yevgeniy Timoshenko opened for 120,000 before the flop, Simon Charette button-shoved, Sebastian Winkler called all in from the small blind and Timoshenko folded.
Winkler lead with A
against Charette’s A
The board came J
, giving Charette top two pair on the flop to win the pot. Sebastian Winkler was eliminated in 5th place ($150,667).
Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.
Player Tags: Simon Charette, Sebastian Winkler
Level 26: Burbick Eliminated 10th, Final Table Now underway
Jun 30, '11
NOTE: The day started with 30 players and resumed this afternoon at 2:30pm. With the elimination of Corey Burbick in 10th place ($37,394), the official nine-handed final table is now underway.
Blinds: 20,000-40,000 with a 5,000 ante
Players Remaining: 9 out of 2,713
Average Chip Count: 1,356,500
Chip Counts:
1. Tevgeniy Timoshenko – 2,450,000
2. Peter Ippolito – 1,725,000
3. Sven Heinecker – 1,550,000
4. Sebastian Winkler – 1,240,000
5. Athanasios Polychronopoulos – 1,200,000
6. Matt Stout – 1,175,000
7. Simon Charette – 1,100,000
8. Alexander Queen – 1,060,000
9. Heinz Pius – 600,000
1st. $650,223
2nd. $404,235
3rd. $286,118
4th. $206,348
5th. $150,667
6th. $111,341
7th. $83,286
8th. $63,032
9th. $48,272
Be sure to check back hourly for level-by-level updates of this final table.
Player Tags: Matt Stout, Yevgeniy Timoshenko, Sven Heinecker, Peter Ippolito, Simon Charette, Alexander Queen, Athanasios Polychronopoulos, Sebastian Winkler, Pius Heinz